Chapter 1 : Seeing the forest

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I stared out of my den to the sun raise my brown little tail wagged with happiness 'oh boy today's the day i get to go out side!' I think to myself as i wait for my mother to get up i look over to her to see she was still sleaping, she was a leafeon but mostly everyone here is and one day i will be too. "Nova" i turn my head to see my father walk in he looked pleased to see me " your mom awake yet?" I shake my head "No daddy she's still asleep" he smiles at me "okay then come on Nova I'm going to show you around....your mom will teach you to hunt latter" he said as he walked out and i followed him. I looked around to see a lot of Leafeon's going about their day. I look around feeling happy my father then says "this is the camp where we all sleep... And our healer is over their and....." I only listen to the first part before i got distracted by the other eevees playing and jumping around then one of them see me and run over "Heya who are you?" He said and i back up feeling nervous "Oh um I'm Nova" he smiles and waged his tail "Cool I'm Milo" he said sitting back but then a voice cuts in "uh hm Nova are you listen" i flinch and look up at my dad who looked a bit impatient "and Milo go back to the other eevees" Milo looked a bit disappointed "oh um yes sir.....see you later Nova" he then ran back to the other's i frown and look up at my dad "oh can't i go play already?" I asked but he didn't look pleased with that "No have to learn our ways first" i drop my ears and nod "yes daddy" and he continues to ralk about boren stuff.


I was with my mom now she had woken up and is now taking me out side the camp to learn to hunt and to show me the area. She walked with her head high "alright Nova here we are" we stop walking and i look around to see thzt we're in tbe middle of tbe forest. The trees where really big and high and the grass long and green i smile at my mom "Okay now what?" I ask and she paws me and points to a Farfetch'd a d whispers into my ear "get low to the ground" i lower myself just like told and she then whispers "now creap fowerds slowly" i also do thst hoping not to make a sound "Now get ready to pounce" i wiggle a bit and leap out but i snap a twige and it flys away before i can catch it "Ah rattats!" I hisd in announce but my mom shook her head "Don't stress Nova, you'll get the hang of it... Good hunting comes from Lot's of practice" she said and i nod my head but i don't ferl the satisfaction of success. As long as I've know my father was a cary proud leafeon and a vary successful fighter and my mother was lead hunter and was also successful what if I'm no good at anything what if I'm a disappointment to my family My mother then starts walking back towerds home "Come now little one" she says and i follow after her "...Hey mom when you where a little eevee did you catch your first hunt?" She laughs a bit "hehe no Novs i didn't....i was a lot worse then you in fact" i tted my head "you where?" She noded and her golden brown eye's land on me "yes....i ending up in the water my first time" i tilted my head to the side "the water? How did thst happen?" She just shurgs "I'll tell you sometime but for now it's time to go home" i noded my head "okay mommy" i say following her.


We got back to the camp and the sun was at half point mother glanced at me "you can go meet some of the other eevees now" she said before tsking off. I go running to the others 'maybe that Milo guy wants to play with me' but i bump into someone by mistake "hey Watch it!" He snapped and i flinch back "oh um sorry i didn't botice you" i say but he frowns at me "ecause me? Huh didn't see me? Are you challenge me?!" He growls and i feel taken back by his attitude "you wabt to fight well let's fight right now!" He then leaps at him pudhing me to the ground. I let out a suprised yell as i slam inti tbe ground he was getting ready to use swift but he is pulled off me and thrown away "leave her alone she didn't do abything to you" i look up to see it was Milo that had pulled him off he was standing in front of me the other eevee pinned his ears back "heh i don't have time for kids...I'm outta here" he stalked off and i feel puzzled "kids ain't he a kid?" Milo looks at me "that's Gavin....he's the oldest eevee and is going to evolving soon...he will be going on his journey to the moss rock soon" i look to the side "um journey?" He noded "oh yea we all do it at time if evolving we are told to walk alone when going to the moss rock" i sit down and look at him "um....okay so what's his problem with me though i hardly did anything" Milo just laugh "Oh Gavin's just like that to everyone....he thinks he's all that just because his dad is leader of our tribe" i let out a sigh "oh really? Hmm so he thinks he's better then us?" Mili noded "oh yea but who really cares....hey you wanna play tag?" I smile and jump to my paws "yea sounds fun!" Milo smiles and then playfully pushes me "Hah tag your it" he started to run away "Hey!" I then run after him and i soon started to laugh having fun playing this game. He pretty fast but i am able to catch him and push him over "heh now your it!" I say before taking off running but thst didn't last long he jump on me and we rolled around on the ground before he pinned me down we both started to laugh "hahah! Your fun Nova" he said and i smile "hah thanks so are you" he then jumps off of me "heh yea...hey lets go do something else" he said taking off and i follow after him.


The sun was now setting and it was time for me to go to my den with mother and father "Well bye Milo" i say as he waves good bye and head back home. I walk into the den to see dinner was sitting there. My mom looks at me "ah there she is...come and eat Nova" i walk over to her and sit beside her my father glanced st me "well nova how was your first day outside other then not listening when your being talked to" i blush knowing that was rude of me but i was hust so excited "Sorry dad....but i had fun today i even made a friend Milo...he's really fun to play with" mothe giggles and my father smiles "that's good" he then takes a bite of his food and so dose mother and me. When we finsh i curl up in bed and close my eye's to get some sleep.


Three day's later

I was out side with Milo sitting listen to the meeting that our leader was thriwing for Gavin. He sat on top of a rock thst was big enough that everyone could see bim. "Today my son Gavin will ve travelling to the moss rock to evolve....we will wish him luck on his journey....he's got two options je will evolve into a Leafeon or he'll evolve into something. If you choose to evolve into something else then don't come back" he was saying alot of the other eevees seem sad thst he's leaving especially the other girls but honestly i was happy to know he'll be gone for a bit 'hes a jerk after all and stuck up in his pride' i think to myself we all watch as Gavin looks at us one more time before saying "Don't you all warry.....I'll be back soon" he said before taking off. I glance at Milo "but how dose an eevee look after it's self?" Milo looks back at me "That's the point Nova it's to teach us how to survive on our own that's why they make us do this" i feel a bit nervous "but what if i can't do it?" He chuckles at me "hehe oh don't warry Nova your still too young for this anyways you have a hole moon before you'll be going off to evolve" i noded as to understand but i still felt nervous of what will come my way when i go to evolve.

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