Chapter 32

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Arabelle's POV

Just my luck the house it's empty and quiet. I was praying someone would be here so I wouldn't have to deal with Mr.Iwantanswers. Here's what I'm thinking if I bolt right now I can lock myself in the room until someone comes. Another option I tell him what happened and let him help.

A reasonable adult would've taken the adult option and explained right. But reasonable adulting isn't really me thing. So what do I do I run do I get far of course not. Just when I was about to run up the stairs he grabs my wrist and pulls me to face him. I give him this wonderful smile hoping he'll think mmh that smile is amazing I shouldn't ask her what happened.

It didn't work he's giving me a cut the bullshit look. "What happened" again I decide to test my luck. "When" wrong answer literally, before I can blink he has his hand wrapped around my neck. I can't even think straight I feel his lips hovering over my ear his grip is firm but not enough to hurt I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle.

"You of all people should know how I hate repeating myself Amore. So you have about five seconds to tell me what the fuck happened or so help me god I'll fuck it out of you and every time you get close I'll stop until your screaming, begging, and telling me exactly what happened." He tightens his grip ever so lightly showing me he serious making heat rush to my core.

"Okay, in the boat I felt like I was being watch and like I heard a camera shutter. Then riding back I don't know I zoned out and didn't notice the car but when I did I moved but it sped up and it was coming straight for me so I turned into the grass then it sped away." Dropping his hand from my neck he pulls me into his chest.

"I'm fine I moved before they could even hit me" I smile softly into his chest to lighten the mood I guess. "I know Amore but if you had gotten hurt I probably would've lost my mind. Ti amo così tanto che non riesco nemmeno a immaginare la mia vita senza di te." He says the last part softly leaving a soft kiss on my head.

For about 5 minutes we just stand him just holding me like if he lets me go I'll break. I love him it's no questioning it I do I really do I love him so much. I hear the door unlocking so I try to break the hug key word try but he eventually releases me but he doesn't let go of my hand.

Opening the Door Sofia, Giovanni, and all the rest come flowing in the house with bags. "Belle your back we went to Mercato Testaccio and tonight we're making Melanzane di Parmigiana I would love for you to help." She says cheerfully.

"I would love to but I can't cook to save my life."

"It's fine I'll teach you and bambino your nonno is outside he wants your help building something." She says pushing Gio out the door and pulling me in the direction of the kitchen she's just as head strong as Gio mentioned.



"Ahh adulto I'm still waiting on the plans for your per sempre a casa" I chuckle at his traditional nickname and phrase. He came up with the nickname Grown man in contrast of my nonna's nickname for me baby. He's also been bugging me about when are we going to build my "forever home".

"In do time vecchio uomo" he chuckles at my nickname for him. "So what do you need help with" He gives me a smile and I automatically know I'm not going to like it. He plus out pencils and blueprints and a sheet of regular paper. "Your per sempre a casa" great a set up.

Hiii guys I'm back I know this is a short chapter but I wanted to give you guys something ❤️.

How's your summer going??

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