Chapter 21 : I didn't want this

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Erica's P.O.V

I ran through the undergrowth and around the trees. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my paws felt heavy and I keep my eyes head of me not daring to look back. I could hear the three leafeon's chasing me. 'Shit!... how am I going to lose them?' I think trying to figure out a plan on ditching them, but thinking of a plan and simply trying not to get caught was hard. 'I can't believe Nova blabbed that out load... she was the one worried about this!'

I was a where that I was in their Territory. But I didn't have the option to get out of it, so I just keep running until I see a cliff a head. 'Oh crap!' I came to a stop there wasn't anywhere to go from here. I peck over the edge to see the leafeon's camp. The drop was a deadly one, a lot of leafeon's where walking around or just going about their day. I dropped my ears as I turn my gaze over to see the chief and Gavin. Jace stayed back a bit looking at me with a glare, I then get in a battle stand my fur ruffled up 'well I'm not going without a fight... plus i do have the type advantage!' Soon Blade dashed at me with his claws out, and I move aside and grab him by the back of his neck. I then hear Novas Voice. "Erica!" From the sound of it she was below in the camp with the other leafeon's. I felt panic as I throw the chief to the ground, Gavin then bolted at me but he was hit with Electric. I Gasp in shock as I see Cora ran at Jace next knocking him out with a hard blow to the head. "Cora!?" She then glares with her one eye at Blade. he stared at her in shock as well. She then snarls. "How dare you attack my kin like that!" Blade gets to his paws and says with a cold voice "No wonder why this glaceon is so reckless... she's kin with a murderer" he glares back at me I pin my ears back. He then says "She is a bad influence on my son's mate" I felt my fur ruffle feeling my head spinning, and soon Blade ran at me with razor leaf, he hits me and I hit the ground pretty hard. I feel my back getting cut up by some sticks and rocks. Blade then pins me to the ground. I feel my heart pounding and Cora just watched. 'What is she doing? This guy is trying to kill me and she's not helping!'
He then goes for the throat but I used my back legs to kick him off throwing him over to the side where the edge was. My ears pricked up with panic as I hear his terrifying yell 'Oh no!' I got up fast to see him hanging off the edge. I see a lot of leafeons from below saw this and they seemed panicked as much as I was as they watched. I then caught sight of Nova Staring in disbelief. I was about to reach my paw out to help him before I hear "Father!" I turn my head to see Gavin tries to run to help but Cora leaped at him and pinned him to the grass as he yelled and struggle for freedom with tears running down his face. Cora then growls in a low voice. "Let him fall...." And like that I understand why she didn't help 'She wanted me to kick him over....' I looked at Blade as he struggled to get back up. "I'm sorry... please help!" he says with fear in his voice. But I just stare into his eyes as he lost his grip and falls I felt disturbed by the way he screamed knowing he wouldn't survive. I watched as he hits the ground and the minute he hits the ground there is a loud snapping sound. I could see lots of blood around his body "No!" Gavin yells as Cora then dragged him away and throw him to the ground. "Let this be a warning! If you ever try and attack her again... we'll kill you as well!" She hissed. But I couldn't take my eyes off the dead body below me. A lot of leafeons ran to his side crying. 'Nova....I... I didn't mean for him to die.... What am I going to do?' I didn't dare look for Nova, I was to afraid to see her reaction.

So I decided to run away from it all. I ran through the grass away from the camp feeling my eyes watering 'Why didn't I just help him?.... He didn't have to die!... everyone saw me.... But there was no way they saw Cora....but Gavin.' I then get tired and slow down. "Erica!" I hear from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a jolteon with a eye patch running after me. 'No why can't she leave me alone!?' I then turn and yell at her " leave me be! I don't want this!.... I didn't want him dead!" But she just chuckles "Oh really?" She had a smug smile. I then growl "yes really!" She then got close to me "then why didn't you help him?... I did nothing this time... I didn't force you to let him fall... you chose to watch him helplessly fall to his death." I pin my ears back "no... no it's not like that! You told me to as you say or-" before I could finish she cuts me off "or Nova dies... I meant for our revenge... I simply wanted Blade to die because he tried to kill you... plus it's not like you would tell ours I'm here." My heart dropped hearing this. 'She...she.. no she's toying with me!.. she has to, there's no way she would've let me help him....or would she have?' I felt my breath pick up. "But.. but you said!" She then just walks by me "I told you to let him fall... but you could've pulled him up, but you didn't... live with it Erica." She says in a cold tone. I just stand there feeling the guilt 'She's right... it's my fault.. i killed him... oh Arceus I'm sorry....' I then let a sob out as I hang my head I sat down wrapping my tail around my body. "I... I can't go back... I can't face Nova again" I say out loud with sobs in between my words. 'I'm the reason for two lives now... how can I live with myself?' Cora then walks back up to me and lifted my face with her paw "Shhh calm yourself... it's alright Erica... he had it coming... now come with me, those leafeon's will be after you now. I got a place for mons like us to hide." She said in a soft tone, one that made me angry. I swiped my paw at her making her back up. "I don't want your help! I'm nothing like you.... I'm not a bad mon." I snapped at her but she just smiled. "Your finished without me... you may not want my help, but you need it." She says making me narrow my eyes at her. ".....fine...." I mutter feeling hate towards the jolteon. I then get back up and walk over to her. "But let me make myself clear Cora. You are not my friend and I'll never accept you as my kin." I said in a bitter tone. She started to walk "you say that now, but you'll see it my way one day."

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