Chapter 12 : The two sinners

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Erica's P.O.V

Sun light shines through the den entrance. I turn over feeling to hot. I then hear shifting next to me. I open my eye's to see that Nova was sleeping next to me rather close. I blush slightly as i remember last night. I gaze down at the sleeping leafeon 'Heh.... Nova looks so cute when she's sleeping' my blush deepens as that thought came up 'Is that weird to think that?' I question myself i then hear someone outside "Hey Erica!" I hear a male call. 'Oh-no....Milo not now' i thought. I slowly get up not wanting to Disturb the sleeping leafeon. And i head outside to see An umbreon sitting there. "Hia Erica.... Want to go hunting with me?" I frown slightly "Ah....i don't think so Milo, maybe next time" Milo came up to me with a smile "Okay then but.....your missing out" he says now standing in front of me ".....i was going to town today thought you'd want to come" i glance at him. Honestly i wanted to go to town but i wanted to be with Nova. "Sorry Milo that sounds fun but i got company over right now" i say looking at my den. Milo froze and looked at me with an odd look "Oh?.... Who is he?" He asked and i chuckled "Heh not a he Milo" i then notice a look of relief "Okay then....well I'll catch ya latter" he then took off in a run. Milo was a good friend but he always tries to hard to spend time with me. And over protective. I then hear paw steps and turn my head to see Nova existing my den. Her brawn eye's meet mine "Well good morning sleepy head" i tease her playfully and she gives a little giggle "Yeah, yeah.....i just had to much of a good sleep" she says. She then walks over to me looking rather nervous "Nova you okay?" I question her and she looks at me "yeah...well i think i should go before the tribe notices i was gone" she says watch kinda annoyed me 'hate that she lives with this stupid under rules.. heh that's no life' i then shake my head "Ah don't worry about them, i mean what are they going to do to you for leaving for a few days?" Nova drops her ears "Well.... Nothing to bad i guess" I smile before saying "Have you ever gone to burnt leaf town?" She shock her head "no honestly i just stay in the forest" i then get excited "Well hey let's go check it out then!" I then pull on her leafy ear before letting go and running towards the town "haha come on Nova!" I call as i run. She runs after me and soon we're running side by side abd i can't help but smile when i notice the grin on her face.


Soon we arrived to the small peaceful town. The sun seemed to shiny bright since their was a lot of blossom trees planted around this area. The sun reflect off the pink leaves making them glow. Nova glanced at the town now with bright wide eye's "wow this towns so beautiful" She says with a smooth voice that i loved so much. Nova isn't one to be yelling or jumping around all over the place no she was calm and gentle. I look at her "heh yeah isn't great!" i say excitedly feeling the need to dash into town but i hold my paws down 'i shouldn't do that...i should walk in nicely....I'm not a eevee anymore' Nova then started to make her way into town and i follow her. I notice their was a water fall. It shines in the sun light "....burnt leaf huh....i always wanted to come here but the other leafeons thought that was odd so i just never come around to coming here" she says as her eye's land on a flower shop with a grovyle running it. He held blue flowers in his paws as he looks at use "Hello ladies care for some flowers?" He's voice was calm and filled with joy but we walk pass him. Nova just blushes a bit "heh....everyone here seems nice" she tells me and i nod "well yeah....poke-towns where built for peace" o say as i stop as i see a hut painted black with black roses planted in front of it and soon feel an odd feeling as i notice a shiny black plat form with writing on it in the black rose garden and it looked as if a lot of pokemon where vary interested in it as if it where a great tourist attraction. Nova noticed as well "Hey what's that?" She says looking curious. I try to look else where. Honestly i felt like trouble was right around the corner "eh maybe we should stay clear of that hut and....whatever that is...i mean it's all black and black is a bad colour, it's the colour of darkness" Nova looked at me with a odd look "....really? You don't want to know what it is?" I pin my ears back before saying "well.... If you really most know then i guess we can have a peck at it" Nova smiles before taking the lead over to it. I walk up to it and stare at it. The writing was messy and hard to read but then a voice cuts in "Erica! Hey!" Me and Nova both jump at that and i wipe around to see Milo standing there "thought you where to busy to come to town" he said. Nova looks at him before saying "heh Erica who is he?" She asked looking vary closely at the umbreon. I let myself relax again try to speak but Milo cuts me off with "Nova!?..what are you doing here?" He says rather loudly and i feel shocked 'Wait he knows her?' Nova also looked puzzled before gasping in shock "Milo?!" And now I'm vary confused 'And she knows Milo from that tribe too i mean he knew a lot about them....but he's also not a leafeon' next thing i know Nova is frowning "Milo why didn't you tell me your evolving into an umbreon?.... Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming back to the tribe?" She asked looking rather sad. A look of guilt crosses the umbreon's face "Oh Nova I'm so sorry... I just didn't know how to tell you" i then cut in "I'm sorry but am i messing something? lived in the tribe and never told me" Milo glanced at me after words and Nova have ab interesting look. Milo shook his head "it wasn't important i mean apparently you know Nova and your not even in the tell me how'd you two meet?" Nova and i share a look before Nova shuffled her paws "well....i may have met Erica when we're still eevees" she said looking a bit nervous but the umbreon just smirks "i Knew it!....I've always noticed you sneaking off and now i know why!" I tilt my head "you saw her sneak off?" Milo nodded his head "Well yeah....i was her friend if she wasn't around i noticed....and i looked for her and realized she wasn't in camp....but i never told anyone else for they'd be mad and I'd never get Nova in trouble like that" Nova smiles a sweet one "Milo i really missed you... We should hang out some time" she says watch strangely made me feel jealous. Milo smiles back "We should Nova....and if I'm being honest, i missed you to" i Then step in between them "Okay great....but me and Nova where looking at this black plat" but The umbreon chuckles "What this old thing's just an old tale, nothing to great" Nova stares at it before asking "what's the story?" But then a voice from behind answers "Well i know the story by heart if you must know" all three of us turn our gaze to a flareon. This flareon had a rip in his right ear with a scare a long on his face. "Um.....who are you?' Nova asked eyeing him and the flareon chuckles "well....I'm the mayor of burnt leaf.... I run this place and I've been mayor for a long time" he said looking proud. I then say "yeah okay but what's your name and why you bugging us?" I hiss through my teeth feeling annoyed with this flareon and a little annoyed with Milo honestly why couldn't they all leave but Nova. She could stay in fact Nova is all i want right now. He smiles a bright one "heh i don't give names kid....but i can tell you the tale of the two sinners" i tilt my head and Milo looked at him "the two sinners huh?....what did they do?" The flareon frowns "well i don't know if you two know this...." He looks around before saying "Mewtwo the ruler commands that a male must only mate with a female....and a female must only mate with a being gay" i stare at him with a bit of surprise for i didn't know this then Nova blurs out "Why?....i mean if a girl likes a girl surely that's okay right....or Arceus wouldn't have made them that way" but the flareon shook his head "Darkrai can do things to a pokemons mind that not even Arceus can help" i suddenly feel a bit nervous looking at Nova 'But.....what if i want to mate with a girl?.....what if my soul mate is....a girl' i find myself looking at Nova and soon i can't deny my true feelings 'i like Nova....more then I should... I want her in every way and now this stranger is trying to tell me it's wrong?' Milo frowns "so the two sinners....where they gay?" He asked and the mayor spoke "Lesbians....they where two girls breaking the of them even killed to hide there secret....they where bad pokemon!" I let a snarl out that surprised everyone "i don't buy it!.... Their not bad for liking each other....there probably in love!" Nova nodded her head but looks at me "but....they also killed" she pointed out and the flareon eye's me coldly "watch it don't want to break this rule...Mewtwo wouldn't be pleased" he spat but i rolled my eye's "yeah like i care....he May be a legendary but he's not Arceus!" I then storm off. Nova follows after me and so dose Milo and we exit the town with me leading the way.
"Wow Eric calm down" Milo says and Nova stays quite as if in deep thought i feel my blood boil with anger "No how dare he! How dare any pokemon!" I spat and this time Nova walks up to me "yeah but it is just a story Erica....I'm sure Mewtwo doesn't care who mates with who" she says as she brushes against me. I then let a deep breath out and smile "yeah....your right.... I'm sorry i can be a hot head sometimes" Milo chuckles "hehe you think a glaceon would me cool...hahaha!" He burst out laugh from his own stupid joke. Nova chuckles a bit but i just roll my eye's 'Huh..why Milo why?'


The sun was setting as i stalk through the forest to where home is. Nova had left earlier to get back to her tribe and Milo went hunting and didn't want me to come for some odd reason so i was all alone. I couldn't stop thinking of what that flareon was saying about the two sinners. I look in the direction of burnt leaf 'i kinda really want to know how that story go's....or ends' then i hear paw steps form behind me and glance over my shoulder to see a jolteon. I gasp in surprise as this jolteon had an eye patch 'Cora!' I think with joy i was about to speak but the jolteon shushed me by covering my mouth with her paw "Quite!..... No one can know I'm here, didn't see me!" She then let's go and dashed off without saying a thing to me. I stare where she was just a few seconds ago  'What?....what dose she mean by that?' I let a sigh out. I want ted to ask her about the tale of the two sinners, she's older then me and use to live here but i guess I'll ask her another time. I then go to my den and curl up to sleep but one more thought hits me 'i want to be with Nova....i wonder dose she feel the same? Or am i just messed up?...... Am i a sinner?'  I Then make a decision
'I have to tell Nova how I feel'


The sun was only just rasing and the sky was orange and dark blue on the opposite side of the sun. I stretch as i get out of bed and my mind couldn't stop going to Nova 'today....i have to tell her, my true feelings' i tell myself 'but what if this is a mistake?.....what if it is wrong to like the same gender?....what would become of us?....what would others think?' Then the worst thought hirs like a wave 'What if Nova...reject me....or worse hates me for it' i feel myself starting to stiffen up, my Lang's grow shaky but i take a deep breath 'No....she's wouldn't hate me....the worst that would happen is her saying no to me....right?' I then gather all my courage and head down to where the tribe was and i knew they'd be asleep still so I'll just slip in and drag Nova out for a talk. I then see the border line and pass through. I then see the camp entrance but to my surprise. Nova was sitting out in the open gazing at the stars that where still out. I lower myself before calling quietly "Pissst Nova!" The leafeon looks startled at first until she sees me. She jumps to her paws and looks around to make sure no one was around befire running over to me "Erica?....i told you to stay away from the tribe....have i not?" I gaze at her and oh wow how pretty she was, it was like an angel from the golden forest ".....i...i know but there's something i need to tell you" i say as i pull her away and say "walk with me?" Nova looms puzzle but nodded "sure" and she follows me looking a bit worried "Erica you okay?" We then stop walking when we're far enough from the camp abd i knew that it was time to get it out. Our eye's meet and i felt like all my words where stolen from me but i have to try
"Nova....i....i like you.." I say the words hardly come out but the leafeon only gives me an odd look "um....well i hope so we've been friend's for a long time" i grunt in frustration "uh no, no i mean i like, like you....more then just my friend....more then my best friend Nova...." I say more clear this time but i feel my heart pounding now for i watch the realization hit her. Her eye wide and her mouth opens slightly and i feel myself freezing the grass under my paws as i get nervous for her replay
'maybe this was a mistake'

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