Chapter 7 : Missing my friend's

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A moon later from last chapter

Nova's P.O.V

I was sitting on a rock in camp just relaxing in the sun. I was alone Milo never came back after leaving and it's been word that he probably won't ever. I let a sigh out knowing Erica was still gone as well i checked everyday since i got back from my trip to the moss rock but she never came around 'Both my best friends left I'm all alone' then i hear paw steps "Hey beautiful what's up" i look to see Gavin and frown. He's been flirting with me and I've been avoiding him 'ugh i don't like Gavin' he smiles at me "so you want to do something?" I wrap my tail around my paws "nah I'm good Gavin......maybe next time" he frowns and gets closer "you say that ever time Nova.... Come on just admit it you like me, i mean I'm next in line to be chief and I'm kinda the hottest what's the hold up?" I narrowed my eye's at "Oh yea being chief and stuff will just make the girls fall for you.....go bug someone else then I'm not interested Gavin" i hissed feeling annoyed now. Gavin pinned his ears back "hm heh no warries in'll be mine sweetheart" he blows a kiss and walks away with his tail and head high. I let a fustreated sigh out feeling kinda annoyed with life. I then get up and head over to the dens to see my mother sitting there "Oh hello Nova" i smile at her and lay down in my moss bed "Hello mother...I'm going to be napping...try to be quite please" she noded and headed out and i closed my eye's feeling tired.


I open my eye's to moon light i get up and stretch and look around but it was quite i walked out side to see i wasn't in camp, in fact i had no idea where i was but i saw a glaceon sitting at the edge of a cliff by a river that falls into a water fall over the cliff. "'s beautiful..... but yet a disaster..... It's all becuse of her.... I'm sorry" i feel vary confused i slowly walk up to her "What are you talking about?" I asked but she didn't answer she just looks dawn the cliff and the grass started to turn red and so did the tree's i feel a bit paniced but then everything started to fad away.


I open my eye's and i let out a yelp of panic as my eye's adjust to the dark. I let a few deep breaths out before looking aroynd to see i was back in my den 'it was just another dream....what are with these dreams? Why do i keep having then? And why do they feel so real?' I had a bunch of questions but none would ever be answered.

Erica's P.O.V

I dashed in the snow and tryed to use ice beam but it failed. Cora let out a mocking laugh before useing electric ball hitting me i roll to the ground "hey easy!.....I'm still learning to use my ice moves" Cora walks up to me "Sorry Erica....i get carryed away sometimes" she then smirks "heh you know I'm also learning.....learning to fight with only one eye" i feel embarrassed she was doing better then me and she is surprisingly strong and vary fast. "Just stand still so i can get the hang of it" i say and she noded her head as i start trying to use ice beam and i finally get it and it hits her "Owe!" She let out before useing thunder bolt on me "Owe hey!" I yell, then we start batyling again. Honestly Cora was a strang girl she's actually got a bad temper and she always sneaks off to somewhere arceus know but i sure don't know. And she doseny3 talk avout herself at all she just listens to what i say. I then try for a frost breath but she moves away and smiles "getting better with em ice move eh?" I smirk "Oh yea!" I then use ice fang hitting her this time then she used thunder hitting i fall to the ground feeling exhausted "alright win i give in" i say. She's to strong for me. She smirks at me "Alright girl... You did good" i nod my thanks we start heading back to the den but then i stop and look at Cora knowing it's been a moon since i got here I'll be leaving soon....but me and Cora are close friends now....but i still wanna good home so I'll tell her tomarrow' i lay down in bed and close my eye's to find sleep.

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