Chapter 17 : Loving girls (Past event)

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Cora's P.O.V

I was walking along the water by myself looking at my reflection as i step one paw into the water, it was cold and nice. I then hear paw steps behind me "Cora.. Pyro is looking for you." I turn my gaze to my sister who was watching me. I let annoyed grunt out "Why? what dose he want?" Quinn then chuckles "I guess he liked that date you two had." I roll my eye's hating the idea of being with him. "That was a moon ago... Can't he take a hint?" The umbreon looks away ".... I guess not, Cora you sure you want to turn this flareon away? He's vary attractive and well put together." Now this had me laughing if only she knew what a train wreck he truly was. Solar has told me so much about her brother and yes we've been seeing each other since we met that day. 'Shes a cute espeon.' I then look back to the water "Oh Quinn.... He's not so great believe me sis.... I know what i want in life and it's not him." Quinn dips her head "Alright... I'll tell him your busy then." She then padded away and i took off to Solar's den.


Once i got there i saw the espeon sitting on the grass in a sun patch just soaking up the sun's warmth. "Hey Solar!" I greeted her feeling exited to see her i don't know this feeling but i had it since i met her, it's like it takes over me making me a different jolteon. She smiles at me and Arceus was it ever beautiful. "Cora it's great to see you again." the espeon got to her paws and runs over to me giving me a hug. "Heh don't stay away to long... It gets lonely without you." She says as she parts the hug to gaze into my eyes. We lock eyes before i turn my head away "Heh sorry Solar.... It's just your brother has been bothering me and honestly....i have no feelings for him. Sure that so called date was good... I only see him as a friend." she frowns looking annoyed of her brother. "Of course he doesn't know how to let things go.. It clearly isn't ment to be." I smile at her, she gets me and understands me unlike Quinn who's always trying to push me towards the thing i don't want.
"... Cora if you want i could talk to him." Solar says, but i didn't know if i wanted her to so i shake my head. "Not necessary but thanks Solar." The espeon then looks away with a heavy sigh as if something heavy was weighing her down. "Solar?... Is there something you need to say?" The espeon just shock her head. "No not at all Cora." I feel ceruse because i could see a look in her purple eye's that i didn't understand, but i wanted to then a voice comes from behind us. "Cora! Solar!" I turn my gaze to see a flareon. 'Ugh Pyro!' he had a smirk as he pounced to us. "Hey, Cora i was wanting to see you~" he said getting way to close to me making me vary uncomfortable. "Err Pyro.... I'm kinda hanging out with Solar." He then glanced at his sister before saying. "Yeah well Solar understands, right sis?" Solar looked annoyed as she swipes her tail over The grass "Pyro please Cora doesn't want to be around you right now." The flareon gave her a challenging glare before saying. "Of course she does! We're dating aren't we Cora?" I felt awkward as he looks at me with a loving expression. It made me feel bad for him and i didn't want to hurt him. 'But he's bring it on himself....right? I'm not the bad pokemon for not liking him back.' i flatten my ears back "i....yeah sure but i just want to hang with Solar." the flareon then gave his sister a smug look. "See! Well then Cora I'll see You latter." He then gave me a kiss taking me by surprise then padded away leaving me feeling grossed out. "Why didn't you just tell him!?" Solar hissed looking Furious with me. "Well i don't want to hurt him.." The espeon flicks her tail. "That's only going to hurt him way more In the end Cora." I then growl. "Well maybe if he wasn't such a stupid fur ball! I mean why dose it bother you so much? So what whatever let him think what he wants." Solar frowns ".... Heh well I'm off to hunt I'll see you latter Cora." She then took off leaving me alone. 'She seemed hurt when i told Pyro we're dating... But why?....and why dose it bother her so much it's not a big deal' i let a sigh out before walking towards the town.

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