Chapter 6 : Ice mountains

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Erica's P.O.V

I stared at the flareon with shook. He held the jolteon dawn and glares at me "Get outta here stupid glaceon!" He yeld with anger but i didn't move. Tbe jolteon struggles for freedom so i growl "No let her go!" I'm not sure if i should tell him he's my father or not 'if he knew would he kill me?' He met my cold gaze before letting a shooked huff out and i knew he now realized who i am so i move fast to sue shadow ball knocking him off the jolteon. I then run to her side glancing dawn at her. She got up and i gasp in shook when i see her face. She was wearing an eye patch but around it was all pink and ripped up with some of the nastest scars i have ever seen. Even her one ear was ripped to shite. She glanced at me with a greatfull look "Thanks" but then the flareon got up and growls at us "Erica listen to's not what it seems!" But i don't have any intrest of listen to the one who killed my sister and mother. The jolteon spat "Leave me alone!" And used electric ball hitting the flareon then i use swift attack and the flareon bolts off. I feel angry wanting more i try to run after him but the jolteon stops me "Hey, hey leave him....he's not worth it" i glare at her "Yes he is! He's killed my family!" The jolteon pinned her ears back "still not worth it....your a glaceon what makes you think you stand a chances against a fire type?" I lower my head knowing she was right ".....i guess...." She then smiles at me "So.....who are look alot like someone i know" i titled my head "really?....i don't actually live here in the mountains" she placed a paw on my paw " you know Jewel?" I feel supprised by the question ".....yes she's my sister" the jolteon looled surprised "oh really....that's who you look like to me heh i guess that explains it" i then turn away "listen i have to go....i don't belong here" i mutter as i start walking but she follows me "heh you don't belong here? Your a glaceon thus is home of the glaceon....the ice mountains are for ice type's!" She ran beside me and spoke again "i could use a's lonely here....please stay awhile please!?" I froze and shot her a look "you just met me.....sorry but I'm leaving" she looked really sad after i said that "Oh.....there's someone waitting for you?" I pin my ears back "well.....yea but not like that, it's just my best friend Nova is waitting for me. I said I'd go back"  the jolteon smiles "and you will just why so early?....stay please just for a moon?" I stared at her i don't get why she wants me to stay 'did she know my mother too? Is it because I'm family with Jewel and she misses her?' I let a sigh out ".....okay fine I'll stay for a moon and no more" she smiles "yay! You won't regret it Erica" my fur stood on edge but i remeber my father had called my name she probably just heared it. I look at her and she smirks "Name's Cora by the way" she says and i nod my head "Okay.....well if i have to stay for a moon, do you have a den i can stay in?" She noded "oh yea follow me Erica" she then took off and i follow after her as fast as i can.

Nova's P.O.V

I walked into the camp feeling pleased to be back home. The chief of our tribe saw me entre and he smiles at me before saying "Nova has returned!" Everyone looked at me and let a yell of joy to see me. I smile as i walk farther into the camp then i see my mother and father make there way to me "Nova hon we're so prode of you!" They say making me feel a bit embarrassed i blush a bit and I try to ignore all the attention. I then head to my den to try to get some quiet time i was vary tired after my trip.


I open my eye's to see that the sun was still up so i got up 'i can enjoy a little bit of the day before night fall' i head out side to see milo practicing his moves. He then glanced at me "Oh hey Nova looking good as a leafeon" he said and i smile "well tomarrow will be your turn to go evolve"he smiles but i see a hint of sadness. that made me feel confused "hmm aren't you excited?" Milo just laughed "oh yea....i can't wait....." He then looks away from me "Well see you Nova i gotta go" he ran off leaving me on my own. 'What's with him though?.....he's acting strang' i just shake my fur and try to run towards the exit of camp knowing i was aloud to now but i bump into someone but i kbow who when they yell "hey watch it!" I back up seeing Gavin glaring at me "Ugh! yo- your a leafeon now.....huh" he's attitude changed to my suprise. He was angry but now he looked calm "Hey Nova was it?" I noded my head " excuse me I'm trying to go know yo hunt" i say hoping he'll move out of my way. He smirks "oh of course i was heading out to.....hey why don't we hunt together sweetie?" I stared at him with a wirded out look 'um what did he just say?' I back away from him but he just walks closer with a look i haven't seen before "say what do you say? You wanna hunt with me?" I pin my ears back wanting to say no but that would be rude so "um...sure" he smiles and starts heading out "heh great" he says as i follow him but i feel vary uncomfortable. We walk a few before i see prey pokemon so i lower myself but honestly i didn't want to hunt i was hoping to go see if Erica was back ftom the mountains but now i was stuck with stupid Gavin. Hanging with Milo would be better then Gavin anyone would pluse gavins being really wird. I notice him staring at me watch made me shiveras i leap out to catch my prey but it slips between my paws and runs away. Gavin let out a laugh watvh made feel angrey towerds him 'is he making fun of me?' He then walk up to me "Close one....heh come on now...I'm sure you'll get the next one" he then walks ahead of me. I norrow my eye's at him and keep walking.


Night fall had come and it was a new moon. Tbe moon had gone and i know it won't came back until a few days go by. Me and Gavin just got back to camp and i was glad. Gavin really creeped me out he's usually mean and nasty but today he was being nice to me and calked me pretty and sweet. I just ignore that. As i walk to my den and lay down in my bedding and close my eye's.


I was sitting with the other leafeons as the chief gose on with Milos cearamony to go evolve but i caught sight of his face and Milo looked upset as he walks away 'what's wrong with him dosen't he want to evolve?' I walk to the front to see him go but he stops and looks at me befoe he says "good bye Nova" he then ran off snd i feel puzzled 'Good bye?.....he's coming back though' i think to myself feeling lost as i turn away.

Erica's P.O.V

I was sitting near the edge of the mountain cliff to get a good look of the stars. Coras den was on a higher level then where we were earlier but it was a vary nice view. I couldn't see the forest though. I lay down in the snow and let my front paws hang over the large cliff but hights don't scare me like most pokemon, i find it relaxing to be on such a high edge. I can see Northern Lights ztarting and i smile 'oh i wish Nova was here to see such a beautiful sight' he find myself thinking of Nova a lot. Like a lot she was beautiful herself and i couldn't wait to see what she looks like now. Cora the jolteon walks out of the den and glaced at me "Wow getting to close the edge girl!" She yelped at me but i just giggle at her "no warry I'm not going to fall" i say to her. Her one eye glanced the sky as she walks closer "ah Northern Lights....nature truly is wonderful....don't you think?" I nod my head " is. I use to love living here... But i guess thimgs change in time" i say cora lays beside me and let out a growl "i guess even if it's a bad change" i feel startled by her word's i look at her eye patch 'is she missing an eye?' I look at her paws and i notice her right paw was also crooked like it had broke and healed wrong she also had a scare a cross her chest in the shape of a X it was snall but becuse she was close to me u could see it. I wanted to know how did she get those scars, my father couldn't have gave them to her because they where old so i decide to ask her. "Cora How'd you get so meny scars?" She looked at me with her right eye and frowns "Oh that's such an ugly story.....let's not get into it alright" i look away still feeling curious of her "where you attack?" She let out a grunt "what do you think?" I drop my ears "....that's awful who did thus to you?" She turned away and mutters something under her breath i tilted my head then she looks back at me "that....i don't know my guess is someone from golden leaf forest" she mutters then gets up "now no more about my scars" she then walks bavk to the den i watch her knowing 'she lied....she knows she just dosen't want to talk about it i guess...' I get up looking over the horizon before i headed away. Cora was a nice jolteon so i shouldn't bug her. I head to my den and let myself fall into the sift moss bed. Cora looks over to me "Good night Erica thsnks for staying.....your a lot like your sister" i smile "Thanks and good night Cora" i then curl up and close my eye's to get some sleep.

Nova's P.O.V

The sun rose over the horizon as i watched tge light was nice as i headed to Erica's den but to my disarm she wasn't here and her sent was faded. I let a sigh out feeling disappointed it had been two weeks and still no sighn of my friend 'maybe she isn't coming back' i turn tail and head back home feeling sad 'Oh Erica where have you gone? Why is it taking so long to come back?'

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