Chapter 14 : Let's go out (Past event)

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Cora's P.O.V

The sun was at high point and i was hunting with Quinn. The umbreon had a smile on her face "So have you seen Pyro lately?" She asked making me roll my eye's "Yeah but we're only friends Quinn" i say trying to be calm but she just chuckles "So you say" i let a sigh out "....why can't a boy and girl be friends....and nothing else" i say as i paw at the ground feeling annoyed with my sister. Quinn smiles "Because Boy's always want more....your a beautiful jolteon of course he wants to mate with you" she says making me blush a little "huh.....thanks but I'm not into him" i huff. The umbreon just rolled her eye's and gave a playful grin "Says you" i glare at her "Quinn why do you care anyways?" I snap at her and she just chuckles "Because i do Cora....there's no reason other then the fact that your my sister" she then sits down and starts to lick at her pelt i then hear someone walking up to us from the other side. I turn my gaze over yo see Pyro with a small smirk on his face "Heya Cora what you two doing?" He says with that stupid look on his face i was going to answer but Quinn bets me to it "Nothing really she's got time" she says with a teasing laugh i bite my teeth together 'Great....i didn't really want to spend time with him' i give a fake smile "Oh yeah hehe...but uh i forgot i was going to visit mother this evening" Quinn then let a laugh out "Ah nonsense Cora... Just go with him I'll catch up later alright" the umbreon then dashed off leaving me with the flareon. I frown "oh....okay then" i grumble Pyro walks up to me with a look "listen if you don't want to hang that's fine with me really.... I promised my little sister I'd spend time with her anyways" this cought my attention "Sister? have a sister?" I asked eyeing him. He nodded "Yeah she's a year younger then me...she's really great honestly" i smile at this "Heh that's who is your sister?" Pyro looks at me before turning his head to the side with a sheepish smile "Well....if you have time would you like to come see her?....she loves new pokemon" that actually sounded nice to me. I nodded my head "Alright.... I wouldn't mind meeting her" i smiles "great follow me" he then lead the way. I really needed to meet new pokemon and pokemon who where girls.


We're walking by a oak tree before Pyro stops and looks at me "Well we're here." I look around before i hear someone call "Pyro!" I look over to see an espeon came running. She had a look of announce "Pyro where did you go off to?.... And who's this?" She asked looking at me with a puzzle look. I couldn't help but think she's cute. The flareon smiles "heh....i just went to visit Cora who is standing next to me" he says sith a look on his face that made me feel uncomfortable. I step away from him before my gaze lands on the espeon again. She looks at me before glaring at Pyro. "Of course you where.....Sorry if he's bothering you" she then says looking at me with an a apologetic look. I just chuckle "Him nah Pyro is a friend" but annoying one. I then says "i just thought it'd be nice to meet you. I didn't know Pyro had siblings" she then gives me a sweet smile "....yeah well I'm's nice to meet you Cora" i find myself blushing as i look into her eye's 'Wow....i didn't realize how beautiful eye's could be....or how beautiful any girl could be' i think to myself before Pyro cuts in "Hey Cora i have something i wanted to ask you" i glance at him "And what's that?" He then answers with "Would you want to go out sometime?" I wish i didn't give him the chance to speak. Solar looked surprised as well as me, but it turns into a smile as she looks at me. 'Well....i guess i could give him a chance but i have a feeling that i am not going to fall for him" i pin my ears back and look away before saying ".....yeah why not....but that doesn't mean anything so don't get your hopes up." I warn him with a sharp look. Pyro. Jumps up with excitement "YES!... I oh- i mean cool and i won' worries" he tried to cover up his inner joy but i could see through him like glass 'Ugh." Solar just giggles "hehe, I wouldn't have done that Cora....he's not the type a guy any girl should date." she whispers to me making me wonder. Pyro didn't hear her as he looks at us again "So how about tomorrow Cora?" He asked and i nod my head and Pyro smiles "Nice already I'll pick you up at high point see you tomorrow Cora." He then runs off and Solar lashes her tail in announce. "Hey Pyro!... Ugh and there he gos again." I glance at her ".....Dose he always run around like that?" I asked her, Solar just let a sigh out. "Not always just after he evolved.....he's such an idiot honestly, I can't believe you actually said yes to him." She mutters, and i sit down to look at the clouds in the sky. "...well i don't actually like him....he's a friend and nothing more...and I hardly even know him that well." Solar then layed down on the grass. " where you from Cora never seen you around before." She said and i just chuckle. "weird because i lived here all my life and never had you or your brother around." I say to her. She just laughed before pawing at me playfully. "heh i like you Cora your okay, and not weird at all." I tilt my head to the side "Weird? Why would i be weird?" Solar then frowns "mmm....Pyro sometimes brins these weird pokemon around and.. They make me uncomfortable....but glad your not one of them." She explains to me making me even more ceruse of Pyro 'Who is this flareon when i think of it i met Pyro through stealing with him. Is he a criminal? A killer? Or worse a rapist?....i mean what Solar is saying sounds odd....' Solar then got up again and stretched out her lags before saying. "Well Cora it was nice to meet you and i hope to see you again... Maybe we could be friends?" I smile and got up "that would be nice Solar....bye." I say feeling a new feeling inside of me. I glanced at her before i turn away to head home 'but.....where did Pyro go?....why'd he run off like that?'


I arrived to my den but before i could go inside Quinn came running "CORAAAA!" I jump with shock and my fur stook out with sharp edges as i wipe around to See my sister run into to me and we both fly to the ground "AWWW! .....Quinn..GET OFF!!!" I growl feeling pretty angry as the umbreon jumps off of me and chuckles "hehe sorry i didn't mean to run into you...." I glare at her before i get up "What is it Quinn you better have a good reason for yelling so loud and RUNNING INTO ME!" I yell because i can't help but still be angry about that. She covers her mouth with her paw trying her hardest not to laugh before saying. "hehe...Hey i should be the one upset.. I got pocked by your fur" i turn my gaze away. "Good that's what you get." she then starts laughing again making me roll my eye's. 'Seriously how is she the older one? She acts like a little eevee still.' She then stops laugh and clears her throat. "So....i heard someones got a date tomorrow." She said and i feel taking back. "what! How did you know that?" Quinn smirks. "Oh i have my ways Cora....i have my ways." she says looking proud of herself, but i figured it out. "Pyro told you...didn't he?" Suddenly she didn't look so smug anymore. "Damn it!" She said pinning her ears back and now I'm the one chuckling at her. "yeah nice try if you don't mind i would like to be alone....i was hoping to take a nap." i say and the umbreon nodes her head "yeah alright....see you Cora" she then leaps away. She can be annoying at times but i honestly wouldn't know what to do without her. Me and Quinn are pretty close as sisters.


The sun was at high point and i was waiting for Pyro to come. I was walking back and forth feeling kinda drowsy. 'ugh i don't feel like going out honestly i rather stay home and sleep in sunlight or something, but then i see Pyro appear and he's got a rose in his mouth. "Hey Cora!" And i feel regret already. "Hey i don't like roses....or flowers of any kind." I tell him, he just smiles anyways "Oh um....well it's not for you it uh.....was for....." I tilt my head as i notice him blushing. 'i must of embarrassed him.' We then start walking. "so what is it you wanted to do for today?" I ask him and he smiles at me. "Oh you know go for a walk maybe stop by town and eat out." I guess that sounded alright but there is one problem
'I can't stop thinking of his sister Solar she was such a beautiful espeon and i don't know if what I'm thinking is normal.'

Sorry for the short chapter and for the long wait but i hope you all enjoyed it

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