Chapter 3

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Arabelle's POV

"Belle get up your going to be late" When I heard that I jumped up and look at the clock and see it's 8:30 my class starts in a hour. God I'm going to be late on my first day of college.

I rush into the bathroom shower do the essentials I don't have time for make up so lip gloss is all I put on. I mentally thank Jay for having my outfit already picked out and on my bed. I can admit her psychoness comes in handy. I put on the cropped black shirt and black high waisted flared black jeans and black flats.

Once I'm dress I grab my bag and head down stairs

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Once I'm dress I grab my bag and head down stairs. "It's a snack and a water bottle on the counter Jay said you have no time to eat you'll be late have a good day I love you" my mom said when she saw me. "Thanks I love you" I tell her while making my way to the kitchen and grabbing what she left for me and heading out the door to meet and very angry looking Jay. This is going to be a long drive I sign to myself.

After the longest car ride of a century we finally arrive at the University. I bid Jay goodbye and headed straight for my first class Philosophy 101. Why would they give me such a boring drawn out class first thing in the morning I have no clue. On my way to class I can't help but notice how empty the halls look I at my phone and see it's 9:40 I'm late!

I see the room where my class is and rush in forgetting to catch the door before it slammed. I just wanted to melt into a puddle everyone was looking at me and I was standing like a deer caught in head lights. And that's when I heard him "Seemings like we have a problem with being late and not looking where we're going isn't that right Ms.Jones"

Are all teachers rude or just this on? "I'm sorry I overslept" I said making my way to the only seat left which happens to be directly in front of him just my luck. "Yeah let's not make it a habit" the idio- I mean teacher says. "Yes sir"

"Like I was saying please take out you syllabus' that I asked you to print before the class." As he went over the syllabus I couldn't help but admire how he looked. With his striped shirt black tie he didn't wear his jacket which made his arms look way more defined.

I admired the way his jaw clenched when students would ask him to repeat himself

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I admired the way his jaw clenched when students would ask him to repeat himself. The way he stood demanding attention from everyone in the room. The way he held his head up. How clear and concise he spoke.

After a whole hour me just admiring the beautiful man that stood in front of me. He ended class "Don't forget to check you email for your list of books some can be found in the library some are not I expect you to have them by next week Thank you I'll see you on Wednesday"

As I was packing up to leave he spoke "Ms.Jones can I speak to you for a moment"
"Yes sir" I walked towards his desk where he was leaning with his hands in his pockets.

"I noticed you weren't paying attention wouldn't want to make that a habit" I mentally rolled my eye

𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘴 "𝘸𝘦" 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬

"Yeah disrespectful comments" he said with a smirk. I just said that out loud. "I apologize for the comment I wasn't meant to be said out-loud" I mutter the last part lowly.

Then he began walking towards me close enough for me to feel him breathing on my my ear and whispered "You should watch what you say then 𝘸𝘦 wouldn't want me to have to take you across my knee" empathizing the we. "N-no sir" I stuttered I never stutter but he was making my skin burn with the need to be touched by him.

"Good girl, you're dismissed" he turned around and went to his desk. I quickly make my way up the stairs to exit the class. Once I'm out of the class I released a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and made my way to my next class.

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