2. Cheese In The Trap

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Chan's head lazily rises up as the vibration's from his phone won't stop. Without looking at the screen he gently slides his finger through the it, hoping his alarm clock will stop, but it doesn't. With small confusion filling him up as he is still collecting his thoughts, he forces his eyes to open and takes a look at the phone screen.

The moment his eyes read the callers ID, his entire body raises up in a sitting position, with him grabbing his phone harder and clearing his throat, before answering the call.

"Hello sir." He says, but the fact that he just woke up is clear even though he tries to hide it.

"We have a lead on them, I need you in the meeting room in 15 minutes." Only one sentence is enough to raise Chan from his bed and make him look for his clothes.

"Yes sir, I will be there." They greet a small goodbye before Chan throws his phone on the bed, quickly sliding a shirt over his toned body and changing his lower pyjamas for a pair of trousers. He washes his face and fixes his hair quickly, as his eyes land on the reflection of the digital clock that is on his night stand.

"4.57am?? No wonder I'm tired." He says to himself knowing he fall asleep only 1 hour ago, and even then there was lot of effort put into him finally falling asleep. Once he is done he grabs his car keys and exits the apartment.

He arrives just on time, since there isn't much traffic on the streets at the moment. He enters the small room his two teammates already inside their eyes raising up at him to greet the oldest.

"Great, now that all of you are here." Their boss stands up from his chair and signals Chan to sit down next to Seungmin, before he turns to the electronic board where a video is prepared to be played. "Last night we got a lead on them. This video was takes by a guest that attended the party on which Mr. Goo was kidnaped, and later found on the rooftop hanging from the edge of the building." He starts the video.

Chan's eyes immediately land on a woman in her twenties. He watches her knock down 4 men in less than 3 minutes and drags Mr. Goo away right before the video ends.

"Hwang Manwol, the woman we never get a proper lead on was seen in Malaysia only last night, which means we can finally catch up to them."

"Who else was with her sir??" Soojin asks.

"We suspect she was with her usual team. Lee Minho and Seo Changbin." Two pictures with the two's basic information right next to them pop out on the screen.

"Are there any other videos or evidence they left behind other then this video??" Seungmin asks out of curiosity.

"Sadly no all the video footage they are on is already gone from the database as always, this was a reckless mistake made by them since they always make sure not to leave any traces that could lead us the them."

"So what information do we have on them. Why did they attend this party??" Chan's serious tone attracts everyone's attention.

"Since Mr. Goo's guards came on time and saved him, we got some information out of him. They were after some information that he had, so we assume they will trace down the date address where the information were send. That will lead them to only one stop." He turns to the board clicking a button on the remote in his hand. "The Han family." Han Jisung's face pops out on the screen leaving everyone confused." We ourselves don't know what the connection between them and the Han family is, but we know Han Jisung, the only heir that's left attended the party they were at in Malaysia. He told us that he wasn't there when the entire chaos started, but he did see Lee Minho, which lead us to assuming he and Seo Changbin were there as well. We haven't told Mr. Han about the fact that they are coming after him next, because the vice chairman of the company assured us they will provide protection for him, and also because his exams are coming up soon so they don't want to worry him."

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