Chapter 27 : Faint of Heart

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Erica's P.O.V

I woke fast feeling panicked. My heart was racing, I quickly looked around to see it was dark but I was safe in my den. I let a breath out feeling relieved. 'Another nightmare....' I should be use to it by now, ever since I found out about my dad being innocent I keep having the same dream. 'No... the same memory....' When I was a eevee and my sister took me away. I remember seeing another Pokémon approaching the den, the more I thought about it the more the Pokémon came to shape, and the more it started to look like. 'A jolteon.....could that be?.....' I let a faint sigh out. Not only was my father innocent, but Cora is related to me, and my sister. 'She was in on Cora's wicked ways....' I felt my stomach twist in a uncomfortable way. I rolled over to my other side to try and find sleep, but when I close my eyes all I can see is a room covered in blood stains with Cora standing over, his lifeless body. I snap my eyes open once again and this time I sit up feeling my breath thicken. It felt as if the walls where closing in on me. 'I need fresh air.' I then make my way outside. The grass was cold and wet, and the sky was filled with stars. The forest was quiet and the wind was still. I walk a bit farther away from the den before sitting in a spot where I had a clear view of the night sky. I looked up at the stars wondering if my father is watching over me from the golden forest, wondering if my mother and sister even made it. 'I never knew them but.... They cared for me right?.... Everything seems so messy.... I feel so lost.' I felt hopeless in my situation, at less Nova was back but I'm not sure if that is a good thing. 'The tribe still wants her and me.... And I'm putting her in danger with Cora, maybe she'd be better off without me.' I thought feeling tears filling my eyes. '....I just... I just want to run away!'  I froze at the idea of running away. Would that be possible? Could me and Nova just leave this place forever. 'No... Cora would hunt us down.... Or maybe she'd be to focused on her revenge..... but would Nova agree?'

"Erica?" My ear twitched and I turn my sight to see Nova. She looked worried. "Hey are you okay?" She asked me with such a soft voice. I quickly rubbed my eyes with my paw to try and get rid of the tears. "Ah sorry Nova... didn't mean to wake you." I tell her hoping she doesn't notice the distress in my voice. I did wish to tell her everything that is going on, but I wasn't going to put her life in risk. 'Cora said she'd kill her...' and I'd do anything to protect Nova. The leafeon sat beside me, her leaf tail resting on my lower back. ".....that doesn't answer my question.... Your crying." She stated. I could tell she was frustrated with me. I lower my head feeling trapped. I wanted to spill it all out but I my mouth was dry as a bone. I avoided her eyes as a spoke a lie that was some what true. "I... I just had a nightmare... couldn't fall asleep after, but I assure you I'll be fine." Nova looks at me for a heart beat before asking me. "Erica.... You, you wouldn't keep anything from me right? You'll tell me if something was going on?" I couldn't help but think she was being a hypocrite. 'She kept things a secret from me... with no real reason.... I'm keeping quiet because her life's on the line.' I then pull away from her touch, as much as I loved it and her I didn't want her to worry about me. Even if I desperately wanted her comfort. "I wouldn't Nova.... unless I had to." I tell her as I sat up. "Come on Nova let's go back to bed." I say before heading back. I noticed the leafeon  hesitated before following me. I entered the den and claps on my moss bed, Nova then curls up with me and lays her head on me. I blush a bit as she looks up at me. "Erica.... I love you." I felt my heart beat stop. I met her eyes as i replied. "Heh love you back." I say  giving her a kiss before laying my head down. As I close my eyes to find sleep, I swear I hear Nova whisper. "I'll find a way to help you even if you won't let me in."


I woke up to find I was alone in the den. I get up slowly feeling my head ache. I head outside to see it was bright and sunny and I see Nova. She runs up to me with a smile. "Hey your awake, I thought I'd let you know before taking off... I'm going to visit Milo and Quinn, I'll see you later alright." She then started to walk away. All I did was nod my head, I wanted to go with her but I felt like I shouldn't. 'I'll giver time alone...' although I hate being alone, it is the worst feeling. Once Nova was out of sight I make my way to the river only to be met With a jolteon wearing a black eye patch. I could feel my stomach twist as I now feel anxious. "Cora? Why are you here?" The jolteon gets to her paws and makes her way over. I always notice the scar on her chest and the way her footing is off slightly because of the twist in her paw. But don't be fooled by that, this jolteon has trained herself to fight vary well with these disabilities. Including her blind spot. Cora is well aware of her surroundings. You would think to come at her from the left where she can't see, but she knows. She always knows when someone is coming up on her. And despite a slight twist in her paw she can run and move vary fast, even faster then most jolteons. I wonder how she does it and a bigger mystery is what happened to her? Were did she get these scars from? Did someone do this to her? 'Is it why she want revenge on these Pokémon's?'
Cora then speaks. "Now that we're alone, I think we need to discuss our next move. I heard Glenn is around again." I back up from her feeling disturbed knowing her intentions. "No... I'm not helping you hurt another innocent Pokémon!" I growl but Cora just gives me a hard stare. And walks around me. "Hmm, like you have a choice? You better get on board Erica.. it would be ashamed is something happened to Nova, wouldn't it?" She says this with a smirk yet her tone was full of bitterness. She proceeds to talk, dragging her foot forward and tilting her head upwards. "I mean personally, I'd hate for that. She's such a lovely girl ain't she? Almost part of the family." I felt stuck, I knew that this was a threat. I knew vary well that if I said no she'd kill Nova. I avoid her eyes feeling helpless as always. "....fine, so where is this Glenn?" Cora then gave me space as she heads back to the water. She dips her paw in the water, looking at herself it appears. "Hmm, don't know. But I've heard your a great tracker." Her voice was softer now almost like she wasn't just throwing threats at me or planning a murder. If you didn't know Cora you'd think she was a sweetheart. 'I mean I thought she was nice when I first met her.' I then let a sigh out before asking. "You want me to track him down?" My voice was a bit shaken from all this. My heart was pounding. Cora leans to the river to take a few laps of water before lifting back up only a bit. She looks over at me with her one eye. " precisely." She then turns away from the river and makes her was through the grass. She stop before asking. "Can I trust you to bring him to me? Or should I go with you?" I didn't know how to answer, I didn't even know who this guy was. But before I could reply she answered for me. "You know what, you can take Lite with you. Return before midnight with Glenn." She then turns her back to me and started to pad away but i then call to her. "Cora wait!" She stops in her track and looks over her shoulders waiting for my reply. I felt nervous but there was something I needed to know. "What are you planning to do with that book? The Rise of Giratina?" I asked feeling nervous of what she'd say. She just narrowed her eyes at me, then turned away and continued to pad through the tall grass without a word. She soon vanished from sight and I felt frozen to the ground. 'What did I expect? Of course she's not going to tell me.... But I doubt it's anything good.'

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