Chapter 2 : Moving on

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The snow was could as i walked following my older sister Jewel. But at less the sun was up. I glance at the glaceon "Jewel where are we going?" I asked feeling tired she looks at me with a warried look "Hang on sis....we need to get out of these mountain" she said and i frown. I don't know what happened but father was always mean to us andvto mother then one morning mother wouldn't wake up and father was gone, Jewel keeps telling me that we can't live in the ice mountains anymore but i don't get why. "Where's dad?" I asked and Jewel looks at me with a look of pitty "Erica..... Dad's not good alright....we need to stay away from him" she informs me watch made me frown i then feel to tired to keep moving so i let myself fall into the sonw. I shiver from the cold both from wind and the snow, i was not a glaceon. Jewel then grabs me by my scruff and stsrted to carry me "mmm Jewel I'm Hungary" i sau but she dosen't answer me she just kerps walking. I feel a bit unsafe and a little scared ".....I'll get us something to eat don't warty" she says as if she knew that i was afraid. She then puts me down "Hold on i see prey" she says and runs off "Stay low Erica" she says and then she's outta sight. I lower myself so that i won't be spotted easy by Hungary pokemon.


The sun was now going down and we where sitting in a den that Jewel had spotted i wish we could live here but Jewel says no we have to leave by morning. I was eating the small amunt of prey sve brought me i glance up at her to see a sad look in her eye's "Jewel?...are you okay?" She looks at me "....I'll be fine" she mumbles. I feel a wave of sadness wash over me as i ask my next question "....are we going to be alright?" She then stood up and said "yes we'll be fine.....but if you see dad Erica run okay he's not okay" i ferl upset because all i want is to see father again. I then whimper "What happened to mom? Why wouldn't she get up?" Jewel friwns and placed her paw under my chin "Erica....." She looks away from me as she pulls her paw away ".....sometimes life is hard....sometimes we have to say good bye to the ones we love.....mother had to go because Arceus wants her to walk with him now" i felt tears "will she come back?" But i feel like i know the answer. Jewel had tears in her eye's as well " walking with Arceus is a whole new world....he calls for us all in time, one day we all will walk with him and mother" her voice crakes as she sobed a bit i feel the same, why did Arceus take her so soon? I then have another fear "Jewel....your not leaving me right, you'll always be here" Jewel looks at me "I'm not going anywhere" she says as sge gives me a lick on my head. But I'm not convinced "You promise you won't leave?" She gives a small smile "Yes Erica.....i promise" i smile and i then curl up close to her "hmm good night Jewel" i say as i close my eye's to get some sleep.


"Erica....Erica get up!" I wake up startled and looked up at Jewel who looked paniced "get up we have to get going now!" I feel scared as she pushed me yo my paws "Why? whats going on?" She just pushed me "No time just run Erica and don't look back!" Thrn i hear a familiar "Hey Girls!" I look over to see a fkareon running towerds us and i knew it was father But Jewel looked scared "Run Erica and Hide!" She said and we both take off running but i hear Jewel yell and look behind me to see she was fighting with father and there was red liquid coming from her as he pushed her down "How dare try to run from me!" He hissed and she was crying under his paws "Please just leave us along!" I feel scared as he hit her head really hard "Jewel!" I cry out as i came running back i see her and she wasn't moving anymore then fsther looks at me with a scary look. I back away as he got off of jewel and started walking closer to me. I then take off running he runs after me yelling fir me to come back but i don't i then find a place to hide. There was a hole in the ground that i go in and i watch as he runs by. I try to keep quit but i feel tears falling from my face and i was havi g truble breath normal 'why is father doing this? I start crying but i go derper into the hole 'i need to go back to Jewel' i think to myself but i also think 'i should wait a bit though to mske sure it's safe'


Hours go by and the sun was at half point and i haven't seen father so i crawl out of my hiding spot and head to where father attacked us. I then see thst Jewel was still laying there "Jewel?" I whimper as i walk up to her. "Jewel get up....we have to go now" i say as i paw at her but something felt off. I look at her and i can't help to notice that she looked so pale. I place my paw in her and my heart dropped when i relize how cold and stiff she felt 'just like mother!' I started breath heavy but i can't cry anymore I've cryed all my tears already i look at her feel sad " promised" But i could finsh my words as i lay besid her crying into her lifkess body.


I wake up to feel a really cold chill. The sun was gone and clouds blacked any light as a heavy wave of snow. Blows in my face. I feel nume from the cold but i don't want to leave not with out my big sister. But i know if i don't go i to will walk with Arceus so i force myself up and i slowly make my way 'i gotta keep going' i push fowers and soon am walking normal past. I try to ignore the the cold as i move on.


Two day's later

I was in a den i dag out to get away from the cold. I have been walking for two days now and i still didn't know where i was trying to go. I look out side to see the sun was coming up so I'd be traveling again vary soon. I get ip and head out side expecting cold wind but to my suprise it wasn't as cold as it was last night. I walk fowerd and i noticed that the snow felt thine instead of it's thickness. The sun then picks over tress and i can see where the mountain ends and where the grassy land was I'm almost there!' I then take iff running knowing it will be alot warmer over there 'no more cold weather' but then i stop running when i Remeder 'Jewel....' I stop and looke over back to the ice mountains and i feel a tear 'Jewel.....mother I'll alway's remeber you bother....i love guys' i then turn away and tske off running again not looking back as i keep going.


I finally make ut to the grass lands and i feel happy to be warm but i needed a place to stay or predator pkemon will want to eat me. I then started to look around until i found a snall little hole thst only small pokemon would be able to fit in so i make it home. I rip the moss off the tress so i csn use it as bedding and i fix up the den. I notice there pecha barries watch is good since i didn't know how to hunt. I pick some of them and go into my new home.

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