Chapter 33 : A Leafeon in need

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Lite's P.O.V

I was sun bathing on a stone that was in a good patch of sun. I couldn't help feel worried about this Cora situation that I some how got tided up in. I let a sigh out hoping that I can find away out soon. I lay my head down closing my eyes. Then I hear soft paw steps approaching me. The where light against the grass. I wanted to say I was Erica or Arcuse forbid Cora but now. This mon walked to calm for any of those. I open my eyes and my eyes widen a bit more. A gorgeous Espeon stood before me. She held her herself up with grace. "Your lite right?" She spoke with a soft tone. I felt my breath get caught in my throat. "Hmm I think I know my answer... listen I need you to pass a message for me." I opened my mouth to try and ask how she knew me but she placed her tail over my mouth. "I need you to tell Erica that Nova is in trouble.... She's going to be bound to Gavin forcefully... at the tribe. Can I count on you?" I was lost for words, who was this espeon? Was she a friend of Erica cuz she never told me of her. I then finally speak. "Who are you and why do you care about Nova and Erica." But the Espeon shook her head. "Unimportant now go! Quickly..." she demanded before turning away. "Wait why can't you tell her?!" But she was already gone. I stared after her before the message really sunk in. Shit I have to find Erica.

Erica's P.O.V

The sun was now seating but I haven't moved much today. I felt so lonely here with out Nova. I let a sad sigh out. I couldn't get her hurt filled eyes out of my head. I could tell I really hurt her. "Erica." It was Cora who approached me. She seemed calm as she sat next to me. "Erica... I really need you to pull yourself to gather... Pyro is close and I really need to get rid of him now that he saw us." I pinned my ears back feeling irritated by her presence. "Leave me alone...." I hissed before I got up from where I sat and moved away from her heading for a walk but she followed. Her eyes lock on me but they where soft. "....Okay I get it, your hurting, but this is for the better believe me... when this is over you can have her back." This struck me with shock and anger. I turn to face her. "What? What makes you think she'll take me back? Especially now that she knows I'm a murder?" But the one eye jolteon then barks back at me. "We may be killing but
We're not the enemy! They started all this!.... Do you really believe I want to turn to this? No they left me no choice!" I felt shock by her perspective. She then stepped closer to me. "They beat me to the ground! Betrayed me! Lied to me.... And for what! Because I prefer a girl's touch! Because I'm different!" She was now yelling at me. Still unable to find words. I could see the pain in her eye now. "They took my love.... And my eye, Be grateful that Novas Alive. Be grateful that when I'm done with them all... no one like us will ever have to hide again...." I just stood there now narrowing my eyes. She really thought this was justice. "That's not true! If what you say is so, then your making it worse! Did Glenn really deserve what he got? He was a nice guy... he admitted to his mistakes.... And what about Quinn? What did she ever do?" But this made her lunch at me. She pushed me to the ground and snarled. "My traitor of a sister is why I lost it all!... she couldn't keep her mouth shut! And Glenn deceived me... sure he lies about it but i know he tricked her and got her caught.. that's the only conclusion!.... Now enough of this nonsense Erica... we got places to be." I felt weak compared to her but I also felt furious with her but what could I do at this point. Then I saw Hydro walking up to use. He had something in his mouth. He dropped a blue Diamond. " your right Cora... Pyro can wait... I finally found it... in the ocean.... We can summon her." Cora then got off of me and gave the Vaporeon a crooked smile. "Perfect, we can head over there as soon as possible." I felt nervous about that. I got to my paws. " summon who?" Cora didn't answer. Neither did Hydro, I tightly pull my lips back. "How am I supposed to even help if you don't tell me what's going on?"  The one eyed jolteon was about to say something but then a voice cuts her off. "Erica! We need to talk." All three of us turn to see Lite running towards us. He seemed a bit tired. "Can it wait?" Hydro grumbled. But the Espeon shook his head. "No... it's Nova."
He breathed the words out. My fur stood up on edge hearing her name. I could see that Cora also froze but I couldn't read that blank face expression. "She's not important." Hydro growls looking to Cora. But the jolteon doesn't move. I pull my lips back ignoring the vaporeon as I watch Lite. "What's wrong? Did something happen to her?!" I asked in a panic. I felt heavier then before and my heart was beating way to fast for me. My legs grew weaker beneath me, I was expecting the worst to come out of his mouth. I then remembered how distressed she looked when I broke her heart. I broke her heart. The Espeon frowns at me. "The tribe has her ageist her will.... She's to mate with Gavin under oath." He finally says. His purple gaze looked as worried as I felt. They got her again? The nervous of that leafeon. I could feel my vans burning with anger, my teeth clutch together tightly. "We don't have time for this! Erica are you forgetting your place again?" Snarled Hydro. I couldn't really focus on what he was saying but I did hear Cora's sharp voice. "Shut up Hydro!" I felt startled by her out burst. The jolteons fur stood up like needles. "Have you forgotten your place?" She questioned the vaporeon. Hydro backed up looking surprised. Cora then relaxed and I could see a dark look behind her eye. She then whispered something to him, that seemed to get him to calm as well. Cora then faced to me. "Come on then, me and you will pay those leafeon's a visit." She said it with a crooked smile before turning her my one to Hydro. "Lite will go with you as you get everything ready for when i return...." The Vaporeon didn't look to pleased. He had a frown and his eyes tightened. He let a small growl out before responding. "Of course.... Cora." His voice sent a chill through my spine.  But soon enough he stalked away with Lite following after him. Leaving me alone with Cora.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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