Chapter 4 : A promise

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Erica's P.O.V

I was sitting by my den watching the star's in the sky thinking bout my sister knowing she is with Arceus now 'i miss her' i think to myself but i just brush it away something i learned at a young age is that life is a gift but it can end just like that so why wast it feeling sorry for yourself. I glance at the rasing sun knowing in a few minutes Nova will be coming. I smile i really liked playing with her the other day and i honestly hope we can be friends for life. I sit up and walk over to the oren barries and started to pick them after all they where all i have to eat, i don't know how to hunt, I've tryed but i alway's make to much nice. Then i hear paw steps and turn my gaze to see Nova walking towerds me "Hey Erica!" She calls and i smile and run towerds her. I push her playfully and she starts chasing me and we're both laughing with joy. As we come to a stop i roll on the ground and glance up at her "So what do you want to do?" I ask her and she smiles "well i was hoping we could explore a bit and maybe hunt a little" i get back up "yea okay follow me i know the best place!" I say and run off ahead Nova runs after me. We kerp running until we come to a water fall there was blossom tree's and flawers everywhere. Nova glanced around "Cool! How'd you know about this place?" She asked me and i giggle "because i got a lot of free time....i explore everyday" she looks at something then lowers herself i look to see a rattat and i watch in interest as she creaps fowerd and then leaps on it and kills in with the snap of its neck. Then she walks back to me and drops it pn the ground "You going to hunt?" I just chuckle a bit before shaking my head "i...i don't know how to hunt" Nova stared at me "For real?" I nod "yea you know no one ever showed me how" Nova smile "well hey i could show you" i smile back and wag my tail "would you?" She noded "yes come on let's find prey pokemon" she then sniffs around and i follow her until we see a furret she then tells me to get low and i listen to her and i follow all her tips and word until i finally make the leap for it and to my surprise i was able to catch it i let a huff out "thanks Nova" i say feeling happy for my catch she laughs "hah no problem girl" i laugh a bit and we take off again. She camp to a stop and i stop beside her to abd she gazed at the sun riasing "hmm i wish i could stay here all day" she says and i sit down "....your tribe what are they like?" She gazed ta me "boring....everyone dose the samething everyday....and outta everyone i only have one friend Milo and even he's boring" i nuge her "abd you have me as a friend" she nods "more like best friend" i smile but i feel a bit sad i never really had a friend before ".....Hey Nova can you promise me something?" Nova looks at me with all her attention "sure what is it?" I take a deep breath before saying "promise me we'll alway be friends....even if we part no matter what We'll stay true to each other....can you promise that?" She stares at me and held out her paw and placed it on mine
"i promise.... heh and I'll always come to see you" i look to the side hoping she'll keep this promise we've known each other only three day's but i cared for her alot. She's all i have now i don't gave any other friends or any family. "Hey you want to play hide and seak?" She says excitedly. And i get up and all pumped "oh yea... You go hide I'll start counting!" Shr nods and i close my eye's and start counting i could her hear running off i counte to ten then open my eye's and start looking for her she was good at hiding because it took me along time to find her but i did i found her hiding in the undergrowth.


The sun is now up and we've been playing for sometime. Nova looks at me disappointed "well i guess i gotta go now....bye Erica see you tomarrow" she then ran off and i wave my good bye. I wish she could seem me longer but i guess we're a bit young and she would get in truble if her tribe knew she was sneaking off to see me. I then run off 'well i know how to hunt now so i can get better at it i guess so thst i can survive better' i come to the river and take a few laps of it I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now that Nova left. I then look in tbe fsr distance where the ice mountains are and i think back to when i lived there then a thought hit me 'my father's still alive....and he killed mother and my sister' i feel a sudden anger towerds the flareon 'why did he do it?' I can't help but to want to know. I shake my head and look away from the sight and run off.


I use shadow ball on a tree to practice, i don't really have anyone to practice with. So i just hit random thing's the sun was going down. So i make my way to my den in the undergrowth and lay down in my bedding feeling tired i close my eye's tobget some sleep.

A moon later

I was chasing a furret and i use swift attack to knock it out and i jump on it killing it fast. The warm blood drips down It's neck making my mouth water. I lick my lips before i start ripping through it to eat. I then hear a twige break and i glance over to see another eevee. "Nova? What are you doing here?'s sun high won't your tribe be made thst you left?" She tilted her head before saying "yea.... Mother told me i can go out hunting to give me some experience.....after all I'll be making the journey to the moss rock soon and that's something everyone hascto do alone" she tells me. I sit up and glance at her " become a leafeon?" She noded and walks up to me "....i wanted to come see you so we can talk" i smile "yea what's on your mind?....." She smiles "well I'm going to make my journey in three days....i wanted to ask you of what you wanted to evolve into?" I gighle at that "Why do you wanna know?" I ask and she sat down beside me "Well because maybe i can help if it's a hard form to evolve into" wave my tail and shake my head "nah i don't need help.... I plan to travel to the ice mountains to find the ice rock, i always whated to be a glaceon" Nova looked suprised and a little upset "Oh....the ice mountains are kinda far aren't they" i noded but then i realized what she was getting at. I place a paw on her "hey....remeber our promise?....nothing's going to change not ever and I'll be back" she smiles "alright....when are you leaving though?" I looked at her "well....I'm taking off tomarrow it's a long journey" she frowns but nods "alright....well goid luck on that....i gotta go bye Erica" i frown slightly "bye Nova" she then took off in a herry and i get up and started to walk towerds the river to get a drink.


I wake up to sun light shining into my den and i stretched out my lages before making my way out of my den 'well today's the day i travel to the ice mountains' i can't hekp but to feel a little nervous 'what i get lost or run into father?....would he kill me?' I shake thoughs thoughts away and started to walk towerds the ice mountains i also ferl sad for leaving Nova behind 'i wish she could come with me' i tben start running to pick up the past 'the faster i get there the faster i can come back!'

Sorry for the short chapter's when it get's more into the story line it will have longer chapter's.

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