Chapter 22 : Breakaway

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Nova's P.O.V

Darkness was all I could see. I stayed still feeling lost , there wasn't any noise or light. I glanced around to try and make out the area but failed. I then hear movement behind me, the sound of paws and I could feel a cold breeze but didn't know where it came from. "He-Hello?" I quietly breath out feeling scared. 'Where am I anyways?' I then hear some speak and it startles me as I hear a females voice "Nova?.... Are you Nova?" The voice seems nervous and yet desperate for an answer. I feel like my paws are rooted to the ground beneath me, I slowly turn my head to see a espeon standing behind me. I felt a bit of relief to see another pokemon, but I didn't know if I should tell her my name. 'mother taught me better then to talk to strangers.' I thought but then again I am lost and if I hadn't talked to strangers I wouldn't have met Erica. I let a shaky sigh out and turn around to face her, she was a few paws away from me keeping a distance between us. I then analyze her carefully, she was about my age and not going to lie but she was a stunning sight, nice fur and eyes that shine with light and her sent was sweet. "It's alright, I'm harmless... you don't need to be afraid." She assured me. I nod my head before I finally find my voice deciding that I could trust her. "Yes... I'm Nova, I'm sorry am I supposed to know you?" I ask feeling a bit odd as I thought about the situation now. 'How did I even end up here? I don't remember walking here.' The espeon then offers a smile to me. "No... you wouldn't know me." She says with a smooth tone before taking a few paws steps forward. "But I've been watching you, for sometime now." She continued. Now I was a alarmed, this espeon was stalking me. 'How the heck? How did I not notice that?' But she must of read my mind because she let a snort out. "It's not like that... Nova you know how you got here?" She then asked flickering her tail and I shake my head. "That's because you aren't actually here... your asleep right where you fell asleep... I've been trying to contact you for awhile but your hard to reach." She explained as if it was obvious. I open my mouth feeling all the more confused. "I'm sorry, What? What do you mean!? Brought me here? And where is here? It's so dark I'm surprised I can even see you!"
I ended up yelling at her, but she remained calm but her next set of words would change everything. "Here... we are in the spirit realm, the place where the dead come.. I thought you knew Nova, that your different. That you are gifted to see and speak with the spirits... where you unaware?" Her eyes lock with mine as she asked me looking a little worried. I broke eye contact and looked to the blackness of the ground now analyzing everything that happened. 'I'm...I'm different?... is that why I have these odd dreams?... those visions?.... Are.. are they real?' I then feel her tail bruh beneath my chin, I tilted my head back up to see her looking at me with what appears to be hope. "I know this might be a lot to take in Nova, but I need your help. Your the only spiritual Pokémon around these parts, witch means your the only one who can help." She says but her voice seems a little faded now and I start to feel dizzy, but I keep my eyes on her feeling a bit anxious . I try to keep it together as best as I can "Help? What can I possibly do to help?" I asked my voice barely a whisper, I could feel my legs start to give out from under me. 'What's happening to me?' She must of notice my behaviour because her ears drop and her eyes fill with panic, she then yelled out as fast as she could "Cora! Her name is Cora, you must—-"



I snap my eyes opened gasping in shock as chills run through me. I felt like I had woken from a bad dream and my ears where ringing as the voice echos in my head 'Cora! Her name is Cora, you must-' I scratch at the ground as I was still laying in my moss bed now feeling anxious. 'I must... must I what?..who's Cora?... is she in danger? Dose that espeon want to save her from some sort of danger?' I let a sigh out as my head pounded. I then sit up only to be filled with more stress. 'Right... I'm in the tribe.... Erica!' Suddenly it all came back to me like I had forgotten. That dream or whatever it was completely took my mind elsewhere. 'How can I help someone else when I can't even help myself?' I then felt my eyes start to water as I start thinking about Erica, then I remember see the glaceon standing over the cliff watching as the tribes leader falls to his death, doing nothing to pervert it from happening, but Nova would always remember the look off fear and horror written on glaceons face. 'No Erica... it wasn't your fault... I know it wasn't... I.. I have to find you!...' my mind was racing and I stand up in the den, and glanced outside seeing two leafeon sitting at the entrance to make sure I didn't run away. I frown my leafy ears dripping down in disappointment. 'How do I get out?.... Ugh Gavin he can't make me stay! This is criminal!' Speaking of Gavin I hear paw steps outside the den. "Is she awake now? I'd like to talk to her." It was Gavins ugly voice, I narrowed my eyes as I hear one of the other glaceon say "yeah she's up now." I then see the leafeon walk in. A harden expression planted on his face. I let a small growl out trying to hind the hurt behind my eyes. 'The tribe is no long her my home, and so far they are becoming my foe, I cannot show weakness.' He then looked me over before asking me. "Why did you leave the tribe?..." his voice was ice cold, I could tell he was angry but he was trying to hold himself together. I just snort. "And why would I tell you? It's not like you'll let me go!" I keep my eyes on him untrusted. He let a snarl out. "How dare you talk back to me!... I'm trying to reason with you, all I ask... you didn't actually love that murderous glaceon did you?" I could feel my blood flow faster boiling with rage now. I then hiss as I jump up to stand taller then him Making sure to stand facing him to let him know I would not obey him. "Erica is no murderer! And yes I do love her! And I don't care of the punishment!...I'm not afraid you." He stumbled backwards shock lite in his eyes and I would of to, no one in the tribe really knew me or what I was capable of. I've never spoken this loud to anyone other then my uncaring father. I then leap at him aiming my claws at him but missing the sun as he moves away looking outraged. He bites his teeth together growling at me "Enough of this nonsense Nova! I had enough of this! Your my mate, you will listen to me and stop acting like a rogue!" I just hissed in return and this time successfully scratch him across the face, I was blurry with anger I didn't realize how close to the eyes I was aiming until I heard a loud cry come from him. And felt blood on my paw rundown my leg I looked at my paw for a moment feeling my heart drop when I looked at Gavin. Blood ran down his check and he slowly looks at me. Relief that his eye was still there but a nasty wide scratch running straight up across his right eye. And I could see his right was was starting to look cloudy. 'Oh Shit....I.. I didn't mean to blind him!' Panic racing through me now. But Gavin didn't say anything he just looked at me, a twisted smile crossed his face as he chuckled. Then start to laugh. 'Why's he laughing?.... And why is that a scary reaction? He should be pissed off right? Yelling at me... even attacking me?' I felt sick to my stomach, he then speaks his voice was dry "I see... I see how you want it, well if you won't love me, I'll force you to! Starting by teaching you manors..." I hold my ground after hearing this. Hold his glare but his clouded eye still seemed to be able to see and burn into me. He suddenly jumped on him and I let a Yelp out trying to scratch him once again or even tried using leaf blade, but he didn't then he scratch me severely hard on my shoulder and I yell in pain but then I felt his teeth sink in to the side of my neck drawing blood. I was able to kick him off this time and not holding back as I use leads blade hitting him but this only made him fight harder. And he used energy ball hitting me with a good hit I then felt my legs weaken as he then ran up using quick attack hit me against the wall of the den and I hit my head pretty hard. I could feel blood run down the side of my face as Gavin walks up to me and placed a paw on my head pushing me to the ground roughly, I whimper in pain. "This is what happens when you don't listen!... you think I like hurting you?... but it's alright just say it. You love me and all of this can end. I love you Nova and I will never stop fighting for you." He whispered close to my ear sounding hopeful now, it both sickens and terrified me deeply. 'Gavin...he's... he's lost his mind! He's insane!' I grunt under his weight feeling tear escaping my eyes as my vision is getting blurry I chock out "I could never love someone like you." Was the last thing I say before I hear his frustrated voice. "Well maybe you'll change your mind tomorrow!" He then used leaf blade on my and everything went black as I lost consciousness.

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