Chapter 15 : A strange umbreon

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Erica's P.O.V

I could feel the sun's warmth on my fur making me roll over. I didn't much care for the warm weather i prefer cold weather but i didn't complain. I open my eye's to see Nova, the leafeon was still asleep curled up close to me. I find myself smiling at the sight of her. It never gets old she was a beautiful cute leafeon and i couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl to have her as my girlfriend. 'Why complain about weather? It's worth being with her'
I shift a little to get comfortable but honestly i couldn't find sleep again but i didn't want to wake Nova up either she looked so peaceful and i know Nova pretty well to know she has been stressed lately 'But why?.... Is she scared of pokemon finding out about us?'
Then the leafeon shifts before her golden brown eye's open slowly though. She let a small yawn out before her eye's me mind. She smiles and nuzzled me. I chuckle a bit before saying "Heh good morning sleepy head" i teased her. She just giggles before looking up at me "...Hmm i don't want to get up" she said. I then giver her a small kiss between her ears before saying "But it's morning.... And honestly I'm pretty hungry" Nova then sat up giving me a fake sad look "Awe fine.... Your no fun" I give Her a odd look "How is laying in bed fun?... We really have a different opinion on fun if that's the case" But then She laughs at me before getting to her paws and stretching out her lags "Oh never mind maybe next time you'll catch my drift" she then winks before running out the den. Now I'm left feeling puzzled by that 'What dose she mean... Catch her drift?'
I just shake my fur then run out after her to see a nice bright sunny day. I find myself smiling but then I'm knocked over into a bush by a yellow blur. I let a yelp out only for my mouth to be covered. I then feel a bit panicked but then i hear "Erica shhh calm down I'm not attacking you.." I look to see a jolteon with a black eye patch and knew it was Cora she was the only jolteon i knew that had an eye patch. She then let me go and i get up right away and shoot her with annoyed glare "What the fuck Cora?" I say but she shoots me with a glare as well "Shut up Erica.....Look i dragged you over here to ask you a favor" i pin my ears backing "....what favor?" She then got close to me and says "Well nows not the place or time... Look Erica I'm going to be honest with you, i need help.... So can i ask you to meet me out side the poke town at midnight?" I frown looking at her 'Why the heck dose she want me to meet her at midnight?' She then gave me a pleading look "Erica i promise I'll explain everything okay just i really need you" i let a long deep sigh out before finally saying "Fine....alright.... I'll be there" she smiles but honestly it didn't look like a happy smile it looked more like a grin of a pokemon that just robed the store "Thank you Erica.....this means so much to me" she then took off in a dash leaving me by myself then i hear someone calling my name 'Oh shit Nova!' I then jump out of the bushes and run to her. She looked at me with a puzzled "Where did you go?" I just give a sheepish smile "I uh....i just had to do something....." The leafeon gave an odd look ".....Alright then....." She didn't look convinced but i brush it off and nudge her playfully "Come let's go" i say to her and i take off. Nova following behind me.


Milo's P.O.V

I was laying on a log i rolled over on my back just feeling the nice sun on my stomach. Most umbreon's hated the sunlight but i did enjoy it but moon light was a lot better. I then hear paw steps of a pokemon running they sounded tired and worn out. 'They sound scared....' I roll to my paws and leap on the log and run to the sound of the pokemon then soon enough i come to find them. I find another umbreon like myself but they where female. But what shocked me was her wounds. This umbreon had a large gash on her shoulder and it was making her limp. She also had scratch marks on her side. I watch as she lost her balance and claps on tbe ground. I feel panic and run over to her "Mis are you alright?! Do you need help?" She then looked alarmed when she saw me and hissed "Leave me alone!" I backed up feeling shocked i open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off "Save it.... Did she send you?... Huh to kill me?!... Well I'm not going down easy!" She then forced herself up and used shadow ball. Feeling shocked by her actions but i was able to away. I give her an odd look before finally saying "Wow calm down I'm not here to hurt you" she held my gaze.but i don't move "....look i don't know what it is you think... But I'm just worried because your bleeding" She then let a sigh before asking "Do you know Cora?" I stare at her blankly. That name I've never heard it in my life. I then shake my head "No....i don't know any Cora's... I grow up with the leafeon's" she then sat down looking more calm "'s just.....I've been through a lot" i walk up to her "i can see want to talk about it?" But she shook her head "Alright....I'm Milo by the way and if you change your mind I'm all ears" she glanced at me with a small smile "Heh thanks....Quinn is my name" I smile at her feeling my heart bet a little fast "Nice got some oren barris in my den, i think you could probably use some" she gave me a look "Oh that would be great....if it's not to much" i just chuckle "Oh it's no problem" i then help her up and we both head to my den.


It's been a few hours since Quinn and i where in my den. She was just resting but i can't help but wonder 'What happened?... Who's Cora?'
"Milo?" I look at her and she gave a bit of a cruise look "Why you helping me?" I just smile "Why wouldn't i?.... I'm not heartless" she let a sight out and gave a sad look. I kinda feel bad for her i could sense she was stressed, depressed even. "It's just....pokemon aren't kind in this forest....that town is full of judgemental pokemon and the ruler of it all is cold hearted" she informs me but i lived here all my life and i never had any problems. I tilt my head back "Oh really?..... Well i guess that flareon was a bit rude last time i was there but....i don't see anyone being violence or anything" Quinn smiles a bit before she says " one is violence....only Cora and....Pyro can be but he's not really a problem" i then stand up "Come on let's forget that stuff....maybe a hunt will cheer you up" the female umbreon got to her paws " i already do feel better.... But i can't forget honestly...." I frown at that "Oh....well what do you say... You want to hunt with me?" She smiles and this time it was a happy one "Sure why not....i mean I'd be a fool to turn that down. Your not like the others" i now blush as she brushed by me. I watch her walk out the den feeling a new feeling. I then follow after her.

Erica's P.O.V

Me and Nova ran through the forest passing the blossom tree's to get to the river. The sun was going down and me and Nova had spent the hole day together but i felt a bit stressed for two reason, one being Cora and two being the fact that Nova had not mentioned going home or in fact she hardest spoken about her tribe at all and that was unlike the leafeon. When i reach the river i dip my paw in it and splash Nova "Hey cut it out Erica!" She say but u just smirk at her "Make me" i say with a playful tone and she then jumps at me pushing me into tbe water i let a yelp out as the cold water splashed me. I was now under the water for a quick second before swimming to the top and climbing out i look at her and she's laughing but honestly i didn't mind the cold never bothered me. "Heh alright you want to play that way heh?" I then charged at her and jump on her taking her by surprise. I pin her under my paws and lock eye's with her and then silence fell between us as we gaze into each others eye's. I feel my blood rush and i then lean in and now my mouth is only inches away from hers and i soon place my lips against her and soon we lock lips in a deep kiss. My heart flutters as i lean deeper into her we then pull apart for a little break but we keep close. I could feel hear breath on me and honestly i just wanted her so bad. I then kiss her once again getting lost in her lust wishing i could have more of her and i know she was thinking the same thing but i didn't want to move to fast. We part our lips once again and i look in to her golden brown eye's but then i notice the sun was getting lower and i knew i had to get going to meet up with Cora 'Dame it....i don't want to lose this feeling'
Nova then gave me a puzzled look i must of dozed off "...Erica?" I then slowly get off of her ".....Sorry" i apologized. But she got up and gave a slit frown " don't have to apologize....but i just gotta ask something?" I looked at ber as she sat up "Why do stop?.... We both know what we want... So why do you pull away?" I felt my heart tighten "....i....i guess I just don't want to move to fast or.....mess things up" i say and honestly I'm starting to realize that I'm scared to move forward, i am new to this never had a relationship other then her and i have no idea what I'm doing. She then chuckles "Really?....well whatever you say then...I'm not going to rush you if you don't feel comfortable" i just roll my eyes trying to cover up my blush "Haha yeah Okay Nova....say aren't you going back to your tribe tonight" and just like that any sign of happiness vanished. She dropped her ears and shuffles her paws " about that....i was thinking that maybe i could stay with you for a few days?" I stared at her I mean i don't mind her staying in fact i love the idea but it's the fact that i know somethings up 'Shes hiding something....or not telling me but i know somethings going on in her head'
I nod slowly "yeah....that's fine but I'm going to be out tonight....hope you don't mind" she just smiles "well maybe i could come with you" she says but i shook my head "Sorry Nova but....i just need to go alone okay" i tell her and she looks disappointed at first but then says "Alright i get it....just need alone time. Maybe I'll just visit with Milo... He's a dark type and probably be up" i smile as i got close to her, i loved that she was understanding. "Thanks Nova.....i love you~" i then place a kiss on her soft lips before we both head back to the den but honestly 'I wish i knew what was going on with the tribe....i know for a fact that she's not telling me something'

Sorry for the long wait and i hope you all enjoy this chapter :)
I'll try and upload sooner this time.

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