Chapter 32 : betrayal (past event)

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Authors note
This chapter has a big time jump from the last past chapter.

Cora's P.O.V

The sun was bright this morning and the flying type where awake and singing there tunes. I was sitting in the den waiting for Solar and Quinn to get here. "Mom, am I able to play outside while waiting for dinner?" My ears flicker as I glanced at the little eevee. I felt anxious about letting her play outside on her own. I often worried that Pyro would find us here, and I didn't want to know what he'd do to Rea if he did. "....yeah, just stay where I can see you you alright." She smiled and ran outside full off joy and life. I let a sigh out. I did remember what it was like being an eevee, no worries no stress. Still innocent as no full of life. A lot of Pokémon judged me for having a eevee at my age. Or being a single mom. So they thought anyways. Yet i judge myself. I watched her leaping in the flowers feeling a tight pull in my chest. I wanted the best for her, but I worried I wasn't good enough, I wasn't exactly ready for kids or ever even thought I'd have one. But Rea meant everything to me. "Cora." I hear Solars lovely voice. Solar did all the hunting while I watch Rea. I didn't like going out much anymore. I guess I prefer. To stay hidden. I can't say I am the same jolteon after what happened.
I can't seem to trust mons as I used to and keep to the small amount of mons in my life. That would only be Solar, Quinn and Hydro. And of course my daughter. Solar drops food at the den's entrance. She glanced over to see Rea heading over to us. "Solar! L" she squeaked happily. "Well hello Rea" she purrs back as the little eevee pounces on her tail. Quinn also had some pray in her mouth heading to the den. "Can't believe I'm an aunt now...." I did end up telling Quinn I gave birth to the eevee, but I never breathed a word of who was the father or anything that happened with Pyro. I just couldn't find away to tell her. The four of us began to eat. "Hey Solar." Rea then started. "What's the town like?" She asked. Solar frowns at that question. "It's full of dangerous snd mean Pokémon." I pull my paws closer to my chest. I know Solar was correct but it somehow felt wrong to be telling our daughter that. Rea frowned. "Oh.... Why?" That's when my sister stepped in pulling Rea closer to her. "Well they don't understand your moms way of life, it's safer for your family to stay in the forest." Rea gave a confused look. "What's wrong with the way we live?" I finally got up. "That's enough with the Questions Rea." I then head outside to get fresh air. I hated that Rea didn't know about her father. But I feared the day she finds out. 'She can never go to that town... Pyro is mayor now, it's to risky.'

Quinn's P.O.V

I watched as Cora left outside. I really don't get it. I could sense she was depressed. But I couldn't figure out why. "Yeah I'm sure it will get better." Solar speaks out. I jumped before shooting a look. "Stop with the mind reading!" The espeon just smirked at me. I know Cora loved Solar but something about her made me uneasy. She gently crossed her paws and look out towards where my sister had gone. I could see why Cora would like her if she was into girls.
The Espeon was undeniably gorgeous, her fur was always well groomed and she walk with grace, head held high with pride. But it almost seemed sinister. Her eyes bright yet they had this darkness. Perhaps I was imagining it. After all Solar has been nothing but kind to me and Cora. And she was a great figure to Rea. The Espeon then looks back in my direction. "How long do you plan to stay?" I almost forgot she could see me, that I was even here. "Oh... did you want me to go?" I asked hoping I wasn't over staying my visit. The Espeon then giggled a bit. "I would love to have you longer, but me and Cora have plans." I frown a bit, that's probably why I had this unknown hatred towards her. She was the one to always tell me to leave, to push me away from my sister. We hardly spend anytime together but it is unfair for me to hate her fur that. They had a family now, something I'm missing. I get up and respond. "Alright... I understand l." I then get to my paws feeling delayed, i didn't really want to leave. It was mostly because of my concern for my younger sister. The jolteon was sitting outside in the sun, yet I could still make out the dark circles under her eyes. I glanced at Solar who hasn't moved a inch. Rea was now snuggling up to the espeon. Solar wasn't paying me any attention. Her purple eyes where locked on the eevee now. Was I imagining the frown in her eyes. Her mouth twitched before her soft voice spoke again. "See you later Quinn." I frown slightly as she didn't bother to look at me. ".... See you." I replied dryly. But she hadn't react to my sudden change of tone. I then exited the den and walked past the jolteon. I glanced at her as I say. "Bye Cora, I hope I can visit again tomorrow if you and Solar aren't busy." She flinched as she heated my voice, but instantly calmed herself. Her eyes then brightened. "Of course Quinn, your always welcomed." She sounded happy with my visits. I then take off already knowing my next place I was to go to.

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