Chapter 16

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Arabelle's POV

I open the front door of my house to see my mom and Ana one the couch watching a movie. When my moms sees me she hops up and runs over to me. "Where have you been." 

I just stare at her dumbfoundedly. "I was um studying with a friend and ended up falling asleep. Sorry I forgot to text," I lie smoothly I kinda feel bad but what am I supposed to tell her I didn't come home because I'm was tied and fucked by my professor. She'd probably die on spot.

She stares at me for a moment I guess search for a lie before speaking "Okay just text or call next time I was worried." I'm surprised that she believed it but quickly cover my face with a smile. "I will" I hug her before making my way upstairs.

Before I reach my room a smirking Jay stops me. "Studying really you come home smelling like men's body wash in men's clothes and you have hickeys  on your neck and studying is your excuse." I freeze maybe if I stand here long enough she'll stop asking questions.

"The freezing things not going to work Belle," just as I was about to open my mouth I hear my phone. Sighing in relief when I see it's Callie I push past Jay and yell. "Sorry have to meet Callie we'll talk later."

Going in my room locking my door so Jay won't follow I text Callie back and change. I do a simple black tee with mom jeans and black heels. We're going to some type of art thing so I want to dress nice but comfortable.

After I'm done with hair and make up which consist of a low ponytail and for make up just lip gloss and mascara

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After I'm done with hair and make up which consist of a low ponytail and for make up just lip gloss and mascara. I text Callie telling her I'm ready since she's picking me up.

A little while later I get a text from Callie telling me she outside. I grab a light jacket and shout a bye to everyone.

I see Callie and get in "Hey girly" she says very chirpy but that's just who she is full of energy. "Hey, so what is the art thing you're taking" I say as she starts driving. "My mom works for this gallery owner and he gave her tickets for his new showing but my mom broke her leg and asked me did I want the tickets. And thought about you because when we were having coffee I remember you telling me you love art so I said yeah."

This is why I like Callie she's considerate and really sweet. "Thanks" she just nods turning up the radio.

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When we get to the huge building Callie goes to the front of the line giving the buff man her name. He checks his list then nods for us to go in. When we go in I'm stopped in my tracks this isn't a regular gallery the art work arranged on a curved wall like structure. And the art is beautiful.

Walking around with Callie I hear someone shouting I turn around to see Ryan coming near me. When he reaches me he pulls me into a hug. "I knew that was you thanks for coming where's Gio?"

Callie give me a questioning look and I just shake me head. "I'm here with my friend and what do you mean thanks for coming is this your gallery?" He shakes his head and laughs "Of course the idiot didn't tell you but yes this is my new gallery."

Just as I'm about to congratulate Ryan I see Gio coming and I freeze my eyes go wide. When he sees me his eyes light up and he comes right next to me hugging me and kissing my cheek. "Are you stalking me" he jokes while I let out an awkward laugh.

From the corner of my eye I see Callie surprised face turn into a smirk. "Look who's here not on time but at least you look decent" Ryan says gesturing to Gio's outfit. If I wasn't frozen I would tell Ryan to get his eyes checked because decent is a understatement. Gio's dressed in a navy blue collared shirt and navy blue slacks.

From my left side I hear Callie clearing her throat and all eyes snap in her direction

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From my left side I hear Callie clearing her throat and all eyes snap in her direction. "I'm Callie Belle's friend" she says sticking her hand out for one of the men to shake. "I know you your Sam's daughter where is Sam" Ryan says shaking Callie's hand.

"She broke her leg this morning and sent me instead she sends her congratulations as well,"  Ryan nods in response. She then places her hand in front of Gio "I know who you are Mr.St.Clair I took your class my freshman year didn't get as lucky as Belle though, " I choke on air.

"Excuse me I have to go to the restroom want to come with me Callie." "No I don't-" she stops mid sentence seeing the look I give her. "Yeah let's go."

We walk to the bathroom once the door closes Callie starts laughing. "I've had risky sex but you my friend take the crown," she says in between her laughter.

"Please don't tell anyone we're not dating it just sex." She zips her lips and throws the imaginary key. I just laugh at her "Lets go and please behave no more crazy comments."

She holds her hands up in a surrendering way before saying "I make no promises" rolling my eyes we exit the bathroom and go find the men.

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So Callie knows do we trust her ???

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