Chapter 29

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Arabelle's POV

Waking up feeling someone shake me. Opening my eyes seeing Gio shaking me awake. "What" I say debating if I should just ignore him and go back to sleep. "Well I was going to wake you and tell you that if you wanted your surprise than we have to get dressed now because the plan leaves in a hour but now 45 minutes."

And he just walks off shooting out of the bed I rush to the bathroom. Looking at my self while the water heats I look happy tired but happy. Snapping out of my thoughts I step into the shower.

Not wanting to go through my bag I decide just grab something from Gio's closet. A yellow and sports shirt and his sweats pleased with the way I look I throw my hair in a ponytail and grab my bag.

 A yellow and sports shirt and his sweats pleased with the way I look I throw my hair in a ponytail and grab my bag

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Walking down the stairs I see Gio waiting for me wearing a simple outfit similar to mine. Reaching the bottom he takes my bag from my hand "You look nice in my clothes." Thanking him I rush him out the door I'm eager to know the surprise patience isn't really my thing. 

"Ready?" He smiles at me. Nodding eagerly like a kid hyped on candy he laughs and starts driving.

The whole drive was calming it wasn't long. Pulling into a long run way I see a plane with Gio's  last name on it. Raising my eyebrow at him "Mom bought it for my 30th birthday." Nodding my head in under stance with get out of the car.

Gio grabs the bags and walks over to a lanky pale skinned man he hands him the bags. Gio gestures me to enter the plane. Going in I'm amazed by the gray interior it gives off I'm rich vibes. I might need to be besties with the witch because I want one.

Walking more into the plane I see seats on one side and a couch on the other. I take a seat across from Gio "So are you going to tell me where we're going."

"There's a bed in the back through that door if you want to sleep because it's going to be a long flight." He just ignored my whole question. "I can't sleep on planes do you know where my bag is I have a book inside" he nods and goes somewhere to find my bag I guess.

Taking the time while he's gone to really look around the plane. It's a huge tell that his mother had it decorated it's all grey and sliver and shiny. The total opposite of him he likes wooden things things that have a certain rustic look to it.

So engrossed in my thoughts I didn't notice he was back until he cleared his throat. He hands me my book and I thank him.

After what seemed like forever the captain comes on the speaker telling us to buckle in our seat belt. Looking out the window I see it's dark but yellow lights from different buildings light up the sky.

5 minutes or so went by before the plane landed and the captain announced our arrival to Rome Italy. "No way" I look at Gio in disbelief but he just laughs grabbing my hand so we can exit the plane.

Walking out of the plane the I see the lanky man putting our bags into a black SUV. This older man tall and bulky in a black suit comes in our direction. "Giovanni" the man comes over to Gio and engulfs him into a friendly hug. "Simon is very good to see you" Gio exclaims genuinely.

They break their hug and Simon trues towards me "And who is this very beautiful woman." Sticking my hand out towards him "Arabelle" he shakes my hand "Beautiful name" I thank him. 

"We must go your grandmother insisted we have a late dinner for you she really is excited your here." Gio nods and leads us to the car once where in and settled Simon starts the car.

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