Chapter 5 : Travelling to Destiny

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Nova's P.O.V

"Nova wake up!" I open my eye's to see Milo poking at me "Your going on your trip to the moss rock!" He said happily i got up feeling puzzled "what? I thought your going then me after?" He shook his head "nah i wanted you to go first....i don't think I'm ready to evolve" i then get up "alright....I'm up and ready" Milo then ran out side my den then my mother came in "Nova hey i got you fresh kill" she dropped prey by me and i smile "Thanks mom" and my dad came in looking proud "You excited to evolve?....make sure to keep your head high and don't show fear" she was telling me. I noded my head "yes dad i know.....I'm ready for this" I've been looking fowerd to this all my life and now it's here i couldn't stop smiling "Come now Nova" father saidcas he lead me out the den. The chief was on his rock and his golden brown eyes hurn through me as i noticed everyone was watching me. I feel kinda nervous now but i keep my head high like father told me to. And i walk up to the chief and lock eye's with him "Nova are you ready to make your trip to the moss rock?" I noded ny head "yes i am Chief" i say abd he gazed at me "Do you promise to stay trust worthy and loyal to this tribe?" I noded once again "yes i do" he noded and flickers his tail to the exit "then you may walk our path to the moss rock but remeber come as a leafeon or not at all for this is the tribe of New leaf we don't accept any other eevee form here" i gulp and noded my head one more time before taking off into the forest.


I was walking for hours now and i feel pretty tired now i stop to find food. I sniff around and started to look around and i spot a furret so i get low and stalk fowerd then leap on it killing it and i started to eat it. I notice tbe wind pocked up and the sun was being blocked by rain clouds 'i should get shelter' i get up again and started to run looking for a place to keep dry as a few rain drops fall from the sky. I find a place to hid in and then it starts to down poor. 'This is not good weather to travel in....what happened it was so sunny out side today?' I lay lay down feeling tired and close my eye's.


I feel cold air blow against my fur and i open my eye's to see that it was dark outside. I glance around feeling puzzled for the tree's where all dead. I gulp feeling really uneasy as i get up and walk out. I notice there was ashies on the ground then i see a glaceon standing a few feet away from me. She's looking at me with a worried look. Tilted my head to the side feeling lost. Then i notice my paws where ones of a leafeon. I looked at my tail to see a leaf as a tail "Wha? What's going on?" I asked looking back at the glaceon who made her way over to me but i notice a shadow following her it was in the shape of a pokemon and it's claws where out and it smirks as it leaps at the glaceon "LOOK OUT!" I yelled but everthing faded away.


I snap open my eye's taking deep breaths feeling panic. I feel super dizzy as i look around to see day light. I look at my paws to see there one's of an eevee. I let a relief sigh out 'but what was that?.....a dream i hope....but that glaceon i feel like i know her, wait could that have been Erica?'  I have so meny questions but i knew i couldn't answer anyone of them so i shake it away as i get up but one nore thought hites me 'i was a leafeon...nah it's was just a dream and nothing else' i then continue my trip to the moss rock. I come up to the river snd tske a few laps of wate then keep walking. Tbe grass seems soft and i could hear the flying types sing. I feel pretty relaxed but then the memory of that dream keep poping up in my head and it makes me feel uncomfortable i look around feeling streesed out 'But what could happen that's so bad? Nothing i mean it's a safe forest' i try to convince myself but i still feel uncomfortable.

Erica's P.O.V

I was pretty close to the ice mountains by this point i could feel the fresh could wind blowing my fur around it felt good but it reminds me of when i lived here with my sister and mother. I feel a tear but shake it away and make my way into the ice mountains I'm really close to evolving....I'll be a glaceon like sister and mother where' i then feel the snow under my paws as i walk. I tgen pick up my past as i run feeling happy to be back in the mountains as i run up the rocky suffice 'now mother alway's told me the ice rock was in a cave....i just gotta findvthis cave then I'll find the ice rock' i tell myself as i start heafingbdeeper into the mountains snow blows through my fur msking me shiver a bit i shake my fur 'when I'm a glaceon it won't bother me anymore' i then spot prey pokemon and get low to the ground and move slowly towerds it then leap on it killing it with s fast bite then i started to eat it feeling hungry. It had been two days sincr i started my quest to evolve 'i wounder how Nova's doing....she's probebly on her way to the moss rock' i feel slightly sad that i haven't seen her in awhile. I then started travelling again.


Soon day turns into night and I'm still making my way. My paws are nearly frozen but i refuse to stop as i take a few more steps. At this points I'm pretty deep into the mountains the moon was blocked by the clouds and i could hardly see but i make out a cave so i head towerds it 'i could use a rest' i think to myself as i pick up my past to get shelter from the wind.
I soon get there and claps on the ground shivering from the cold as i curl up to sleep I'll find the ice rock tomarrow but i need rest tonight'


I open my eye's to sun light as i get up to my paws. I let a yawn out before my eye's travel around the cave i didn't notice but this cave gose pretty far and deep. I glance at the exit but i turn towerds the cave 'hmm i wonder whats in here....maybe I'll find the ice rock' i move forwerd into the cave i notice a bunch of zubats where hanging on the roof of the cave "Err i hope they didn't bite me in my sleep" i say out loud. I start to run again and i notice ice chunks everywhere and tbst there was ice on the ground so i run really fast then stop to let myself slide "heheh this is fun!" I yelp with joy i then do it again having fun with tbe slippery surface. I then bump into something and look up yo see a vary big ice chunk in front of me it had to be the size of a gyarados. I notice that the roof was really hight up now and that there was a lot of other paths "hmm watch way should i go?" I asked myself as i keep walking down the path i was on 'i shouldn't go to far or I'll get lost' i then see a really big rock thatvwas made of ice and i wided my eye's "The ice rock!" I the run towerds it feeling happy as i get to it. I look at it getting excited as i touched it i start to glow a bright white and i change shape and size until it stopped. I couldn't help but smile as i look at the ice to see my reflection. I was now a glaceon 'Yes! Now i can head home to see Nova!' I then start leaving the ice cave.

Nova's P.O.V

I was walking for three day's now and i could tell i was getting close to the moss rock. Mother would tell me how tbe grass is greener and trees the healthiest there is. I then come to see a really a really big rock covered in moss. I smile with exitment as i run towerds it "Yes finally!" I've alway's wanted to be a leafeon eben if i didn't grow up with leafeons. I knew from the start that it's what i wanted. I place my paw on it and i start to glow white and change shape then it stops and i smile as i look at my paws knowing i was now a leafeon. I then turn around to head back home 'i wonder if Erica evolved yet....i can't wait to see her again' i then start running with joy.

Erica' P.O.V

i walk out of the cave to feel the breeze but it dosen't feel all that cold anymore. I take a few steps before i hear a scream "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" I feel startled by this and run towerds it. I call out "Hold on!" I yell as i come into sight of a jolteon being pinned down by a flareon. My fur ruffled in rage but fear I'm a glaceon now....flareons ate a threat now' the flareon met my gaze and my fur stoid on edge as i realize 'i know him....father'

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