Chapter 31 : Gavin

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Nova's P.O.V

I watch as the glaceon took off without a word. I stared at the jolteon who as yet to move. The jolteon narrowed her eyes at me before following after Erica. 'Did she really just break up with me!?!' I felt like my world was crashing down. 'I gotta go after them!' I make my way over to where they ran off to but then a voice called out. "Nova don't follow them!" My ears twitch as I turn my head to see Quinn and Milo. "I told you.... Don't let this get to you." Quinn say's making her way over to me. "Are you hurt?" Milo asked. I looked down at myself to see that I was covered in ashes from the fire and my leg was sore, but the real damage was my broken heart from Erica. I shake my head. "I'm fine... I have to go after them, i know this isn't what she wants.... I also needed to find Cora anyways." I say still making my way through the water to get to the land. "Are you crazy! Cora will have you killed for getting in her way." Quinn said looking anxious. "My sister is pretty powerful... she's got a lot of allies." I shake my head and turn a glare to her. "I have to go after them!... if Cora is as dangerous as you say, then shouldn't we try to stop her?" I snapped at her and the Umbreon look a bit sad when I said it. "Stop her... stop her, I've tried to stop her! She's set in her ways.... The only way to stop her would be to.-" her voice cuts off there, I noticed a tear fall from her eyes. That's when I realized. 'She still cares a lot about her,' I've never had siblings so I can't say I understand that type of bond but looking at Quinn now, I realize running away is her way of keeping her and Cora safe. "I.... She's still my sister Nova." Her voice was shaking close to breaking now. "Please... don't go after her, Cora has taken a lot of lives. She won't be afraid to take another." I felt frozen not knowing what my next move was, the umbreon looked desperate to keep me away from the jolteon. 'But... I need to talk to Erica and she's with her, not to mention that espeon said I needed to find Cora.' I give Quinn an apologetic look l, "Quinn... you've been a wonderful friend... but I need to do this." I turn back to my destination and I finally reach the land. "Nova are you sure you know what your doing?" It wasn't Quinn's voice but Milo's. I looked at my friend and nod my head. But before I could take a paw step forward. "I found you... finally found you!" My fur stood up as I recognized that voice all to well. I see Gavin stepping into the clearing. I noticed his ear had a piece burnt off. And he looked angry. I felt my heart drop, 'No, not now.'

I backed up and I feel Milo run to my side. "Hey back off Gavin! Why can't you leave her alone you creep?!" He growled looking furious with him. "Milo? So you dare to show your face around these parts? Well this doesn't concern you, last I checked you left the tribe." He snarled but Quinn speaks up. "So did Nova, yet you still harass her." Gavin narrows his eyes at her. "This doesn't concern you! I'll give both of you a chance to walk away unharmed." He hissed and that's when I noticed more leafeon's emerging from the bushes. I pin my ears back knowingly Quinn and Milo wouldn't stand a chance even if i helped. Glanced at Quinn who looked a bit nervous. As much as I didn't want to be alone with Gavin or go back to the tribe I didn't want Quinn and Milo to get hurt. "....Quinn, you and Milo should go." I tell her but the umbreon was stubborn. "Your not taking Nova!" She growled at the leafeon. Full fury now. I frown as Gavin just smirks at her. "And what are you going to do to stop me?" He was overly confident, it did make me nervous. Quinn then attacked by using shadow ball. She succeeded. The move hits the leafeon but it's not long before he fires back, he looked vary irritated. He sued leaf storm. This move hits all three of us, before I could act I was being grabbed from behind by one of the leafeon's. My heart was beating out of my chest as I panicked. I try to free myself by using any move but it fails. I see that one of the leafeon's had tide Milo up in vins. But they struggled with try to hold Quinn down. The Umbreon was fighting like her life depended on it.but soon she got knocked out by another leafeon. "Quinn!" I Yelp, the panic only rises. Soon I feel pain as the leafeon that had me in his grip had used a move. I felt week and I knew I wouldn't be able to free myself from this. "Urrr Gavin." I growled in a low voice but everything was fading as I soon lose consciousness as my friends have. The last thing I could make out was Gavin making his way towards me.

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