Chapter 24 : The new life

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Erica's P.O.V

The sky was full of clouds and there was a soft breeze every now and then. I was sitting by the river bay feeling lost, it's been about a moon since i left home and since I became a prisoner to Cora, so it felt. I let a sigh out as I once again think about Nova. 'I miss her... is she thinking about me? Or dose she hate me?' I just wanted to be taking away at this point, taking to the golden forest. 'More like darkrai's cave.'Why would Arceus allow a murder such as myself?' I couldn't forgive myself for the death of the chief. 'He didn't have to die...why? Why didn't I save him?' I know the reason but Cora says she didn't care if I did help him, she told me it was all on me. I then glanced up at the sky feeling a bit frustrated, regretting my choice, regretting my life. "Erica!" I frown at the sound of Hydro's voice. I turn a glare towards him. The vsporeon just smiles at me. "Heh why the sour face? Your not still upset about that hole thing are you?" I says sounding oblivious to my situation. I narrowed my eyes and let a small growl. "I have a right to be upset with Cora! And with you!" I snapped my blood boiling. I hated it here and to make things worse they say I'm one of them but don't even fill me in on what they want, who their targets are or even why they want revenge. It was frustrating even though it's been clear that I wanted nothing to do with anyone in this group. Cora won't allow me to leave it though. 'She say's she's got a lot of mons following her and she'll throw a hit on Nova if I don't go along with them...'

Hydro then walks up to me, "hey she's not so bad, Cora's got the right idea. It was unfair what they did to her... what they do to all of us." He said with a dry tone, I could see the gate in his blue gaze. My eyes then wonder to his crooked tail. 'Can he even swim?'
I shake my head and tell him. "She's not in the right! I don't care what happened it's not right to kill... tell yourself whatever you want but it won't make it right!" Hydro just snorted and sat down beside me. "Who said it was right? Look I can understand how you feel.... But I'm done being the innocent one! We maybe doing wrong but so are they! Just because we're different and like different genders, Or identify differently dose not give them the right to treat us so poorly... they taken lives to you know... I'll let you think about that. Cora wanted to see you in the cave..." he then sat up and stalked off. I stared after him feeling angry but at the same time he did have me thinking. 'Well the rules are a bit unfair... but there are other ways to deal with it.. more friendly ways....' The world seemed broken to me. If everyone thought this way then nothing would ever change, nothing would get resolved. 'It's only making thing worse...'

I got to my paws feel the breeze ruffle my fur. I then pad over to the water falls and step through them, the water drops heavily on to me soaking my fur. 'The waters never bothered me before though... heh in fact me and Nova use to live going for swims.' Suddenly my stomach drops at the thought of her again. I thought of her often, to often in fact and every time it gets more upsetting.
I then entered the crystal cave to see Cora and a few other Pokémon's gathering around her, Hydro being at her side, he was second in command. The one eye jolteon glanced at me with a dark smile. "Erica glad you could make it... we are just disgusting or next move... after all we have to act fast before someone recognizes me." I frown as I sit with the rest. "So you planning another murder?" I growl. Cora just smirks. "What can I say Karma is a bitch." She says sounding proud of herself. I open my mouth a bit. 'She thinks this is karma?'
Cora then says. "Vulcan is dead as we all know now... but Glenn is still out there and so is Pyro.... We can't touch Pyro yet though to many would notice since he's the mayor.... Glenn would be a easier target but the problem is we don't know where that coward ran off to... I didn't notice him with the leaf tribe." Cora was rambling on with plans and different names but hearing Pyro the Mayor reminded me of that flareon with the scar's in town. 'He was against gay and lesbian relationship's... a lot are though but he seemed like it was he Pyro?.... Maybe if I play along I can warn him about Cora and put a stop to this.... But if he knew I was a lesbian... would he report me to the ruler?' I was trying to think carefully of how I can get out of this big mess, how I can make up for my wrong doings. 'Surly Pyro isn't a bad Mon... I think I'll just have to take the chance with him.' Cora then stands up. "That's all for now and remember none of you know me..." she says as they leave except Hydro. Cora looks at me. "You can go Erica but I do want a word with you later... but for now me and Hydro have some important stuff to discuss... in private." I felt curious of what they were planning that no one else could know. That was another thing that I noticed about the two. They talk a lot in private and no other is involved in these discussions. 'They are up to no good.... I need to find out more... but first I think it's time I meet this... Pyro and try to learn more and how I can end this... and maybe... No maybe it's best Nova stays away from me....' A part of me wanted to find Nova but the other wanted to stay away to keep her safe. But on the other paw I wanted to find her and tell her everything explain myself and find out if she still loves me. 'Or if she ever loved me...' that small voice says in the back of my head, I mean what if she did like Gavin.

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