Chapter 20

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Arabelle's POV

Not at all in the mood today I hurry up and get dressed not bothering to do my makeup or my hair I rush out of my room before I'm late. Before I can get out the door my mom stops me "Make sure after school you come straight home we're having family dinner I have a surprise." Not really caring or having enough energy to say anything I just nod and leave.

The day dragged on before and I hated every part of it. Unlocking the door and walking into my house I see my mom all dressed in the kitchen cooking. When she sees me she smiles "Go get dressed and please fix your hair it looks like a bird's nest," Nodding I walk to my room and start to get ready. I put on a simple yellow spaghetti-strapped dress and straighten my hair.

I walk downstairs to see Jay and Ana setting the table dressed as well. When the table is set my mom tells us to take a seat. While we're sitting the doorbell rings and mom yells she'll get it I look at my sisters with a questioning look and they both just shrugged their shoulders.

After a few seconds, my mom comes in smiling with a tall brown-skinned breaded man. "Girls this is my new boyfriend Carter Carter these are my daughters Ana, Jessica, and Arabelle," my mom says gesturing to us. Carter sticks his hand out of each of us to shake Ana and Jay shakes his hand but I just stare at it like it's a foreign object. My mom clears her throat and gives me a look that says be nice but I just stare at her like she bat shit crazy because she has to be.

Carter lets out an awkward laugh dropping his hand "It's nice to meet you guys." We all take a seat and Jay sparks a conversation "So what do you do for a living." "I'm a lawyer," He says as my mom passes around the food. when everyone has their food we dig in."This is so good Michelle," he says with his mouth full for days My mom giggles before thanking him again this woman has lost her mind.

"How did you two met," Ana asks. "He brought his dog in to get a check-up and we just instantly bonded and he's been a patient ever since," she answers laying her hand on top of his. "Since you said since so how long have you been dating." I finally speak up and I see my mom's smile drop and she lowers her head. " Two years," Carter says causing my eyes to widen two years as in all the time I have never seen her when I need her two years she's been missing from all of our lives just to be with him. Getting up excusing myself from the table I start walking towards my room. I get a bag and put some clothes in it and grab the suit and my keys and leave.

While I'm driving my mom calls me then Jay then Ana not bothering to answer either I just keep driving. After an hour or so I make it to Gio's house I get my stuff then and ring his doorbell. After a little bit, Gio comes to the door only in his slacks and his hair looks all messy. "Rough day," I ask bitter-sweetly. He nods opening the door for me to come in. I go in and drop my bag heading straight for his kitchen. I grab a glass and then find the vodka saying forget the glass and just drink straight from the bottle.

Gio comes and takes the bottle from my hand I look at him confusedly but he just ignores me and puts the bottle up. "Party pooper" he chuckles and pulls me into the living room. "Didn't seem like a fun party to me," he says sitting down pulling me down on his lap. "What's wrong you seem angry." I let out a long sigh before speaking "So my mother decided after two years of her being distant to introduce her boyfriend who she's been dating for two years. And it's not like I'm mad she moved on well maybe a little bit but I'm madder at her for not being there. I mean we needed her so it didn't hurt as much but she wasn't there she would leave and not come back till mornings. And then Jay started leaving and she was never home. And Ana just copied what she seen them doing leaving. My home used to be so full of life but it seems like it's always empty now."

When I'm finished Gio wraps his hand around my waist "I'm sorry" he whispers I just nod not wanted to think about it anymore. I turn around to where I'm straddling him and kiss him. He breaks the kiss before it gets too far. "We should stop your upset." "I want this." And with that he grabs me and we go to his room.

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