Chapter 23 : Hydro (Past event)

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Pyro's P.O.V

The sun was raining above the trees, shining through the blossom trees. I sat by the river only a little ways away from the town. I stare at my reflection feeling frustrated, angry, the feeling of betrayal raising. 'How could she?.... How could she break up with me like that?.... Was it all A lie?.. did she ever love me?' Emotions clouded my thoughts, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream and throw things. But all I could do is stare at my reflection. 'Whatever... I'll show her! She'll regret leaving me, I'll make sure of it.' I let a huff out before turning my attention to the entrance of the town. I had a bag full of money ready to buy a new place.

I walk into the town and head to the town's centre. It's where the current mayor would be. 'He won't be soon though... but for now I need to talk to him to get a hut in town.' I tell myself as I walk into the small building, "Hello there." I was greeted by a vaporeon, he was wearing a white scarf and he had a welcoming smile, "hey... I'm looking to buy a hut." I tell him. I don't want to get chatting with the vaporeon because he's my competitor. He smiles, "Of course, come with me. I got a place I've been trying to sell for some time now." The vaporeon then lead us back outside, "So what makes you want to live in burnt leaf?" He asked with a friend smile, I roll my eyes, but keep following him as he lead us to a nice looking hut. "No reason in specific... just thought living in town would be nice." I tell him not wanting to give away my plan to run against him next vote. "Well here we are, I'll let you look around to see if you like it." He says sitting by the door, I walk past him and opens the door to the hut. It was pretty big, a good size for one flareon. It had a small fire place, a sofa with a table in front of it, stairs that lead to a indoor balcony with a bed and nightstand. "Hmm, yes this will do." I tell him." He grinned at me before saying. "That will be fifteen thousand poke cons." I then drop the bag of cons in front of his paws. "That should cover it." I tell him as he dug through the cons, he then nods his head before meeting my gaze. "Well welcome to the neighbourhood, names Hydro by the way. And as you know I'm the mayor, So I'll check up on you every now and then, and if you need anything just let me know." He say with a friend smile but I just roll my eyes, "...Sure." I mutter before heading into my new home and closing the door behind me. 'Ugh that vaporeon is so annoying.... Heh can't wait to take his place as mayor.' I think to myself as I lay on the sofa feeling a bit tired. 'I'll take a quick nap then start planning how I'll win the town over.'


I woke to the sound of voices outside my hut, I let a sigh out as I got up. I then head to the window feeling curious of what was going on. I look to see a Leafeon talking to a sylveon. 'Ugh... what are they doing so close to my houses?' I open the window ready to yell, but I couldn't help but over hear and decided to just listen instead. The sylveon looked annoyed by the leafeon, "Why do you want to know where I'm going? How about it's none of your business!" I felt a bit taken back when I realized the sylveon was a boy not a girl. 'I mean I guess guys can evolve into a sylveon, but why would they want to?' The leafeon lashed his leaf tail in frustration. "Listen up! I've had my eyes on you for awhile now... tell me what is it you and the mayor are up to?' The leafeon looks angry and the sylveon rolls his eyes. "....I don't have to answer you." He then turns tail and heads away, the leafeon then drops his head in defeat before leaving as well. 'Huh... that's interesting... what is that sylveon and Hydro up to?... heh if I can bust him then that would be an easy win for me.'


Cora's P.O.V

I was heading back to my den after visiting with my mother and Quinn, it had been a nice time but I wanted to spend time with Leah today. I then come into view of my den and I see the espeon laying in the sun light that was leaking through the trees leaves. "Hey Solar!" I call out to her before running over to her feeling excited to see her. 'She's so beautiful.' I think as I am now in front of her. "Cora, your back," she purrs as he sat up and nudged her head against mine. I smile and I give her a small kiss  feeling warm, but then a feeling of worry comes to me. 'forbidden relationship... what if those leafeon's find us out?... what would become of us?.. what will they do?' I felt uneasy about it and I wondered if Solar ever thought about it. 'But she doesn't know that the leafeon's are spies sent by the ruler,' Solar then pulls away from me. "Cora Is everything alright?" She asked, I look at her and then my heart dropped as I realized. 'Oh shit..espeons can read minds,' I drop my ears as she says. "Something you want to tell me?" I let a sigh out, "I.. I guess I'm just worried about us. You know because relationships like ours are frowned upon." The espeon just shook her head, "your over thinking, we're fine, Cora nothing bad will happen." She says it so calm, I just smile. "Yeah, your right..." she then tackled me and I Yelp in surprise as I am now being pinned to the ground. She then laughs, "heh Stop worrying already you dummy!" She teases me playfully. I giggled to myself before fully deciding that she was right, That I was being ridiculous. 'I mean what's the worst that can happen?' I then give her a smirk before wrapping my front paws around her neck to pull her closer to me, "your right... I do over think a lot." I whisper to her, our lips where only inches away from each other and I could feel her breath on mine. I close my eyes as I then press my lips with hers, I felt warm as I feel her kiss back, I then deepen the kiss by exploring my tongue in her mouth. I felt a wave of pleasure out of this but unfortunately all good things come to an end, she then pulls away but I could hear her purring. "Come on Cora, we shouldn't be doing this in the open." She says before getting off of me, I also get up from the ground. "Well what else can we do?" I say and before she answers a voice cuts her off, "hey Cora!" I turn my eyes to see a leafeon coming our way. 'Glenn?' Solar looks at him with a curious look. "Glenn... what are you doing?" I asked him feeling nervous once again. 'Shit what if he saw us?'

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