Chapter 29 : Rotten to the core (Past event)

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Hydro's P.O.V

I stood vary still almost afraid to breath. I stared at Ray who was tied tightly in vines of the leafeon's. I couldn't find my words, I felt paralyzed. I could smell blood, I could smell fear. My own and Rays of course. 'This can't be happening! I..I'm dreaming right?'

"Careful who you trust Hydro." I hear the mockery in  his voice, I finally dare to move. I looked at the flareon, the one who had claimed to be my friend. He had this awful smirk, this pride in those green eyes of his. They brighten with victory. 'How could I have been so foolish? Cora was right... I should've never trusted him! And what's worse is Mewtwo himself just heated me confess to my biggest secret. Me and Ray are a couple, a relationship that is forbidden... one punishable by death.'
"Hydro... I am most disturbed to hear this! You do know this is forbidden for a reason!" I hear Mewtwo's voice full of discuss. "You know the penalty for this!" He roars at me. I open my mouth but still no wards. I see the leafeon tightens his grip on Ray. The sylveon had tears in his blue eyes. My eyes widened. "No please! Don't hurt him!" I finally shouted, my emotions getting the better of my as tears started to poor from my eyes. My voice cracking, my legs suddenly failing me as they wobbled beneath me. But there was no mercy behind his eyes. "... be grateful, I've decided to spare your life, but for this sylveon... he will pay the price." He says, my heart stopped as Mewtwo turned to look at Ray. "No! I'd rather it be me!!!" I yell, I then attempt to fight. I know deep down I can't win this, but maybe I could at least do enough to help Ray escape.

I used surf on the leafeon and Pyro, of course the flareon was easily pushed over by this. But unfortunately the leafeon's took hardly any damage. I then dash towards them with all my strength read to tackle Glenn who had Ray pinned. But I was stopped by Mewtwo's psychic power. "Did you really think you could stop me?.... Pathetic.." he growled. And he nodded to Pyro. "Kill the sylveon!" He demanded, I struggled to free my self from his power. "NO! PLEASE! RAY!" I yelled, struggling with all my might as I watch the flareon make his way to Ray. His green eyes lock with mine for a heart before he turns to Ray. The Sylveon struggled helplessly for freedom. But it was useless. All it took was one powerful slash to the throat, I went stif as I saw the blood run down the sylveon's chest. His eyes where watering, his yell was cut off by the sound of choking, choking on blood that is. Glenn let go of him and I did noticed how disturbed the leafeon looked. Mewtwo let me go finally. I hit the ground pretty hard, and  my vision was clouded with my own tears, yet I hadn't made a single sound. My eyes locked on Ray and I watch the life leave those eyes. "" I whispered feeling that awful feeling in my gut. I felt like my heart had shattered, I hardly noticed Pyro approaching me. "What do we do with him? He still has sinned... surely he still needs to be punished." One of the leafeon's said. He glanced at me with a cold glare. Mewtwo hovered over me. ".... He was Mayor of the town pokemon.... That will not continue." He stated before glancing over to Pyro. "You flareon where wanting to take that role, with no other wanting it... I guess you'll be the new mayor from now until the next election, and for this vaporeon...." He gave me another hard glare. I was still laying on the ground wishing it was me they took. I closed my eyes, waiting for whatever it was that was coming. "He will never step foot in that town again! Take him away.... I don't care what happens to him... beat him for all I care." And with that mewtwo disappeared. I slowly got to my paws again, feeling dizzy. 'This has to be a nightmare.' I felt cold tears sliding down my face. My eyes then met Pyros. 'Pyro... he did this....'
I then let my lip pull back in a snarl as I graded my glare. ", you did this! And for what? To be mayor? You killed the love of my life!" I then get ready to attack him knowing I'd win with being a water type but I was hit with leaf blade by Glenn. He then pinned me down. "Big mistake Hydro!... don't think I'd let you hurt anyone." He growled at me. I felt frustrated. As I was pulled away from the flareon. I yelled at the flareon in pure rage. "Grrr! You'll regret this! YOU HEAR! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" I shouted before I was thrown to the hard ground once again. I got hit by another grass move and this time I felt tired. My eyes then fell shut as I lost consciousness.

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