Chapter 19 : The Tribe's issues

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Nova's P.O.V

I was sitting on the dead tree by Erica's den. The sun was only just rising above the horizon. I let a sigh out it's been awhile now since I ran off on the tribe and my stomach felt like it had a knot in it 'sooner or later I'll have to go back.... Or do I ? Maybe Erica is right maybe I should just leave them....' speaking of Erica the glaceon has been acting odd lately ever since that night she disappeared for the night and in the morning she came back with scratches and blood stains 'what happened that night?.... Something must of went down but she won't tell me anything it's frustrating!' I flicker my leaf tail before I hear someone "Nova? Why you up so early?" I glance over to the den to see Erica emerge from it, looking rather tired. I give a soft smile "Eh I just.... Couldn't sleep" I tell her and it is the truth I couldn't sleep I keep getting these weird dreams and half of them I can't remember. The glaceon mad her way over to me and jumps up the fallen tree to sit beside me she then pushed against me making me purr with happiness she then gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Erica stop..." I giggle a bit honestly I was happier outside the tribe with Erica I loved sleeping beside her and spending most of my time with her was great "Why? I thought you liked the Attention" I placed my Leaf tail over her "yeah I do" I say then lay my head on her shoulder Erica gives a smirk before saying "So... your leaving the tribe? I assume so since it's been nearly a moon now since you left them" this made me frown 'why is it so hard?.... So complicated'' i shake me head "I don't know Erica...." The glaceon looks a bit confused "Well why don't you? You could go back and just tell them how you feel can't you?" I lifted my head back up and wrapped my tail around me giving her a sad look "That's just it.... I don't know how I feel, that tribe is my home and what about my parents? I couldn't possibly leave them" I say but I already knew how this is going to go me and Erica talked a lot about this. She wants me live with her and I'm to afraid to leave the group permanently. The glaceon looked annoyed but says "Alright then you do what you want but you know I'll be here when you finally come around" she then pawed me in the side almost pushing me off the tree but luckily I got a good grip on the trunk "HEY!" I Yelp. I then shove her back but of course it was a playful one but unfortunately for her being a glaceon her grip on the wood was poor so she did fall off falling to the grass it wasn't a far fall so of course she didn't get hurt or anything she just burst out laughing. I then jump to the grass as well and I let a giggle out before we both see a umbreon walk towards us "Milo! Hey I haven't seen you around lately" I say as he comes up to us Erica got to her paws fast giving him a look "Yeah it's like you disappeared" he just let a yawn out "Yeah probably because I'm nocturnal.... Also I've been busy lately" his red eyes had a dreamy look in them when he said that. Me and Erica share a look with one other before Erica speaks in a teasing tone
"Ooh La La who's the lucky girl you've met?" Milo looked surprised and nervous "Who said anything about a girl!?" I just chuckle "your expression just told us I saw that look in your eyes a mill away" the umbreon just shook his head in denial "No I think I would of told you if I've met someone" he says but I could tell he was lying to us. Erica just chuckles "What is it with guys where they feel the need to lie about something like meeting someone new or having a crush?" I giggle but then frown 'but we're no better, Milo is vary unaware that me and Erica are dating' Milo snorted "Oh please Erica I am not a liar and even if I did meet someone... t.that doesn't mean I like them!" He huffs puffing his chest out like he made a valid point but this only made Erica burst out laughing. It's not that it's not true but it is obvious that he has a crush on someone, his face was a light red now "hahah! Oh really?... heh why blush then?" The glaceon spat with laugher as she was now on the ground her eyes watering from laughing so much 'Erica really fines this that Funny?' I laugh a bit it was kinda funny and Erica was making me want to Burst into tears as well but I hold back not wanting to make Milo feel like a joke. The umbreon now looked out raged "Oh shut up Erica!" He growls but the glaceon refused to listen until I get a word in "Alright Erica that's enough" I say with a bit of giggles of my own the glaceon got back up wiping her eyes with her paw "Heh.. r.right well I guess we'll leave you alone Milo but I'll find out who she is eventually so you might as well spill the beans" the umbreon just rolled his eyes "whatever.... Say Nova have you left the tribe for good then?" He then asked me tilting his head a bit. Erica also looks at me now before answering for me "She doesn't want to leave... apparently" and there was that annoyed tone of hers. Milo just let a sigh out "Really Nova?.... Well if a life with the tribe is what you want." he says but I frown when I remember what is expected from me when I return 'they want me to mate with Gavin...but I can't I don't love him' I then tell him "It's not like that... it's just.... I don't want to leave my family behind I mean.. don't you miss yours?" I asked him and the umbreon just snorted "My parents wanted to control me... that's all that tribe is, Rules... you can't be your own Pokémon that's why they force us to evolve into leafeon's or be banished it's a cult that I wanted nothing to do with" his voice was dry with bitterness as if the tribe was a poison to his life, he clearly had a strong opinion about the tribe that he never shared with me until now that is. Erica shook her head "I don't know the tribe does seem odd to me, sometimes I wonder if there's something their hiding" I let a sigh out before saying "I'm going to look around for some prey" Erica nodded "Alright I'll join you soon" she tells me before going back to talking to Milo about the tribe.

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