23. Tik Tak BOOM

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Two days have passed since Chan and Seungmin found out who Soojin actually is. The two have managed to cope with it even though Chan seems to have less appetite then usually. He stopped including himself in conversations and spend more time inside the room he shares with Manwol. Seungmin isn't doing any better, but he at least got forced to do a few things like, play games with Hyunjin.

Jisung didn't seem to move anywhere neither. He didn't contact them, trying to stop himself from thinking about Minho or hearing the olders voice. He is craving it so badly. Just to hear Minho say one word. Even a single 'hi' would be ok. The wounds on his body remind him of Minho every time he looks in the mirror, not to mention the glasses he hasn't turned on for a while. He knows he should just go on but then again... why should he be the one that lives a normal life.

Is he trying so hard because that is what he has been wishing for this entire time. A crazy hot ass mother fucker just had to show up out of nowhere and kiss him. He went back to school and with all the exams coming he realized he is pretty much fucked since concentrating his mind right now is as difficult,as walking on a glass road 100 meters above the ground.

Inside the hotel the team is trying to figure out what now. They came up with a possible next step but for that they would need either Chan or Seungmin and their idea probably wouldn't excite the two. Since now they know who wants to kill them, the next step is to figure out why. She had a lot of information on Mr.Ri before them already, why not use them?? What was she struggling with even tho she had all that data. She probably knew about the old man Kisung as well so why not approach him before they did. She killed him as well.

Not to mention they are not even sure if she is responsible for everything that happened. Chan's theory stayed in Manwol's head ever since he mention that Mr.Ri might be the one that is trying to kill them. Nothing makes sense yet, and it's only confusing the entire group. The more they know the less sense it makes.

As the heavy atmosphere continues on their floor, Changbin still tries to keep it together and do something useful. Felix has been a bit down and quiet in the last few days as well. He knows his boyfriends nightmares keep increasing, but for some reason Felix won't talk to him and it just rips him inside. As far as he knows, he is the easiest person to talk to here. No matter what you have to say Changbin would listen without interrupting you, especially Felix. Changbin has always dropped everything for the boy, he has rushed to Felix every time the boy would silently cry in the bathroom, hug him after every nightmare and try to calm him down after every panic attack he would have. So why?? Why is Felix suddenly shutting him out. Did he do something wrong or does the younger just need space??

With a sight Changbin takes one more box filled with groceries from the ground in the hallway and starts carrying it toward the kitchen. They always get send boxes filled with food so they don't have to go downstairs and do it themselves. On halfway through the hallway he can already feel his left palm start to ache. He ignores it and just carries on until finally feeling a snap in his palm and immediately dropping the entire box.

"Aghhh.." He lets out a quiet whine leaning on the wall and bringing his hand up to his chest to try and suffocate the pain that the sudden cramp causes. A door open on his left and Chan's head pops out. He notices the box on the ground with spilled vegetables and fruits, as well as the obvious pain on Changbin's face.

"You good??" He asks walking out. His face drained and lips barely moving as he mumbles those two words out. Chan never looked like the type that get's much sleep but in this moment he looks like an absolute zombie.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I can manage." Changbin pushes himself from the wall still holding his left hand up feeling it twitch in pain as he bends down to lift the box. He starts to pick up the things that fall out and soon after notices Chan bend down and do the same. When they are finished Chan lifts the box up and carrying it all the way to the kitchen, where he drops it on the counter. "Thanks." Changbin says not used to Chan not talking almost at all.

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