Chapter 12

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Arabelle's POV

After I got home yesterday Jay pressed me about where I was. To which I lied and said I was with friends so now she's in my room nagging about meeting these new friends I have. "Come on let me meet them" I just roll my eyes and push her out of my room closing the door in her face. Only because I think she knows I'm lying because she knows me making friends requires me to talk to people which just isn't me.

Sighing as I fall face first on my bed already over today. As I'm laying here I hear my phone ding I grab my phone and see Mr.St.Clairs name.

G.St.Clair : Goodmorning I was wondering if you wanted to come over today I'll make you dinner.

ME:Come over as in your house????

G.St.Clair: Yes 

I chew the inside of my checks while I weigh the options. Pro I'll be with him con I'll be with him but it beats being at home alone all day.

Me: Okay what time?

G. St.Clair: 5 work for you?

Me: Perfect

He sends his address which I see is quite far from here so I decide to get ready now. After showing I try to find something to wear but I don't have a clue what to wear do I do something dressy casual jeans shorts. Groaning I run my hands through my hair. This isn't me I don't stress about stupid outfits. Saying forget it I throw on a black spaghetti strap shirt with black matching shorts with a flannel and black and white vans.

After I'm dressed I check the time to see that its 3

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After I'm dressed I check the time to see that its 3. I go downstairs yell a bye not waiting for a response I head straight to my car.

After a hour drive I arrive at this huge house. Parking my car outside of the house I go to the door and ring the bell.

After a minute a so a causal looking Mr.St.Clair opens the door. "Arabelle" he greets with a nod. "Mr.St.Clair" I greet "Call me Gio where friends" I laugh a little at him calling us friends but I nod in response. "Your early I haven't even started cooking yet" he says while walking gesturing me to follow him. "I know but your house was pretty far from mine."

We enter a beautiful dark rustic looking kitchen. Everything is either dark brown or black his cabinets are a wooden this kitchen fits him perfectly. "I love your kitchen."  "Thanks" he says taking out bowels, pots, and different foods.

"What are you cooking?" "Pizza would you like to help?" he says smiling brightly

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"What are you cooking?" "Pizza would you like to help?" he says smiling brightly

"I would but I can't cook to save my life I burn water on the stove me and cooking just don't get  along."

He laughs but grabs my hand "I'll teach you."

After I wash my hands he grabs a bowel and places it in front of me. He then passes me Yeast, salt, sugar, oil, and flour. "Mix the yeast and sugar in first and the flour last little by little" I nod. While she goes to check whatever he's boiling in the pot i follow his directions exactly the way he said.

After mixing everything I get dough I scream and jump up and down clapping my hands. He walks over and looks in my bowel and smiles at me "It looks great now sprinkle the flour on the counter then knead dough until its firm. Do you want me to show you." He reaches his hand out to grab the bowel but i slap it away. "I can do it myself" he hold his hands to his chest surrendering and laughs. 

After sprinkle the flour on the counter I pour the dough on it and immediately start trying to knead it. Key word trying because as soon as I put my hands in it and try to pull it out the dough sticks. I hear a snicker to my left but to stubborn to ask for help I keep trying to knead it failing terribly. Sighing in defeat I look at him underneath my lashes pleading him with my eyes to come help.

"Does someone need help" he asks in a teasing manner "Yes" I say under my breath "what was that" he holds his hand to his ear but I know he heard it. "Yes I need help I told you I can't cook now help me." He laughs then comes over sprinkles flour on his hands. Then stands behind me  helping me get my hands out the dough. He then puts flour in my hands "Okay now try it" I put my hand in and it doesn't stick and I start knead or what  I think is kneading. "Your not doing in right." He grabs my hand and places his on top of my mine and helps me knead the dough he's careful not to put to much weight on my hands.

Once its in a ball like shape he moves. I want to whine because I miss his warmth but I stay quiet and wait for his next direction. "Now the the best part punch it" I look at him like he's crazy but he just chuckles and tells me to punch it so I do. "What was that you barley put a dent in it" I punch it again. "Harder" I punch it again "Oh come on that's the best you've got" so I punch it again but as soon as I punch it I wince and yelp. At first he looks surprised then he starts to look scared and he rushes over grabbing my hand looking for any sign of a bruise. Not being able to hold it in anymore I burst out laughing.

"Was that hard enough" he looks serious for a moment before he laughs. "You should've seen your face you were all like" I mimic his facial expressions causing him to laugh even harder.

After we collect ourselves he grabs the dough places it back in the bowel and placed a towel over it. "Okay the dough has to raise and the sauce is done. I'll clean the flour up and then give you a tour is that good?" "Yeah I'll help clean the flour."

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