Chapter 16 : A Vision

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Nova's P.O.V

I open my eye's feeling startled, i don't remember falling asleep but here i was in Erica's den. I look out side the den to see a orangey red light that flickers around and the smell of heavy smoke hite my noise my eye's widen with fear "Fire! There's Fire!" I jump to my paws and run out feeling scared as i run out of the den to find out i wasn't in Erica's i was in the tribe 'but how?!....i was with Erica....i left the tribe how did i end up hear?'  I look around to see the leafeons running around trying to get out of the forest unfortunately being a grass type is vary bad luck when fires break out. Being a vary easy to catch fire and burn 'And same with ice types.. Erica! I gotta find her!' I try to run but i get pushed over by a leafeon and i struggle to my paws and to my shock i see a leafeon and a glaceon growling at each other "Gavin! Erica?" I try to run over to them but the panicking leafeons wouldn't allow me but i do see a shadow behind Erica creeping closer to her and can only make out Gavin's snarls "You'll pay you murderous glaceon!" Then they where both swollen by the shadows "ERICA!!!------


My eye's burst open and i gasp for air as if i have been under water for a long period of time. My eye's dart to out side to see it was still night fall and the silver moon light was reflecting off the grass no fire of any sort i set up still breathing heavy hardly trying to remember what woke me what i was dreaming of but now a wake it was a blur all i could remember was the burning forest and the cries of the leafeons but there was something else in that dream that was really confusing me but i can't quite remember. I sat up and let a sigh out i look beside me to see that Erica was still gone 'Where is she?.... Why wouldn't she let me go with her?' I was in her den, after the drama back at the tribe I've made the chose to stay away for a few days and Erica was kind enough to let me stay with her, but then she took off saying she had to do something for a friend and she wanted to go alone. I flicker my tail i feel like she's not telling me something 'But then again....I'm also hiding things form how my dad expected me to mate with gavin'
I look out the den once again this time i head out wanting to go for a walk. I know it was still night fall but it felt nice being out on my own


Gavin's P.O.V

I stared at the stars feeling frustrated i was sitting on a tree loge in camp the moon was out and everyone was asleep except me waiting for Nova to came back she never returned after leaving. I claw at the bark underneath my paws. As my eye's narrow ' Nova will love me....i better go find her...i know she leaves a lot but never this long' i got up and headed out to find Nova.


The tree's block out the moon light as i walk along the path trying to find Nova's sent but it was hard to find but then i see yellow light's head of me "What the?" I go towards them then i come to see two umbreon's they where sitting on a tree log and i could make out what there saying i pricked my ears up to hear better. "So your telling me you don't want anyone to know your here?" I hear and to my surprise it was Milos voice i have to bite my tough to not hiss or make a sound i never liked Milo and was glad he left 'but who's he talking to....and what about?....kinda sounds interesting' "I'm known around here.....and i just kinda want to stay hidden....after earlier i don't want any trouble" i chuckle to myself just hearing this made me want to know who this girl was i then hear her say "Don't trust anyone if they know Cora....alright let's head back now before someone hears us" and just like that they both leave. And I'm stuck thinking about that 'Who's.....Cora?'


Nova's P.O.V

the sun was rising and i was awake but Erica was still not back it really had me worried what could she have gone or what was she doing? I hears bird pokemon singing outside and i get just in time to hear braking twigs as a pokemons paws steps on them. I walked to the entrance and to my relief and yet shock it was Erica but what shocked me was she had blood stans on her blue fur and a expression on her face that told me she was troubled by something "Erica! What in Arceus name happened?.....And why where you gone for so long?" I partly yell at her. She looked at me looking surprised to see me "Nova....heh i...i forgot your staying here.....uh sorry i didn't expect to be gone for so long" she lowers her head as she spoke. And honestly i could her it in her voice that she was nervous about something but why? Erica then looks me dead in the eyes "Look nothing happened last night....the blood is from pray pokemon me and a friend went hunting and i guess i didn't kill my pray pepper and got blood on me" she says but i could tell that she wasn't being honest with me but i decide not to push it "Alright....if you say so I'm just glad your back now i was getting worried" the glaceon blanks a few times before smiling "Don't worry about me I'm fine Nova" she then makes her way to the den but i noticed a wound on her front lag where the blood stans where. I follower her in still feeling "Erica are you sure your fine?" The glaceon looks at me with hardly an expression on her face ".....yes Nova i am....can we just forget it already" she sounded annoyed this time. I just let a sigh out then her next words caught me off gard "Why you avoiding your tribe?.... I know it's off topic but....did something happen?" I sat down "....i just need space from them....and I'm not avoiding them....i just want to spend time with you, is that wrong?" I feel a bit guilty from not being honest with her but i was worried about us about her mostly Erica wouldn't hesitate to pick a fight with Gavin and my father then they'd find out our secret and we'd be in real trouble. Erica then says to me "No it's not...i was just wondering because you seem to avoid my eyed everytime i mention them...." She has the nervous she's bleeding with a wound and won't admit it but i guess that make two of us i can't be to upset about. Then she gets up again and says "Hey let's get out of here....let's go to town or something" i smile forgetting it all and reply "Yeah sounds good"


We both headed to the town Erica did her best of vetting the blood off her fur but i could still see a little bit of it and i defiantly see a cut on her that wasn't there before last night but i tell myself to calm she could of just cut herself on a rock or something 'but then why did she lie about it?' She nudges me playfully "Hey Nova you gotta stop thinking so much" i look at her realizing i must of spaced out again i blush a bit "Heh sorry...." She just chuckles and as we arrive to town i noticed that flareon again and a chill runs down my spin and i swear his eyes flashed red as he stalked off into his hut. Eric paws at me "Hey! seriously Nova your freaking me out what are you looking at" i shake my head and look at her " you get bad vibes from the Mayor?" Erica just huffs "You worried because what he said last time?" I shake my head "No i just get this he's watching us...." The glaceon then had a look on her face when i said that then says "i honestly don't like flareon's..." I feel surprised with that "Wait why?.... I mean the mayors a flareon but that's not wh-" she then cuts me off "They are fire types Nova and fire types could kill you and me easily...maybe that's why you get that bad feeling around him" i pin my ears back then Erica pushes me "Hey come on let's not drag our tails on it" she then gave me a small and quick kiss i know it would of be more then a small kiss but we where in town didn't want to be seen doing that. "Hey look at over there that's kinda nice" she said running off to a shop i quickly followed after her and when we got there i saw a vary shiny item silver and sparky and i knew it was a necklace there was a small diamond i stared at it in awe, it was vary nice looking and probably expensive. I Erica noticed me looking at it then a female voice cuts in "Hi there i see you got your eyes on that you want to try it on?" I look to see a gardevoir the owner of the shop. I shake my head "Oh n-no i was just looking" but then Erica nudges me "oh come on Nova try it on" i blush then the gardevoir used her psychic to lifted the necklace and put it around my neck then she gave me a mirror so i could take a look then i hear Erica " know Nova you look stunning wearing that necklace...." I smile at myself "Yeah it's vary nice....but i couldn't afford this" i say looking back at the owner then the glaceon asked "do you want it?" I shot her a look "Well....yeah but i don't have and poke coins i live in the forest" then she smirks at me before pulling out some coins from Arceus knows where "She'll take it" she says cheerfully and i feel shocked honestly 'Where the heck did she get coins from?...she also lives in the forest and i think she would of told me if she was working a shop to earn coins' she pays the gardevoir and we both leave the shop i then ask "Where did you get poke coins from?" She just laughed "Oh a friend gave some to me...." Although she was smiling i could hear she wasn't happy mention her friend to me. I smile "well thank you Erica...i love the necklace" i lick her check making her freeze up before we head to the exit of the town then once again i see that flareon talking to a leafeon. I froze and stared in shock "Leafeon?" Erica looks at me "What?....Nova what....hey" she must be seeing this to but that wasn't just any leafeon it was Gavin's father and the tribes leader. Erica than speaks out "That's one of the tribe leafeon's am i right?" She asked and i nod "yeah...but why is he talking to the mayor...i didn't even know he knew of this place" i say wanting to know but Erica looks at the mayor before telling me "Best not knowing's not our business... Come on" shen then took off but i stayed a bit looking at them watching it just seems weird seeing the tribes leader in a place like this i then take off thinking to myself 'Erica was quick to just brush it off usually she would be just as curious as i am...
My dream i remember the flames could the mayor be the one to start it?...if only i could remember the whole dream'

Sorry for the wait hope you all enjoy this chapter

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