Chapter 10 : A wish

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Nova's P.O.V

I was sitting on a rock in the camp watching the young eevees playing with each other thinking about when i was young 'heh I'd sneak off to met up with Erica.....or play with Milo' i suddenly feeling sad thinking of Milo my friend who never came back when he left to evolve. 'What happened to him? Did he evolve into something else.....maybe that's why he didn't come back?' But the more i think of it the more hurt i feel. Wouldn't he have told me that? Or at lest visit me? "Hey Nova!" I flick my ears and turn my brown gaze to Gavin. He smiles but i just pin my ears back "What?" I ask trying to sound nice but he was kindda annoying me lately. Gavin just chuckles "So i noticed your alone right now and thought you'd like company" he then sat down next to me. I let a sigh out "Gavin your nice and all but.....i need space" i say getting up but Gavin stops me by grabbing my paw pulling me back down "HEY!" I yelp in suprise. Gavin stares at me before saying "Why do you avoid me?" He asked almost nose to nose woth me makimg me blush deeply. "I...i um....." But i can't find my words to speak. Not that i liked Gavin but i wasn't expecting him to do this. Potting me on the spot, question me. Gavin then smirks "i know you like me" he speaks smooth. I was going to say no but he then back away "So why not we go for a lovely walk~" i flick my tail "Gavin....." But the leafeon bunced off the rock and looked at me with wide pleading eyes "Please Nova" i avoid his gaze and shuffle my paws 'Ah hell with it... Going on a walk with him dosen't mean i have to mate with him' i let a sigh before saying "Alright fine" his eye's lit up with glee "awe thanks Nova" he then headed to the forest and i follow him 'ughi just hope this isn't a long walk....i wanted to see Erica today'


The sun was at high point. It shines throgh the tree gapes making the forest bright and beautiful. I feel the breeze ruffle my fur. I close my eye's nust taking it in "Nova?" I snap my eye's open to look at Gavin "did you hear anything i just said?" He asked me looking upset with me. I blush and give a sheepish smile "um....what where you saying?" Gavin puffed out his chest "the future of the tribe....when I'm the chief" i fake a smile but honistly i think this is all he can talk about. Then i say "well how about we stay in the right now, look at the forest ain't it just lovely?" Gavin glanced around before shrugging "Eh sure.... But it will be better when I'm chief" i drop my ears 'yea that's why I'll never like you....your to full of shite, Stuck up in the clouds, the world could be ending and you wouldn't notice' i giggle a bit at the last thought making Gavin look at me "what's so funny?" I sigh before shaking me head. Honestly this was hopeless i wish he'd leave me be. Gavin then stops and glanced around before frowning "hmm i can small that glaceon again" he mutters. My fut stood up with shock 'he wouldn't be talking about Eric....would he?' I shufled my paws "Uh what Glaceon?" Gavin then looks at me "the one that lives neer our tribe....along with Milo" i gasp at that part "Milo? mean Milo has been living here all this time!" He noded "heh yeah....that no good umbreon. But i guess it's for the best... I mean i didn't really like him" i bite my teeth together feeling all sorts of feelings 'hes one of my friends.....why wouldn't he come and see me?....should i go find him?' Gavin then paws at me "hey your not still friends with that want to be loser are you" i narrow my eye's "YES! I am" gavin steped back by the sudden anger. I pin my ears back and soften my gaze feeling a bit bad for yelling "ugh.. Sorry Gavin, didn't mean to snap but..... Milo and i have been close friends all our lives" i say now the hurt was finally settling in my heart. I then feel Gavin cuddle closer to me "Awe.....Sorry Nova, i guess i shoulda realize how much he meant to you" i just sit there 'was Gavin actually showing symphony? Or is he just faking?' I then push him away and started walking again before i say "let's head back...." I walk with my head low Gavin jumps beside me "Hey, Hey now why go back so soon!" I flick my tail "ugh i just want to have alone time Gavin" but that was a lie, i honestly wanted to go find Milo. 'Gavin said he was an umbreon' gavin smirks at me "heh... Alone time... Come on Nova let's go for a swim instead" i look at him with announces "No...." I start heading back Gavin follows but then he jumps on my taking me by suprise he pins me down "GAVIN!" I yell feeling shocked and kinda nervous. He leans down so we're noise to noise now. I blush as he speaks "Com on baby~ you know you like it~" he then kisses my neck and i gasp in shock "G-gavin!? Get off!" I say pushing him away but he just chuckles "Awe but i can't help it....your so cute" he was still on top of me. And then he kisses me on the mouth. My eye's go wide and i can say one thing, i may not like Gavin but this whole vide was just right out grose. I push him away breaking the kiss and now it's time for his surprise as i use leaf blade on him throwing him off me. I get to my paws as i glare at him "Gavin i said no!.... I don't like you!....if you ever touch me again....." I try to sound mad but i honestly sounded more fearful then anything, because i was. Gavin just laughs "Oh come on Nova you totally love it.....oh by the way" he then walks up to me and i tense up as his face darkens "let's keep this between me and you....i wouldn't want anything to happen to you" i stiffen up 'was he threatening me?' He then walks by me and headed back to camp. I felt so confused and violated. I then ran off but not to camp not where i knew Gavin would be no, i ran to Erica's den.


I was now just coming up to Erica's den. I see the glaceon sitting in sun light with her eye's half closed "Erica!" I call to her. The glaceon flinched in suprise before her beautiful blue eye's meet mine. Her mouth curves into a smile and she relaxes once again. "Hey Nova" she says getting up and walking over to me. I smile at her "so how's it been" i ask her and the glaceon just chuckles "hehe it's been fine...." I laughed a bit but i keep stressing over Gavin. Erica's smile fades as she seems to have notice. "Nova are you alright?..... Did something happen?" I stare at her trying to debate on telling her or not. "Um.....yea i just....some guy is just been flirting with me and i don't know what to do about it" i decided not to teller her the full story of Gavin. Then Erica gave me a look that i haven't see her make before. "Oh...." She says then tilted her head " you like him back?" I shake my head "no....that's the problem Erica....he won't leave me alone" then the glaceons lit like a fire when i said that "He hasn't pushed himself on you has he?" I felt taking back by the question "What! No nothing like that.....i mean he did kiss me but that was it....' I say but Erica shook her head "tell him off....and if he dosen't listen then let me tell him off" i giggle at her but she was right Gavin need to stop. I then say "hey i came here to get away from him....can we just chill rather then talk about it" Erica looks at me and i blush a bit as she speaks ".....yea sure Nova" we both started walking side by side i could feel her fur brush against mine and her present some how made me feel warm and safe.


Me and Erica where sitting on ledge by the poke-town. Watching the sunset as we talked to one other. "It was just breath taking really Nova you shoulda seen it" Erica had just finished another story of the ice mountains. She was telling me about the Northern Lights. They sounded lovely and i wouldn't mind seeing it for myself. I then giggle "hehe, well maybe I'll go check them out sometime" i say as i watch as the sky turn orange/red to black. The moon was now raisin and i feel tge wind blow throw my fur. I then feel eye's on me and trun my head just enough to see Erica gazing at me. I blush and try to pretend that i didn't notice. "'s getting late shouldn't you be going?" Erica says with a hint of sadness. Sge was right i should get going. I look at at her and couldn't help but think she looked gorgeous in the moon light. "I should.....but i don't want to" i say lowering my head. Erica placed a paw on my paw "...would it really hurt to stay just a little bit longer?" She asked me and i giggle a gain and look up at the stars and just in a blink of the eye a shooting star crosses the sky making me gasp and i hear Erica gasp as well before saying to me "Quick make a wish" she said playfully poking me. I bow my head 'but what do i want to wish?' Then suddenly it seemed clear to me what i wanted most. It seemed to make sense and it explains alot 'i wish to more then friends with Erica'
I blush deeply as the thought sunk in my heart tightness knowing it won't come true 'we'er only friends pluse both girls......can a girl be with anther girl?' Erica looks at me with a curious look "what did you wish for?" I blush and tell her "it's a secret" but the glaceon frowns at that "hey now come on Nova I'm your best friend I'm supposed to know all your secrts....i can jeep them too" i smile and look to the side "yea i know know the legend of jirachi will make a wish come true but if you tell it, it's bad luck" i say. Know i actually don't believe the leagend but i was not about to tell Erica what i wished for. Erica then rolled her eye's "whatever then....not like i really cared anyways" she says looking at the sky once again before she leaps at me taking me by suprise as we both roll around in the soft grass. We both laugh as we chase each other. We run throw the forest and honestly these are the time's that I'll never forget, no other pokemon can make me feel this happy. We came to a stop when we find our selves by Erica's den once again. Erica smiles "heh....well i guess i should get some sleep tonight....." I nod my head "oh yea....same" i was going to walk away but somthing deep inside me wouldn't let me. Erica then looks at me ".... Do you think your tribe will notice your for a night?" I tilt my head "For a night....I'm ging back now though" Erica then shook her head "well it's night fall and....well it's not safe to be out after sunset.....maybe you should stay the night" she says. I blush a little before saying "yea....i mean sure i guess your right" i say heafing over to her den. I crowl inside to see a nice cozy mass bed. Erica comes in after me and walks by me to lay down. She lays down and glanced at me "come on i don't mind sharing a bed" she says with a laugh. I slowly walk to the bed trying my hardest to hide my blushing. 'Calm down Nova.....stop blushing it's only Erica....i mean there's nothing wird about sharing a bed' i paw at the bed before laying down beside the glaceon. Erica closed her eye's "good night Nova" i lay my head down and close my eye's to get sleep "Night Erica" i mumble as i drift to sleep.

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