Chapter 3 : A new friendship

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Nova's P.O.V

I was out side practicing my moves with Milo. I used swift hitting him pretty hard but he go up fast and used quick attack hitting me right back but i don't fall over. He then gose for bite but i moved away in time and used shadow ball hitting him "Ooff!" He landed on his side "ugh Okay Nova i think i had enough" he says and i giggle. It had a week since i met him and have been able to come out side. I smirk "heh and to think I'm younger then you" i teased him as he got up. He shot me a look before he said "Oh yea well I'll show you!" He the leaped on me pining me down and biting my ear playfully. I laugh but i do try to push him off "Milo stop it!" Je just laughed at me so i push him really hard to get him off. He then glanced over as Leafeons came into the camp "....I wonder if Gavin evolved yet" He said and i wounder the same "....yea probebly it shouldn't take long right" then i see my mother coming our way "Nova! Come on it's time for hunting practices!" I look over to her before glancing at Milo "well bye I'll see you later" i say as i run to my mom and she leads me to the exit of the camp.


The sun was still high and me and mother headed back to camp with prey in our mouths. I feel pretty happy with how good i have gotting. We walk into camp ti see every leafeon where chattering away. I tilt my head wondering what was going on but then i see a leafeon that I've never seen before "um....mother who's that?" Mother seemed happy to see this leafeon "Oh Nova don't you recognize the sent?" I shake my head. Mother sat down "It's Gavin he's come back a leafeon" i glance at him feeling annoyed now "Oh...." Then i see Milo looking at me so i get up and walk over to him "hm great he's back" i say and Milo huffed " he's going to act like he's better then litterly everyone" i look down at my paws "....lovely" i mutter. I then get up and head away Milo follows me "Hey so you doing anything?" I shake me head "i better go back to my dad will want me home now" Milo noded and ran off to the other eevees. And i was heading back to my den but then i glance at the exit camp ans see a butterfree flying around 'hmm i wounder.....maybe i could go exploring on my own' i alway's wanted to see nore of tbe forest rather then being stuck in the same spot day after day. So i decide to go out side the camp 'i won't go far I'll come back' i was heading towerds the exit but then "Where dilo you think your going!" I freeze in place and turn to see Gavin glaring at me. I frown at him " where....i was just kooking" Gavin growls "it sure didn't look like it gezz kids these should go back to your den or do i have to tell your dad?" I feel my fur bristles as i start walk8ng to my den " I'll go home" i say bitterly as i walk into my den to see fsther sitting there he sniles at me "Hello Nova" i smile but i can't help to feel annoyed 'well I'm still going out....i want to go exploring'


The sun was raising, it was early in the morning and every leafeon was still sleeping so i carefully seak outside the den and carefully move towerds the exit of camp. I stay low to the ground then i finally make it and i then bolt into the tree's and bushies feeling excited 'hehehe now i can go where i want without having to warry about prey or be lectured!'  I jump on some rocks and the wind blows through my fur making me feel alive. It blows some leaves around and i leap after them laughing with joy, i catch a few with my paws then i spot something it looks like a pecha tree and there was an oren barry bush as well. I run over there and sniff at the barries before picking them and eating them 'this must bevwhere our healer gets her herbes' i then notice that there's a hole in the tree and it looked like a den 'but an eevee could easily get in there' i then hear a voice "What are you doing?" I jump feeling suprised. I thought i was alone but when i turn around i see another eevee staring at me. I look at her "what are you doing outside of camp?" I asked her feeling puzzled. She looked confuced "Camp?" She replied as if she had no idea of what i was talking about and that's when i realize that I've never seen her before and she smelt nothing like the tribe at all. No she had more of an misty small "Oh....sorry i thought your from my tribe" she looked at me "A I'm bot from any tribe, I'm on my own" she said walking to the oren barries and she eat one from the bush and then looked at me "want some?" I noded but i had to say "um so where's your parents?" She looked at me but she dosen't answer she just smiles at me before saying "i don't have any" i feel puzzled by her "but everpokemon has them" she shook her head "not me....they left me" i frown hearing that but she was still smiling as if she didn't care. "Dosen't that bother you?" She once again shook her head " use to but you gotta learn to move on you know. And most of my days im just trying to survive and make the most of it" i smile and pick a pecha barry but i have one more question on my mind "who looks after you?" She then started laughing "haha i do silly. I told you i don't have anyone in my's just me trying to survive and have fun" i noded but i can't help but to feel pity for her i couldn't imagine life without my tribe or mother and father, to live all by yourself wouldn't that be lonely? And how dose a little eevee our age survive with no one? She looks at me "hey you wanna play?" I smile at her excited "yea i do!" She smiles but then says "I'm Erica by the way" i look at her Erica was such a pretty name "heh I'm Nova" i say and she smirks before she jumps at me playfully. We start wrestling each other but of course we're just playing around then i started to run and she chased after me as we laugh i then stop by the river and she stops to but to my suprise she jumps in to the river and looks at me "Come on it's not that deep!" She calls splashing around. I feel nervous i never swam in water before 'but this is why i wanted to come by myself was to try new things' i dip my front paw in and the water was really cold. Erica stares at me "Hey what's taking so long? Hah you scared or something?!" She teased me. 'Now i have to do it' i close my eyes as i leap into the vary cold water and my hole bady gose under the surface and i panic for a minute but then i started swiming back to the top. My head comes back to the surface and i take a deep breath and look at Eica who was laughing at me she splashes me playfully before saying "You never went swimming before have you?" I shake my head still feeling nervous 'father had always told me the water can be dangerous unless your a vaporeon'
I feel a shiver run through me "Ah isn't it refreshing" she swam around and i noded before saying "it's cold though" she giggles "yea but you'll get use to it and honestly the cold dosen't bother me...i use to live in the ice mountains" i stared at her "really?" She noded "Oh yea that's way colder then this water could ever be" i laugh a bit before i splash her and then she splashes me back and we start playing in the water and swimming around laughing but i wounder 'why dose no one at my tribe like playing like this? Or trying new things?'


Hour's go by and me and Erica come out of the water and we shake our fur to dry off and headed back to where the pecha barry tree was. I look at the sky and i feel nervous as i realize 'everyone will be getting up now' i glance at Erica before saying "uh hey i gotta go now" Erica looks at me "say what why?" She looked disappointed "we're having so much fun i can show you there stuff we could do" i want to stay i really do but i have to tell her "no I'm sorry but I'm not even supposed to be tribe will be
Furious with me if they knew i was gone" she gazes at me before noded "Alright Nova....hey will you come back tomarrow?" She said with a hopeful look and i smile and i feel really happy "yes of course i will!" I push her playfully and she laughs i then run off towerds the camp and i hear her caling to me "Bye Nova see you tomarrow at the same time okay!" I yell back "see you tomorrow!" I keep running though wanting to get back before everyone awakes


I lay down in my bedding to make it look like i never left then i hear my father say "Good morning Nova it's time to get up" i get up and stretch out my lages ferling greatful tgat u didn't get caught leaving but i keep thinking of Erica 'i already can't wait for tomarrow' i run out side to see Milo he ran up to me "heya want to train with me?" He said waving his tail around and i nod my head "Okay" we tgen head over to where all the eevees practices there moves and start battling each other. 'Hnm we do this every morning why dosen't Milo ever want to do something else? It's akways the same thing and it's boring'

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