Chapter 9 : Seeing you again

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Erica's P.O.V

I head down the mountain feeling a bit sad 'why dosen't Cora just come to the forest with me?' I let a sigh out as i jump to a rock to get to lower grounds. The snow swirls around me. Remaining me of my Sister. Honestly i don't really remember my mother all i know is she was a glaceon like Jewel and i. 'Cora said her name was Rea....she knew my family.....i should've asked why father killed them and why he attacked her' but the look in his eye's didn't look all that threatening when he realized it was me 'Why?' I then see the grass lands of Golden leaf forest so i pick up the past and start runnning. I soon feel the soft touch of grass against my paws and i look around to see tbat i was now entering the forest. I s ile feeling happy to be back tben a though hit me 'Nova...' I then head towerds where home was feeling exited to see my friend. As i come to view my old den with the pecha barry tree and the rive 'heh me and Nova use to swim in it all the time' i jump on the rocks remebering when i first cane here and the first time i layed eye's on Nova. I then sniff the air "Hey!" I flinch in suprise as i look to my side to see a male leafeon glaring at me "What the heck are you doing this close to the new leaf tribe!....your way to close to the borders" he snarls. I glare at him "um excuse me but i live here and I've never crossed any borders to any tarotory" i snap at him feeling annoyed. He then ran to me but before he could hit me he was hit by a shadow ball and a umbreon jumped in between us "Back off Gavin!" The leafeon looked shocked "....Milo?" The umbreon noded but hissed "I'm sure your father wouldn't mind....but we where leaving anyways" the umbreon eye's me with a look, i stay quiet as Gavin gave a cold glare "better be!" He then ran off. I glare at the umbreon "I'm not leaving!" He just chuckles "You don't have to.....i lived all my life in this area and i don't plan to leave....but the new leaf tribe won't allow us in there tarotory" i frown i don't care about that tribe 'i just want to see Nova again' my heart then starts to hurt when i realize 'she's apart of that tribe'  i let out a sigh then look at him again "so your name is Milo?" He noded "yes and you?" I start walking "Erica....and i want to stay here because i want to see a friend of mine....she lives in the new leaf tribe" he looked surprised by this "oh who is she?" I look away "i don't know if i should say" he noded "Alright a secret friend....." He then looked around "well they won't mind you living here its just Gavin is a bit stuck up....don't even warrie about him" Milo said in a calm tone and i feel puzzled "um how do you know them?" He smiles "Eh i don't know i guess i came across them alot" he then ponted with his paw "i live over there in the undergrowth.....hey i guess that makes us neighbors" i screw my eye's "um....okay...." I look over at my old den 'its kinda small....' I look at back at him "i think I'm going to find a better den....of course I'm staying around here but i only just got back from the ice mountains as you can see and my den was from when i was an eevee" he smiles "well hey i could help if you want" i smile "that would be nice of you" me and him start to look around for a better den for me.


I finally found a good den it was by the water and i was a nice peaceful area and hidden from the tribe. But it was still close to Milo's den and my old den. I look at the sky seeing the sun was setting. Milo looks at me "So....I'm was nice meeting you Erica and come by anytime i really don't mind" i glance at him "yea okay bye Milo" he then took off. I sit by meself the an idea hits me 'what is the tribe like?....what would theyvdo if they saw me on thier land?....i kindda want to see what there camp looks like' i glance at the night sky getting an idea 'they are probably sleeping by now' i then smirk as a get up and head towards the tribe borders.

Nova's P.O.V

I open my eye's feeling startled but i can't remember what i was dreaming of. I get up lookong out my den suddenly feeling odd, everyone was sleeping yet i feel like someone was near. I head out side and look around to see the camp was empty. I gaze at the exit of our camp and i see a movement. I tilted my head to the side and squint my eye's to try and see better. Then i see a par of blue eye's glanceing at me "Hello?" I say but i say it quietly so none of the other leafeons hear me. Then i see a glaceon walk into the moon light her eye's met mine. I stand in place not knowing what to do but then "Nova?" She says and i immediately realize who she was "Erica!" I say feeling shocked but excited as i ran towerds her. She smiles happily when i push her playfully but then i plave a paw to her "Are you crazy you can't be here" i say remembering where we were but she just smirks at me "i know but....i really wanted to see you" she say watch made me smile but then i take a step back "....why where you gone for so long?" She looks at her paws and then says "i help this jolteon out and she wanted me to stsy with her for a i did" i then startvto walk oit towerds the borders and she follows me. She then says "What's the big deal with the borders?.... I can't help but think your tribe is odd" i giggle at that, but i honestly don't understand myself. I don't know why there even is a tribe to begin with all i know is it's home it's where i grow up and nothing else. "I don't really know...i guess it because of the prey....they don't like sharing" Erica gave a wird look "So....your like a mightyana pack?" I come to a stop when we're out of the new leaf tribe and nod my head "yea i guess we are" she then stands beside me and smiles "Nova you should've seen the mountains....they where lovely...." But she stops talking and glanced at me. I feel my heart race as i stared at her "so you enjoying being a glaceon?" She sat down "yea it's great.....and being a leafeon, thst was a choice right. No pokemon gorced it on you?" I feel a bit taking back by this "what of course no one forced me! Why would you think that?!" Erica pins her ears back "because that tribe is all leafeons and it's weird....sorry i don't mean to be rude" she gave an apologize look but i just shrug "no it's fine really.... Im just teally glad to see you again" Erica glanced at me and i couldn't help but think her eyes where beautiful and her fur looked so soft i wanted to feel it but 'that would be weird of me' she then got up and pushed me playfully to the ground and i let out a yelp of suprise as we roll around in the grass before i push her off snd stsrt running. I was laughing 'its just like before she left' i then stop by the water and she jumps beside me but she lost her footing and falks into the water. I berst out laughing as she come back out. Her fur was a mess and it only made me laugh harder. She shoots me a look "it's not funny!" She snaps but i fell to the ground losing control as i try to speak "haha! kindda! Hahaha!" She shook her fur before she gave into the laughter but then she splashed me and to my suprise it was really cold and i let a yelp and eye her "Hey!" She just laughs but i guess that's fair acter all she was more wet then i was then she says "your lucky your an grass typ or I'd push you in" i tilt my head "Water make us stronger" she noded "yea it dose....but it's to cold at'd freeze and grass is week to ice" i then realize that she was right. I then blush embarrassed "Oh yea heh i forgot...." I then frown as i look at the sky "hmm i have to go back to the tribe....I'll see you latter Erica" i say. And she looked vary disappointed.

Erica's P.O.V

i feel upset hearing her say that. 'I don't want her to leave can't she stay?' But like I've always known she had a tribe to go to. My heart starts to race as she got close and gave me a hug taking me by suprise. I feel a warm feeling as our fur brush against each others. I hug back not wanting to let go but f course we pull apart then she says "I'll stop by latter....bye for now" she then takes off before i could say "Bye....." But I'm not sure if she heared me. She already disappeared into the tree's. I don't know what this feeling is but i know that only Nova gives it to me. I then head to my den to get some rest.


I wake to see sun light then i hear someone call "Hey Erica!" I get to my paws abd head outvto see Milo. He smiles at me "i got you some case your hungry" i walk over to him and glance at the prey "oh um....thanks.....i guess" he sat down and licked at his pelt before saying "it's lovely these parts....aren't they" i feel akwerd and just shuffled my paws "i.....i guess yea" he looks at me "sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable" i get up "yea you kinda are" he frowns "oh....sorry" i rolled my eye's "you already said that" he just sat there before saying "I know I'm just trying to make friends..
Since i don't really have anymore" i just smile "Well yea i didn't say we couldn't be's just maybe caught your own prey because when you caught me seems to me a hit on move and i don't like guy's that do that alright" he smiles "oh okay got what are you up to?" I walk by the water and dip my paw in it to feel the cold touch. I freez some of the grass beside me to cool off 'i never realized how hot it is here' i then look at Milo "not much....might go hunting....My friend might come by latter or something" Milo noded hes head " long as Gavin dosen't see her go heh he'd have a fite over it" he jokes i giggle a bit. I didn't like Gavin 'i wonder what Nova has to say about Gavin?' I then lsy doen on a rock in the shade wanting to get out of the sun 'hmm i hope Nova dose stop by....i know i saw her last night but....i want to see her again, something about her makes me really happy, she gives me feelings that i can't explain'

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