Chapter 30 : Nothing left but Ashes

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Erica's P.O.V

"Do you know anything about Cora?"

I felt my heart drop at the unexpected question. I felt my body go stiff against the leafeon. 'Why? Why is she asking me?.... Does she know?.... Did she see something?' I couldn't even wrap around how she knows of the jolteon, but again everyone seems to be familiar with Cora. She did leave quite the name for herself. "Erica?" She sounded more worried that time, I met her eyes to see a look I haven't seen from her before, Distrust. "....No, I don't know anything about that jolteon." I say fast dropping my head back down l, I frown to myself realizing how defensive I sound. Soon the leafeon's warmth left as she got up rather quickly. I lifted my head up in confusion. "What? Where you going?... we just got in bed." I stated but I met those golden brown eyes, and i dropped my ears slightly as she narrowed her eyes at me a bit. She still said nothing, i felt nervous now, I've never seen this behaviour in the leafeon. I then stood up as well. "How did you know then?" Now I felt even more puzzled by her words. "Know what? Nova please just get back in bed alright." I tried in a calm tone but the truth was I was terrified that I might give myself away, that I might spill the beans that Cora is my kin. Nova then steps closer to me. "I never said she was a jolteon." She said it so bluntly. There it was, I felt panic raise in me. 'No... no wait just make something up of how I knew.'
"Erica.... I know your keeping secrets from me, why can't you just tell me what's going?!" The Leafeon Suddenly snapped at me. I backed up in shock as I see tears starting to fill those gorgeous eyes of hers. "Did I do something to lose your trust?.... Or... your hiding something? Do you know Cora?.... Please just tell me !.... What's going on?" She was now almost screaming at me. I fell silent, what was I supposed to say, clearly I didn't do a good enough job at hiding my problems from her. 'She doesn't understand those... she can't know.'
I stayed quiet not knowing what to say. "Answer me Erica!" She demanded, I then growl back. "I don't know Nova!.... Nothings wrong, there's nothing to tell you.... I only know Cora cuz of the town pokemon." I lie through my teeth. I felt bad for it and she didn't make it easy. She shook her head in disbelief. "....maybe that's true of how you know she's a jolteon.... But your still hiding something from me." She sounded hurt this time. I felt frustrated with her. "Ugh Nova drop this already... come on I wouldn't hid anything from you.... I promise." It hurt me to tell lie after lie, but I do it for her. "I love you Nova... I'd do anything for you, so please, drop this let's just get to bed.... You'll feel better in the morning." The leafeon drops her ears and I could tell she wanted to believe me. ".....I... I trust you Erica..... why can't you trust me?" She asked in a whimper. Those words hit me hard. "Oh Nova.... I do trust you but... you don't understand." I tell her and with that she backs up from me. "So... you finally admit there is something though?" I froze at her words and I soon lost eye contact as I looked to the side feeling ashamed. ".....Nova..i... I'm sorry, but you can never know." My mouth was dry as a bone, I couldn't find myself to hold her sweet gaze anymore knowing they where probably will with hurt. I felt sick and dizzy, I would do anything to keep her safe. But was I willing to let her go over it? Was I destroying us? I finally looked up at her but my eyesight landed behind her to a flareon making his way to the den. I felt taken back. "Pyro?" I blurred out. Nova looked confused by that but soon turned her attention behind her to see the flareon. "Hello.... Sorry if I'm interrupting something." He says. Nova looked a uncomfortable in his presence. "What are you doing here at this time?" She asked nervously. That was a good question that I didn't even think to ask. The flareon then walks closer to us and I backed as I realize the look I. His green eyes. "....I couldn't help but hear you two talking about Cora, I'm currently looking for the jolteon." He said. Nova then backs up behind me. "Uh.... Well that's to bad, we don't know where she is."

Pyro looked frustrated now. His eyes narrowed at me. "Hmm... maybe I haven't made myself clear." His voice was menacing now. I stood my ground now realizing that we where in trouble. "Nova.... Run, get out of here." I whispered to her but the leafeon didn't move, it frustrates me that she never listens. 'How can I keep her safe if she doesn't let me?'
"I'll ask one more time...Erica where is Cora!" He shouted this time and used fire blast. I couldn't move fast enough to move and I was hit badly. I slammed into the ground feeling tired already. He was strong and it didn't help that he was indeed a fire type, strong against both ice and grass. My ears then prick up in alert as I hear Nova cry out in pain. "NOVA!" I stood back up fast realizing she was in trouble. I glanced at the flareon, he held Nova beneath his paws. Claws digging into to her flesh drawing blood. "Don't think I don't know who you are!.... I don't know what's worse... your friend here learning the truth about you, or that it will be the last information she hears... tell me where she is, or she dies!" He threatens me. Nova looked scared as more tears filled her eyes. 'No! This can't be happening!'
I felt stuck once again, but I take a shaky breath. "" but I was cut off my a shadow ball hitting the flareon off of Nova. Nova got up fast and wiped around to see Quinn standing there, she looked panicked. "What are you two doing run!" She  yelled at us. Nova looked hesitant but I shoved her. "Come on Nova! Go!" Finally I got her moving and I followed close behind her, and soon I realized there was fire, the trees where catching fire. I looked behind me to see Pyro had easily shoved the Umbreon aside and used flamethrower starting a forest fire. 'Of course he fucking did! Why wouldn't there be a fire!?' I felt like this was mocking me about how my life was crumbling before me. I noticed Nova slowing down. I then noticed she was limping slightly. 'No!' I then push her with my shoulder to keep her moving," all while dodging the flames,
"Don't slow down! He's behind us!" I shouted at her, she didn't answer and she looked tired. Then she pinned her ears back. Then I noticed the flames have now reached a head of us. "Erica... -cough-,I don't think, -cough-... I can't." She couldn't seem to finish that sentence but I knew what she was trying to say. The smoke from the fire was also getting to me and obviously her as well, I could smell her fear and the truth was I was scared to. But I knew where we'd be safe. "Come on, -cough-we just need to, -cough- make it to the river!" I tell her. I knew we'd be safe there, 'Pyro can't swim, he's a fire type.'

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