Chatper 26 : Flareon of disaster (Past event)

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Pyro 's P.O.V

I was watching the vaporeon from a distance. It was early and I've been keeping my eyes on him to see if I can find out anything about him. 'Anything that can make him look bad....' it's been a good moon since I moved to town and a moon since Cora left me. 'And I have a feeling that Hydro stole her...' the jolteon has been seeing the vaporeon often and it was driving me mad. 'The vote is in a few days...  Arceus please show me anything about this vaporeon to ruin him.' "Pyro." My ears flicker as I see a leafeon coming my way. "... do i know you?"" I asked but soon realized him as that leafeon that was yelling at the sylveon. 'But how does he know me?' The leafeon smiled at me. "I know your sister and I also talk to Cora.... They told me a little about you." I frown a bit. "Your friends with Solar? Ugh I'm going to be honest. I don't like my sister, we where never close." It was true me and Solar are in some ways arrivals. Sure I'm nice to her but only around others or when I have to be. 'And same with her.' The leafeon frowns back. "We aren't friends... not a fan of that espeon but Cora is okay sometimes." He tells me. "Who are you?" I then demanded. I felt a bit annoyed with him. He smiled. "Call me Glenn. And believe me Pyro I think we'll be great friends... after all we have so much in common." He says narrowing his eyes walking past me. I look in the detection he's looking to see Hydro. "I've noticed you don't like Hydro... you want to be the next mayor... we'll my friend I'd be more then happy to help. We just need to find away to ruin his reputation and I think I know how." He gives me a mischievous smile. I remember what he was saying to the sylveon and I felt intrigued by his offer. "You know something about him don't you? So tell me... what is it and how do we expose him?" Glenn just chuckles. "Well Pyro that's what I need your help with... Hydro knows I'm on to him and so does his mate." I widen my eyes as I felt taken back. "He... he doesn't have a maté though!" I say but Glenn just rolled his eyes. "That's what everyone thinks... but i know the truth.. him and that sylveon are in a forbidden relationship... and we are going to show the hole town. Once they see that.... It's all over for hydro." He tells me in a low voice. I did feel shocked and relieved. 'So... then he's not trying to get with Cora.' I then speak. "They don't know that I'm on to them... I got a plan." I tell him as I then look at Pyro walking to the forest. "Leave it to me Glenn." I say as I take off after the vaporeon.

The grass was soft under my paws and it was a nice day the sun lit up the forest. Hydro was still in my eye sight as I call his name out. "Hydro! Wait up!" I say as I pick up my pass. The vaporeon jumps a bit startled by me. His eyes land on me. "Uh... Pyro right?" He says and I nods my head. "Yeah hey so where you heading? As mayor you really should stay in town right." They vaporeon just tilted his head before saying. "I like to just escape the town now and then... being the Mayor can be a lot sometimes." I just chuckled. " I bet... hey why don't I join you? I'm not that use to town, so maybe we can hunt?" I say putting on my fake face. The vaporeon looked annoyed by this. "Oh... I... um." Then I hear a voice. "Hydro." The vaporeons tail dropped as a sylveon walks up to us. "Oh... who are you?" He says now seeing that I'm here. "Hydro then speaks before I could say anything. "Ray this is Pyro.... He's new to town. And wanted to come with us to the lake." He say and I feel confused. "The lake? I asked if you wanted to hunt." Hydro just gives a smile. "Yeah and I'm a vaporeon... me and Ray go to the beach to hang out and I can go for a swim.... If I don't I'll dry out after all it's the reason I leave town every morning... heh that Leafeon tho I've noticed tries to follow me." I looked at Ray. "Oh.... As friends? Why do you never hang out in town together?" I asked them and Ray just laughed. "Because Hydro is to busy taking care of the town... we where friends since we're eevee's but we hardly get to hangout so we made this our time." He explains but I could sense that it wasn't the full truth. 'Hmm if I join them... and get close to them... become their friend maybe they'll open up yo me. And tell me the truth of their relationship.' I then lifted my head up to loo at them. "Yeah okay I can see that... we'll let's go then I wouldn't mind going to the lake." I say brightly. Hydro and Ray share a glance before Hydro smiles. "Alright then let's go." He then took the lead. Why did Hydros up bet personality bother me so much?

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