34. I Am Yellow (PART 1)

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-Sexual assault
-Mention of rape
-Mentions of suicide
-Mentions of anxiety
-Mentions of depression
-Physical abuse
-Mental abuse

NOTE: Please understand that since Felix is Australian they originally speak English in the first two parts of his story. After the team shows up though they speak Korean and whenever English is spoken it will be shown in text like this.


"Felix get here we have to get inside." His mother takes his hand as she starts walking toward the airplane line. Felix's pouty face looks toward his younger sister seeing her stick out her tongue at him as the last cookie they fought over just seconds ago is now in her hand a teasing smirk on her face. 

While his mother is holding his hand, his father is dragging his younger sister behind himself. They enter the plane short after finding their seats and sateling down.

"Mom why didn't unnie come??" His sister asks stretching her body from the window seat.

"She already told you a thousand times." Felix bugs in. "She has exams." He mumbles before rolling his eyes.

"Felix be nicer to your sister." His mother scolds from in between them.

"She is mean to me ever since we left home." The 14 years old boy complains.

"She just likes to mess around." His mother ruffles his hair before giving him a small smile. "Cut her some slack. You know she likes the attention." A wink is send toward his direction as his sister yells a small 'Hey'. "Now please kids be quiet we are not the only people here." She continues her voice lowering into a whisper.

"Are they fighting again??" Felix's father comes back from the bathroom with a smile on his face. "Cut it out kids. You should be happy you'll see Seoul for the first time." He doesn't stop talking even once he is seated. Rambling of how beautiful his birth country is and so on. Unfortunately all three family members soon start ignoring him as the man keeps on talking and talking.

"Dad." Felix calls out cutting off the man. "There are old people on the plain. They need peace and quiet to rest so let's be quiet for them." Felix says with a kind smile on his face. His father looks around noticing the only old couple on the plane before turning to his son and nodding his head.

"Ok. I'll do as you say my son. Since you are so considerate toward other people." His tone almost sounds hurt as he crosses his legs and opens the news paper he brought in with himself. Felix let's out a laugh before finally focusing on the music on his mp3. He put's the earphones in and lays his head back on his the head rest of his seat letting his eyes slowly close and soon after drift off to sleep.

He is shaken up by multiple screams. His eyes slowly open everything around him still a black blur as he tries to clear his vision. He can feel a hand pressing against his chest quickly tracing it to his mother.

"Mom??" He mumbles before seeing the horror in the man's eyes.

"Everybody shut up!!" A deep voice suddenly screams a few meters away from them. Felix raises up his gaze his eyes falling onto a tall man. He has a black mask over his face with a cap covering his long black hair that is tied in a ponytail. Over his muscular left hand he has a tattoo spreading over his biceps and up disappearing into the short sleeved black shirt before revealing itself back on his neck. What catches his attention the most is the gun in his hands that is pointed directly toward the passengers of the plain.

"Mom.. are they going to kill us??" His sister asks while the plain is in pure silence immediately attracting their attention.

"I said quiet kid." The man first looks toward them, his stone cold eyes drilling a whole through the child, then after a second or two, he walks toward their seats leaning onto the father's seat while bending down at the three. "A family trip I see." His eyes trace over Felix who doesn't even dare to look at him keeping his gaze low, the continue to his mother and right after to the little girl. "Come here." He signals with his fingers only to see the girl shook her head back at him. "Come." He says again the small smile already dropping from his face. The girl doesn't move an inch only looks up at her mother before being slightly pushed back by her mothers protective hand in front of her.

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