Chapter 20 : The break up (past event)

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Cora's P.O.V

I was sitting on the cliff hill above the town feeling anxious. The sun was raising looking gorgeous but I knew today I would have to tell Pyro how I actually feel about him and I also knew it is going to hurt him when I do. I let a sigh out dropping my ears against my head looking away from the town 'Why did that fluff ball have to fall for me?' I then sit up and head back into the forest but my fur couldn't sure float on my back it pricked up as I couldn't relax 'Why do I even care?.... I don't like him and that's how it is...'
But the idea of telling him and seeing that stupid look on his face that he has when he gets upset just made it hard and the fact that he's Solar's brother made it a lot worse. I then hear a voice "Hey Cora!" I flicker my ears as I turn my head to see a umbreon running up to me "Ugh Quinn now's not a good time..." but the umbreon comes to a stop when she catches up to me and just gives a chuckle "It's never a good time with you" I roll my eyes "Because you always show up at a stressful time..." she just shaves me playfully "heh come on Cora we never spend time together anymore... your always with Solar or telling me to go away... would it kill you to have time for your sister?" I pinned my ears back "maybe it would...." I mutter to myself avoiding eye contact then Quinn actually gave me a stern look "So Solar told me you where going to break it off with Pyro... is that why your acting grumpy?" I looked at her a bit surprised before nodding my head "Yeah...." She then sat down "And I'm guessing your struggling to do so...." I just stared at her for a heart beat 'how does she always know?' I then look away with annoyance "Ugh Quinn your not helping... look I can handle myself... stop acting like you know what I'm feeling" I then start to walk away but unfortunately she got up and followed after me "hey wait Cora... come on really though why don't you ever want to talk?" I narrowed my eyes but when I look at my sister I can tell that something was bothering her. I then relax a bit "Look Quinn it's not that I don't want to see you... it's just I'm kinda stressed out about Pyro... he thinks we're dating now and I have to basically break up with him.... And yet I kinda still want him around as a friend so.... How do I explain that to him?" She raised her eyes at me "....hmm that is kinda a hard thing to deal with... I just don't get why it didn't work out with you two?" I frown at her "beca-...oh....I don't know I just don't like him... I don't have to go out with him" I tell her feeling even more stressed 'Because I like his sister, Solar and she wants me to break it off with Pyro.. we'll I mean I see why.. but what would Quinn think if she knew I liked a girl over a guy that I'm not even attracted to guys'
She then says "We'll I'll leave you be then Cora... but hey you know if your having trouble or need to talk to me I'm always around" she then took off watch I thought I wanted until I was alone and close to Pyro's den 'Ah shit I should've asked her to stay with me when I tell him...we'll here I go I guess" I take a deep breath before walking into view of his den and seeing him with Solar of all Pokémon my frown deepened as I slowly approach them Solar saw me and her eye lite up and I know she knows that I'm here to finally get it through Pyros head that we are not a item. "Hey Cora!" Pyro says as he see me and his bushy tail waves with joy. "Hey.... Um so we need to talk Pyro" I say with a stern tone and Solar gets up right away "Hmm sounds serious I'll give you two space" the espeon then leaves making it only me and Pyro. The flareon looks at me with a expression I couldn't read "Oh okay... so what's on your mind Cora?" I then sit down trying with all my might to hold his gaze "So... I know you like me and all....but...well I.... Well you see....I... ugh" I started to trip over my own words as I did get nervous has I noticed his expression change to a sad look then he asked with a whimper "Are you breaking up with me?" I could see tears forming in his eyes and before I think I stupidly answered with"No!"

'Ah shit!' The flareon then calmed down "oh few you had me worried there, then what is this about then?" I stared with disbelief 'What the hell do I do now?...I can't break up with him now... ugh nows not a good time I'll do it later' "it's um.... Actually heh it's not important we can't talk about it another time alright" the flareon then tilted his head a bit "Oh alright then.... Hey do you want go to town with me?" I bit my teeth together "oh um I promised your sister to have a girls day today... I'm going to go now bye!" I then run off on him head over to where the espeon was and she looked unhappy and I knew she must of been watching us "what the hell Cora? I thought your going to tell him?" I drop my ears feeling guilty "I'm sorry Solar I panicked... he looked so sad..." the espeon flickers her ears with annoyance but then she seems to shake it off with a light laugh "hehe you softly.... Look I get it you don't want him to hurt but I hate to break it to you but it's going to happen and it's only going to hurt more the longer you wait..." this only made me feel all the more bad 'She's right' Solar then placed a paw on mine "Look Cora I want us to be together... I like you a lot and it would make me vary happy but... we can't if you don't tell Pyro" I then smile "Look don't worry I'll do it I'll tell him...but I need to clear my head and find the right words...I'm heading to town if you want to come with me?" I tell her and she let a purr out "Sure why not... but Cora please don't wait to long to tell him okay" she says as she walks past me rubbing her long tail under my chin making me blush. I nod my head and follow after her as we head to the town.

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