Chapter 13 : breaking rules

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Nova's P.O.V

I stare at Erica for a long period of time. I don't know how to react to this 'She has feelings for me....maybe wishes do come true....but that flareon said it wasn't aloud....oh Aureus what do i do?!' She looks to the ground breaking eye contact with me. I finally decide on what to do 'i don't care what any pokemon thinks!....' I move closer "Erica....i feel the same, just didn't know how to tell you" the glaceon looks up at me once again but more with a shocked look before it fades to a look of happiness "Really?....Nova heh i....i didn't think your into girls" i smile "yeah well....I'm not at all interested in boys that's for sure....especially Gavin" Erica let's a chuckle out before we're both quite. Then Erica is the one to say " like me back then?" I nodded my head before our eye's meet and the fur along my back stands up a bit and i blush deeply Erica soon smirks as she pulls me a closer to her "So.....what do you want to do?" She asks leaning close to me. I could feel her breath on my neck and i notice that our mouths are only inches away. I feel a warm feeling and i swear i could hear my own heart pounding. I curve a smile and close my eye's before pushing my lips against hers. I know many would think this was wrong but i couldn't help but think it's right and it felt so good, her lips where so soft and tasty it gave me butterfree in my stomach. This only lasted for a minute before she pulls away with a soft smile i could tell she liked it as much as i did. She then gave me a small kiss between the ears. ".....I'm so glad i told you~" she whispers to me "....Same...." But now one problem remands "Erica" the glaceon looks at me with her full attention "Yeah Nova?" I then whisper to her "No one can ever know about this....about us" she blinks a few times before a look crosses her face "Because of that flareon.....right i guess we're breaking some rules huh" i frown. I know Erica is careless but for the love of Arceus please let her keep quite 'I don't want a tragic ending for us.....'  Erica then let a sigh out "but i guess your right....i also don't think your tribe would be happy" i widen my eye's "My tribe will be waking any moment now!.... Ah sorry Erica I've got to go now but....I'll see you later today alright" i say before sitting up and running back before the glaceon could even speak.


The sun was at high point and i was sitting by the eevee's den watching them play once again but my mind kept going back to Erica i then notice three girls walk by me they look at me before whispering to each other abd i could hear everything. "Heh that Nova's kinda an odd one isn't she" one says and another "Ugh i know i don't get what Gavin sees in her....her leaves aren't as fresh or green as ours" they then giggle and i pin my ears back holding back a growl then one of them noticed me staring at them "Oh hey Nova...if you don't mind, you could stop staring at us. Your not worthy of our beauty" They then walk away "Ugh i don't like her" and that was the last thing i heard before their out of sight. I let a sad sigh out 'Well i don't like you either....ugh what am i doing here in this tribe?....if I'm being honest i don't belong here' i look up at the tree's just wanting to leave 'I just want to be with Erica' i picture her smiling at me and her beautiful blues eye's. I smile as i imagine us together but then a voice cuts in "Hey beautiful!" I jump in surprise and wipe my head around to meet Gavin. He had a red rose in his mouth "i was out walking when i saw made me think of you" i frown at him "Ugh Gavin please.....just stop their lot's of other girls" Gavin frowns before sating "Nova i do everything for you...why don't you like me?" I was about to answer but he cut me off "Just say you love me....because i got your fathers blessing....because my father is chief we made arrangement" i felt deeply confused by this "Um...arrangement for what?" He met my puzzled gaze "Don't you know how this tribe works? It's like you haven't payed any attention!" I pin my ears back because he's right I'm always day dreaming or just spacing out. "Don't you get it....your going to mate with me rather you like it or law" my eye's widen 'WHAT?!" I scream in shock 'What dose he mean?!?....By law??? I have every right to saw no!' Gavin looks at me "Nova the son of chief gets to choose his mate then the fathers make the agreement... For a arranged marriage" my mouth dropped open in shock 'Father agreed to this?....why hasn't anyone tell me this?' Gavin then  smiles at me 'Awe Nova don't worry, I'll treat you good. You should be happy this is great honer to be mates with the chief and even if you don't love will learn to so we should spend more time together" i then narrow my eye's at him feeling anger towards him and i then take off running but not to see Erica i run to my parents den where they both where. Father notice me and gave a smile "Nova, we've been honored i bet Gavin gave you the news me and his father just talked" he says with glee but i notice nother give him a cold look before grunting "Yea that's great news for every young girl" hey dear i pick your mate" she seemed just as out raged as i was. Father soots her a look "Linnea we've been through this!" He snarls at her abd i frown at him "Father how could you do this to me!.... And not even tell me?" He looks at me "you say that as if it was wrong.... I did you good when me and your mother are gone you'll need a strong male to look after you and who better then Gavin? He's future Chief! You brin honer to our family...Nova dear i did this for you" he said it so calm but it just made me all the more angry 'A strong male?....' I pin my ears back fighting isn't really my thing but this needed to come out "So your saying i can't look out for myself?....that a girl cannot be strong and independent? Is that what your saying?' I hiss through my teeth he held my gaze "well.....guys are stronger then girls it's a fact Nova do understand" i bite my teeth together "Well at less let me choose my own mate! I hate Gavin! I'll never mate with him.... Never!" And to my shock father yells "YES YOU WILL! YOU'LL DO AS TOLD YOUNG GIRL!" Then mother growls at him "That's enough Jace! Leave her alone!" He glares at her "Linnea why can't you see this is what's best for our girl?" She frowns "It isn't love that's why!.... Jace i will not force my daughter to mate with someone she doesn't want be with" he snarls "'s already been agreed to so....she's mating with him abd will learn to love him!" I snap "i will never love can't make me!" I say with tears in my eye's now. I feel fear and pain 'If this is true then i cannot stay with the tribe....i...i won't mate with Gavin....i want Erica!' I was tempted to blur out that i like girls. I then run out off the den and i could still hear my mom and dad fight about my fate. 'i hate father how could he?' I was now crying and i notice those same girls watching me and they where laughing at me "hahaha look how ugly she cried" i could hear them mocking me. I wipe my eye's with my paw and run to my den to get away from them. I let my self fall into bed as more tears form 'this can't be....i just can't....not with Gavin' i sniffle and barry my face into the moss bed and i continue to cry feeling stressed out and worried. 'What am i going to do?....Erica will find out and think i lied to her.... Or what if they find out about us?'


Hours go by and I'm still in my den not wanting to go out side not wanting to deal with anyone out their 'at less mothers on my side....' I let a sad sigh out. As i look out side to see the sun was still up '.... I want to go see Erica but....if Gavin sees me he'll be all over me' i flicker my tail before making a move i pock my head out to see all the leafeons going about their day. I let another sigh out before stepping out of my den and heading for the exit and to my relief no one noticed me. I then take off in a run heading to Erica's den. I then make it their feeling relief but then "hi Nova" i turn my gaze to see Milo. Tbe umbreon was laying on a fallen tree. He lay on his back and his head was hanging down a bit as his red eyes where on me. He had a lazy look on his face "what you doing here?" He asked. I stared at him before answering "i um was here for Erica....Milo how long where you laying there for?" His eyes where half closed now " three hours now" i raise a brow 'what the Darkria...he just lays out side Erica's den for three hours?' I tilted my head to the side "oh-okay well....have you seen her?" The umbrein nods lowly "yeah i seen her....i think she went for a hunt...she asked me to go with her" i nodded "Alright....well bye Milo" the umbreon didn't answer his eye's where fully closed and i could her him snoring 'Okay then....' I just head out looking for Erica.


I followed her sent and soon i find the glaceon she was eating some prey that she caught and i make my way to her "Hey Erica" the glaceon looks up at me and her eye's lit up "mm Nova! Hey" she gets up and pulls me in for a huge "I'm so glad you cane back....i was hoping we could spend some time together" i smile as i take her sweet sent in he pulls away from the huge and looks at my before a worried look crosses her face "you good Nova?" I frown not knowing if i should tell her. I smile and rube my check agents hers "I'm good....i just really wanted to see you" i say and she the looks i to my eye's before she leans in to kiss me watch i happily take. We share a kiss before pulling away. I then cuddle close to her and place my head against her chest and close my eye's just wanting to stay like this forever or even more so.she rest her chin on my head and wraps a paw around me. I smile and am i ever glad  to have someone to hold me when i feel like this. Erica playfully bites at my leaf making me giggle before i push her with me head and pinning her to the ground and i grab hold of her flaps and pull on it playfully and she laughs before pushing me off and chases after me as i run from her laughing. Soon she catches me and we both are laughing until i noticed the sun was setting 'Darn....these days are to short....but i don't want to go back and I'm not going back' Erica glanced at me "Hey Nova" i look at her and tilt my head "Yeah?" She then paws at the ground " you ever plan on leaving that tribe?" And then silence falls over us. The truth was i wanted to leave but then another part of me doesn't want to. It's where i was born, raised, it was home but i wanted to leave for so meany other reasons like seeing the world or being able to go out and not worry about going home and to pick who i mate with. My eye's narrow as i remember my fathers words 'You will do as am i not free? Am i a prisoner?' I look at the ground before saying "i don't know...i want to but.....i don't think i can....I'm kinda afraid to if I'm being honest here" Erica looked surprised "Afraid?....why what's so scary about leaving?" She asked looking confused and i knew right there and then 'Erica never had a family change to her is every day....she doesn't know the feeling of leaving home or making a step of leaving behind a way of life' i look away from her "i don't expect you to understand....but it just is scary okay" the glaceon frowns before moving closer to me "stay Nova....for tonight.... Please" i smile and look at her. Our tails touch and i nod my head "yes....I'll stay tonight.... But i will have to go back" 'but not tonight or tomorrow.....i don't want anything to do with the tribe right now and i don't care if that is breaking the rules.'

Sorry for the short chapter once again.

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