Chapter 25

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Arabelle's POV

Walking in the huge house I'm mind blown the house is so pretty it's a grand stairwell with golden decorations. "Ready" Gio asks holding his hand out at the top of the stairs.

I take a deep breath before grabbing his hand. We walk down the stairs and everyone's eyes shoot to us causing Gio to squeeze my hand. I think he does it more for him than me you can tell he's nervous by the look in his eyes.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs were met with this older women with dark hair. Dress in this grand red dress with this huge bow if I had to take a wild guess I would say this is his mother.

"Son" the woman opens her arms for a hug but doesn't come towards Gio she goes behind us to Ryan. I hear Gio take a deep breath and clear his throat "Mom." I have to hold my breath to keep from laughing because you can tell Gio tried being enthusiastic but failed poorly.

"Giovanni" she greets him like you would someone you don't like with just a nod. Sensing the animosity I stick my hand out towards her. "I'm Belle" she looks at my hand with disgust before grabbing it. "Emily" her voice laced with distaste.

"Callie" she says bubbly smiling brightly at the wicked which of the Nile. I laugh at myself and everyone gives me a weird look. I mouth a sorry and take a small step back.

"Are you his girlfriend?" She looks at Callie the same way she looked at me. And Callie just starts laughing like a crazy person. "Me him no never in a million years no." She says in between her laughter.

Giving Callie one last look of distaste she looks at Gio and smiles. And may I add not the good kind of smile the smile that says I'm evil and I'm about to do something you don't like. "Stephannie's around her somewhere you should go find her."

"I rather not but if you'll excuse me I think my date would like to dance." He nods pulling us away from her.

"I can't dance" I whisper to him. "We're not going to dance at least not yet I just had to get us away from her before she bit your head off." I laugh as we make our way half way across the ball room to a table in the corner. There's only a boy at this table and he looks really familiar.

"Josh!!?" I yell finally realizing who it is. Both Josh and Gio both give me weird looks. Ignoring them I raise my mask and a look of realization past through Josh's eyes.

"Belle!! what are you doing here doll?" He hops up and pulls me into a really tight hug. And I mean really tight "can't breathe" I gasp out. He drops me and laughs "Sorry."
"It's fine I'm here with my friend Gio." I say gesturing to Gio. Josh sticks his hand out for Gio to shake "Josh" "Giovanni St.Clair." When Gio introduced himself Josh's eyes widen and he leans over to me and whispers "You know who his mother is right."

"Yea she's a witch"
"tell me about it" he says in a annoyed tone causing me to laugh.
"Wait how are you-" in the middle of my sentence Emily taps the mic. "Can everyone please take a seat so the auction can began." We all take out seats and the lights dimmed.

In the middle of the first item being auctioned I feel the vibration start. Looking over at Gio and he staring at the stage with a smirk on his face. "This isn't funny."

As soon as the words leave my mouth I feel the vibrator speeding up. Biting my lip to keep the moans in my mouth he leans over. "I find it funny."

"Asshole" I breathe out and he speed it up. Squirming in my seat I close my eyes trying to fight the moans that want to escape my mouth. Feeling close I squeeze my thighs together and just as i'm about to cum it stops.

"Punishment" he says smiling "Punishment for what" instead of answering my question he stands up. "80,000$" the crowd cheers while I'm just sitting here stunned. "80,000 going once going twice going Sold to my son Giovanni" his mom says.

"For not telling me your birthday is Monday" he sits down grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers.

"The auction is now closed. A huge thanks to everyone who purchased something know that your money is going to a very good charity." With his mother words the lights turn back on.

"Come on lets dance." Gio pulls me to the dance floor. I wrap my hands around his neck and he wraps his hand around my waist. "Just following my lead and you'll be fine." Nodding I start to sway at his lead.

"Who told you about my birthday?"
"Callie, she asked me how many karats did I get you." We laugh that sounds like her. "You know I have to be luckiest man alive because you're the only woman in this whole room that everyone can't keep their eyes off and your my date."

"You are pretty lucky huh" I joke "I am" We're both silent for a moment just dancing. It feels like everyone else isn't even in the room. He just stares at me with admiration and something else I can't really tell and I feel my heart swell. I feel a bitter sweet feeling in my heart it hurts to not be able to be with someone you love.

Lost in him I didn't notice everyone staring until the song came to an end and everyone starting clapping. Smiling at everyone we go make our way to our table. But on the way we're stopped by this run way model she tall blonde skinny and a jaw line that can cut through anything.

"Hey you here's 20$ go buy a toy or something." Scratch runway model the plastic doll really gave me 20$ to buy a toy really. "Stephannie" Gio says in a harsh tone. If this was a cartoon I'm pretty sure he would have smoke blowing out of his ears.

Clearing my throat "I think you need this more than I do you know to buy you a new attitude" I say giving her back her money. "Did you jus-" she starts to speak but Gio cuts her off. "Sorry I would love to sit and chat but we're leaving." He pulls us away from her before she can even respond.

We stop and tell Ryan and Callie we're leaving and tell his mom bye. Getting in the car we leave.

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