Chapter 11 A flareon (past event)

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I was heading back to my den. The sun was setting behind me. I see Quinn sitting by the den, her yellow rings where flashing in the dark. "Hey sis! You evolved" she said with glee. I smile and nod "yeah....finally got a thunder stone heh" she walks over to me " moving outta the den then?" I pause i had forgotten about that. I nod "yeah....i guess" the umbreon jumps up with joy "yay! I've waited along time for you to evolve sis!.... We can find den's near each other oh and i have a friend who'll h-" but i cut her off "That's Nice and all you have to be jumping around like that?" Quinn stops and blushes with embarrassment "oh....sorry it's just I wanted this for a vary long time now" it's true quinn refused to leave the den until i evolve, we're vary close sister's. "Cora!" I hear mother call we both look to see the sylveon come out of the den her blue eye's look at me with surprise " found a thunder stone?.... Well done" she says and i smile "heh thanks i guess me and quinn are moving out" the expression on mothers face charges form happy to wary "Oh? Already?" Quinn grunted "i thought you wanted us to leave the den?...." There was silence after she said that. I drop my ears a bit feeling akwered and guilty but Quinn was right she always complaint about us living with her but that's also because she raised us alone. The Sylveon forced a smile "well yeah....but make sure to visit me still....i do care about you two dearly" she says walking up to us and gives us a huge. "Good luck my children" i frown knowing we won't see her as often from this point on. "Thanks mom.....We'll make sure to visit..." I say before me and quinn head out to find our own dens.


The moon was out and quinn was flashing her lights. I grumble "why did we leave at such a late time to look for dens again?" Quinn smiles "well i work better at night" i frown "well not everyone's a dark type....jolteon's don't stay up all night" i bark at her but she just chuckles "yeah i guess i didn't really think of that" i narrowed my eye's "no you didn't" i say coldly the umbreon stops and looks at me "Hey okay I'm sorry Cora.... But i think I just found a good place for you" i stop walking to look at her she ran to a tree and i feel my fur raise 'Dumb bitch....I'm not living in a tree!' I follow her and her red eye's meet mine "well it's great right!" She days joyful but i frown "Quinn....that's a fucking i look like a pachirisu?" Quinn rolls her eye's at me "Oh my Arceus Cora not the tree...look" she points her paw and i look again to see that there was a barrow den that was mad in the undergrowth that was perfect for a  eevee evolution such as myself. "Oh...well you could've just said so"  Quinn bite her lower lip looking like she wanted to attack me "your never happy are you Cora...." She said quietly to hersrlf but i hear it. "Well again i can't see because.....I'M NOT AN UMBREON!" I yell at her feeling my face heat up with anger. Yes i was aware that i had a vary bad temper. She back up before saying "well enjoy....I'm finding myself a den...even though i could just have claimed this one" her tone is bitter as she stalks away. I just roll my eyes before i entire tbe den. I was kinda messy but nothing i can't clean. Ripped up some mass to make bedding to sleep I'll organize it in the morning' i tell myself before i close my eye's to find sleep.



I snap my eye's open and scramble to my paws. I'm breathing heavy as i look around wide eye 'What was that?' I look out side to see it was still pretty dark out side. I then hear paw steps walking by. I lower myself feeling nervous then to my surprise a flareon comes into my new den. Looking scared. He stiffens up when he sees me and i immediately recognize bim "...Pyro?" He looks at me then smirks "Oh it's just you....heh... I thought you where that mightyanea" i feel puzzled but this but he doesn't seem to care. "Um....what are you doing here?....a-and what was that noice?....and what about a mightyanea?" I had loads of questions. Pyro glanced at me "well....first that noice was me....i over hearted and the mightyaneas upset with me because i stole his catch....and last i was here trying to find you...and I'm here now because I'm hiding from crazy mightyanea...satisfied?" He says kinda fast. I blink a few times before narrowing my eye's "well you can't stay here!....and why where you looking for me?" He smiles maliciously at me "well....honestly you and me made a pretty good team earlier today, i would say so i thought we could hang out sometime....maybe get to know each other?" He said before laying down and crossing his front paws. So far i picking up that he's a low life thief but i was taught to never judge yo soon. I sigh "Huh....alright we can hang....but first thing first...I'm tired as you know..... SOMEONE! Wake me good night now bye" i say as i start pushing him out of my den. He struggles against me "h-heya i don't want to leave!...Please let me stay I'll be quite you won't notice me i SWEAR!" I stop pushing him for he was hardly being pushed anywhere do to him dropping his weight. "Gruuuh what is your problem?" He shuffles his paws "I've told you I'm hiding....did i not?" I pin my ears back "your asking for a shocking" i say as electric runs through my fur. He drops his ears before saying "Why's it so bad to let me stay?" He look away "because if my sister sees you in my den....ugh she'll get the wrong idea about us and believe me she's annoying as hell" he then pricked up "Oh! i just need to hid while I'm in here" i frown but at this point i gave up i was tired and just wanted to sleep "ugh....fine you can stay....but you have to be quite...i need my beauty sleep" i mutter before curling back up 'ugh annoying'


The sun light was pecking through my den and shining on my pelt i turn over enjoying the feeling until "Hey....hey Cora" i hear Pyro say. I pretend to be asleep so he'll leave me alone 'i like sleeping in and I'm not ready to get up yet' but to my despair he pokes me on the side "Pessst Cora....hey Cora it's morning....Cora?..... WAKE UP!" He yells and i shot up startled my fur spikes us and missile shoot everywhere. Pyro hide behind a rock to avoid them before picking over to see me sitting there wide eye. "Ah Cora i see your awake" i bite my teeth together my face heats up with anger and i narrow my eye's "....Yeah i am....thanks to you!" I spit bitterly. He smiles "heh your welcome....don't worry i sleep in to sometime too but uh it's just a horrible feeling" i deepen my frown "Oh well in case you didn't realize....i like sleeping in" i say in a stern voice "Oh but how could you? You don't know me....we're stranger's so get lost!" I snap but he doesn't move 'well yes....but we're going to hang out... remember?" I tilt my head back "yes and so far I'm kinda hating who you are...." He walks over to me "Oh I'm sure we'll be great friends" he says a little more serious thus time "After all....we evolved together" he then headed for the exit of the den "Now let's go hunting or something" he then leaves the den. I grunt to myself before following after him. I walk out side to see Quinn. The umbreon glanced at me "Oh Hi Cora!...i found a den not to far from here" she says looking happy but also sleepy. I smile at her "Glad to hear should get some sleep though" i tease her playfully and she chuckles before heading off. I then look around until i see Pyro and i run after him. He waits for me to get beside him before he takes off running "Follow me i know a great place to hunt!" I nod and run after him once again. I look around to see how beautiful the forest was it was putting me in a better mode. He then comes to a stop and i stop beside bim. I glance around the area to see that the tree's where thicker and the grass was really long watch meant a lot if prey pokemon would be around. I smile as a nice breeze of wind ruffles my palt. I look at Pyro who seems pleased "Heh well come on let's hunt" he then walks around sniffing the air and i do the same. Then i pick up ptey sent and lower myself as i see prey i creep closer to it and when close enough i prance on it killing it fast "Nice!" I hear Pyro say loudly as he walks up to me with his own prey. The sunlight pecks through the leaves abd shines on me. Pyro looks at me and blushes a bit before saying "Wow Cora....your so beautiful honestly" i know he's a annoying but he makes me smile when he says that "Oh heh thanks...."his smile brightens a d we sit down to eat. "So Pyro....where do you live?" I ask and he looks at me " town....hoping to become mayor of the town someday" he answers. I glance at him "Alright then..." He smiles "do you have any dreams...or big plans?" I flick my ear "nah i just go with the roll..." I tell him and his smile widens "heh alright....we should go for a walk after" i nod my head a walk sounds refreshing.


After a long day of hanging out with Pyro i realize i actually do enjoy his company. He's really funny and makes me smile. I think we could be good friends. We're heading back to my den. The sun was setting once again. We arrived at my den finally and i see Quinn sitting by my den. My heart drops i didn't want her to see me with Pyro. Her red eye's lite up when she sees me "Cora!" She calls 'Oh no' she runs up to me with glee. Pyro backs up looking at her. Quinn noticed him "Oh who's this?" She asked with interest. I roll my eye's as Pyro smiles "I'm Pyro....are you Cora's sister?" She nodded her head "Yeah i am...names Quinn by the way" she says. I then push Pyro away from her "Alright Pyro i think you should go now....i had bye now" he nodded "Alright soo you later Cora" he then runs off. And i eye Quinn "he's only a friend Quinn" the umbreon just giggles "Yeah that's how it starts....heh i bet you'll date him in three weeks" she teased me. I grunt "No way!" And we both start walking but i can't help but feel she was wrong i mean i feel nothing towards him honestly i never really felt any feeling for any guy before. But girls i get this whole other feeling.

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