Chapter 28 : Quinn's warning

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Nova's P.O.V

I stared at the glaceon in disbelief of what I was hearing. I felt frozen in time not knowing how to answer my mate. 'I'd love to go with her but... I can't, I'd never see my mother again... or Quinn and Milo, Or learn the mystery of Cora and what that espeon wants of me.' I back up a bit studying Erica closely as she looked so eager to hear my answer. I frown trying to figure out what was going on in her head. 'This is out of nowhere... she's been acting weird... I know something's wrong but she won't tell me.'

".....Erica, where's this coming from?" I asked her. Erica looked a bit sad hearing my question before shaking her head. "I just... thought of the leaf tribe, we'd be safer is all." Was that fear I caught in her eyes. I felt a little bad seeing her reaction. 'She seemed happy when asking me.... Maybe someday we could leave but right now..... no.' I dropped my ears a bit. "I'm sorry Erica... but don't worry, I won't get caught by the tribe." I assure her but the glaceon. Erica then turns her gaze away from me. "Yeah, I guess this is home. Heh sorry I don't know what came over me. But if your happy here then so am I." She tells me but she voices quivers. I frown as I try my best to read her, but it felt as if there was an invisible wall between us. "....Erica?" I say as I go to reach a paw to her but she pulls away from me and turned tail. "I'll see you back at the den..." she says quietly as she walks off into the bushes. I drop my leaf tail. My eyes felt heavy. 'Why is she shutting me out? What happened? We use to be so close... so, happy.' I sometimes wondered if it was me. Perhaps I've done something wrong without knowing. Or maybe it had to do with the tribe, maybe she was really that worried about them. "What was that about?" I hear Quinn question the situation. Milo was beside her. "Yeah, she seemed... off, I mean I've noticed she looks more burnt out then usual... plus that leaf coverage, for a cut she apparently got from a branch? Yeah I'm not buying that." He says shaking his head. He seemed calm about it as usual, but on the other paw. Quinn had this look in those bright red eyes, as if she had seen a ghost type. " you know Erica's parents?" She quickly asked me. She was eager for a response from the look on her face. "Uh, no. Erica didn't even know them, she grow up on her own." I explained, Milo frowns dropping his ears a little l. "Bummer, I always pitied her for that." He stated as he lays down in the grass. There was a beam of sunlight where we stand. It was nice out, but yet I felt upset. I had hoped Erica would want to spend time with me, but she seemed to have other things on her mind. I'm then meet with Quinn's eyes again. 'Hold up why was she asking about Erica's family?'

"Quinn why you asking about that anyways?" I asked her my voice a bit more stern now. She paws at the ground looking to the side as if trying to think of away to avoid the question. "Well...hmm." She then heaved a sigh dropping her shoulders. It seemed she gave up on her thoughts. "Alright well... the truth is." She paused before continuing. "She looks a lot like someone I know, but i know she's not the mon I know." She she seemed worried bringing this up. I noticed Milo Pricks his ears up, he's gaze falls on Quinn as well. "Who would that be?" He was real fast to respond to that information. I felt curious as well. She glanced at him before looking back at me. ".... My niece." Her voice was sry as a bone, but I could hardly pay attention. I felt surprised more then I ever have been. "What?!" I Yelp. Milo to stood up again. "Rea? The one you told me about?" He blurred out. I could tell by the sharp glare Quinn shot him, he wasn't supposed to mention that she told him anything. "Milo!" She growled. The umbreon then blushed looking embarrassed. "Oh Sorry, it's just... I've known Erica for a long time now, you don't think she's related to Rea... do you?" He asked and Quinn looked worried once again. "That's what I'm trying to find out... I've had my suspicions when I first laid eyes on her." She explained. I felt completely lost with this conversation. 'Who is Rea? And why would it be bad for Erica to be related to her?'

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