Chapter 8 : Becoming a jolteon (past event)

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???? P.O.V

i sat outside the den watching my sister picking barries "hey Cora why don't you joyen me?" She asked. I smile but i say "well i want to find a thunder stone... Not picking barries" she just evolved into a umbreon "look Quinn you can do that... I'm going to look for a thunder stone alright" i then get up and head away Quinn watches me leave "Alright I'll let mother know!" She called to me as i head towerds town I've been saving poke-coins to buy a thunder stone at the stone shop but i still didn't have enough so i was going to work for others to try and earn some. I walk up to a ninetales and asked if he needed any help with his store and lucky he let's me help and offers to pay me.


A long day of working and the sun was going down now i wave to the ninetales before running off towerds home. I walk through the forest and i pick some barries to take home. I finally arrived at the den and i run in to see Quinn looking at me "Hey was looking for a thunder stone?" I let a sigh out "hard....I've been working for the town pokemon to earn poke-coins so i can buy one" Quinn smiles "Oh well that's good...." I nod looking at mother who drop some prey pokemon down she was a sylveon "Quinn when are you getting your own den?" Quinn frowns and looks away "when I'm ready" she grunted and mother gave a look before looking at me "i hope you have more independent when you evolve...not that i don't care about you's just hard being the only one watching over you both" i nod in understanding. Father had left for another girl when we where still young leaving mother to care for us on her own. I then start eating then Quinn says "I'll leave when Cora evolves....that way we can look for a new den togeather....right Cora?" I smile feeling happy "oh yea differently" mother smiles at us. We all start to eat and when we finish i lay in my bedding to get some sleep.


I open my eye's to day light so i got up and stretched out my lages. " want to go hunting?" I look over ar Quinn who was also just getting up. I smile "yea sure i could go for a hunt before going off to work" i say and we both head outside the den and we head into the tree's to look for prey pokemon. She glanced at me "Why you want to be a jolteon anyways?.....or work for it when you can easily find a thunder stone" i just chuckle a bit "it's not easy finding a thunder stone Quinn....they are rare to find" she just looks away "hmm alright then..." I then spot prey abd lower myself Quinn stays still so she dosen't spoke my prey as i crawl fowerds slowly then leap on it killing it with s bite to the neck "Nice catch!" I smile "thanks...." She then looks down at her paws "....i wish dad never left" we both fall silence for awhile before i say "I don' was a jerk, he cheated on mom and abandoned us....for a hot younger girl...who had no kid's...." I feel a bit angery thinking about it. Our mom has struggled badly with the situation of being a only mom. Quinn frowns "...yea i guess but i mean i wish he wasn't like that wouldn't be nice to have a father who actually cared about us and stayed with mother?" I rolled my eye's "....okay stop i hate this topic...let's talk about other stuff" i then look towerds the town "listen i gotta go now.... If i want that thunder stone i got to work hard for it" i then take off leaving tbe umbreon on her own.


I get into town and walk around to see if there's anything to do but i then see a eevee walking around with a bag. She walks over to me "Hey I've seen you around a lot...." He said lookong at me. I pin my ears back in announce "yea so what?" He smiles at me "heh what you doing around here when you don't live here?" I just look away "um...i live in the forest part....and it's also kinda none of your business really of what I'm doing" i say in a dry tone not wanting anythi gbto do with this loser. He smiles "heh well i know but i also noticed a fire stone and thunder stone at the shop over there....I'm going to honest i want one of you?" I nod my head and give him a stern look "Yes the thunder stone is mine so you better be looking at the fire stone puff ball!" He frowns "well yea to be a flareon is all i ever wanted....and i take no a fence by being call puff ball because flareons are fluffy" i frown and glare at him 'i hate him he's to positive' he then looks at me once again "now can i make a suggestion?" I roll my eyes "hmm i guess" he smirks "well we can work hard to eirn poke coins or.....we can steal them" i stared at him then shake my head "No Arceus we can't do that" he smiles "yes we can....if you follow my lead....please i can't do it without you" i look away from him not wanting to sink low but at the same time i want to evolve more anything. I glance at him ".....Okay I'm listen" he smiles "well....i was thinking i could make a distraction and you could do the stealing then you can meet me at hill top tree over by the water falls and you get your tbunder stone and i get my fire stone.....heh so you in?" It did sound promising i smile "Alright....what's your name?" He smiles "Pyro...and you?" I get to my paws " do your thing" he gave me his bag and i then head to that shop. A Gardevoir was running she had the stones in front i just lower myself waitting for Pyro to do his plan. Then he jump at the Gardevoir and yelled something that seemed to have got her attention and she followed him a little ways away frome the stones so that i could sneak and take them. I crawl to the table eith them and i quickly stuff them in my bag and i glanced at Pyro and waced at him to let him know i got them then i ran away without being seen and run out of town and i head to the hill top and i stop feeling a rush but at the same time i feel guilty because i know a lot of pokemon in that town and thier good pokemon. Then i hear paw steps and i turn to see Pyro he smirks "heh Hey Cora hehe we pulled it off" he then sat down. " can evolve into a jolteon and me a flareon so you wanna give me my stone?" I drop my ears before saying "i feel guilty.....we did something bad....I'm not happy with this" i say but he now narrowed his eye's "um well give me my share Cora....we can't go back now what's done is done now give me my fire stone" i let a sight out and dropped the bag letting them fall out on to the grass he smiles a d he placed his paw on his fire stone and i do the same placing my paw on the thunder stone and we both start glowing and change shape and size then it clears away. I look at the river to see i was a jolteon then i glance at Pyro who was now a flareon. He smiles at me "Well Cora nice doing business with...and uh if your ever in the mod come see me I'm always free" i just smile "heh okay well bye for now....I'm going now" i say as i head away i was happy to be a jolteon but the guilt didn't go away.

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