38. Escape The Dark Neverland

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A cough leaves her mouth as she pulls her head back up. Her neck is sore and face swollen but she still suppresses the feeling of pain and looks up. She is still in the same dirty room as before only now she can feel all the pain that is roaming through her body.

The beating she received earlier and then the strange people that came in just before she blacked out. Questions form inside her head, but the energy to find an answer is not there.

She slowly shifts on the chair letting out a moan of pain before looking up at the ceiling. 'How long has it been?? I feel like someone drilled a hole inside my body and that patched it up in less then a minute. I can't stay here for any longer. I need to know if everyone got out safely. And what happened to Chan and Felix. Fuck.. Fucking crap.'

She pushes the overwhelming emotions down her throat and pulls her hands but in no vain. They are still tied to the chair with visible red lines formed on her wrists. She can see small cuts that were created from the rope earlier and moving her hand doesn't help for the pain to stop, in fact, it hurts even more. She can't see any daylight or anything that would tell her which part of the day it is, but her gut is telling her it's been a few hours and it might be earl morning around 8 or 9 am.

Considering the fact she has been here for a while tells her the boys especially Minho have either not returned yet, are in a critical condition or are dead. In the early years she wouldn't have a problem with considering the option that they might have been eliminated if they took too long but now the thought of that crushes her heart. She can not imagine stepping on a mission out there without the two or simply without any of the people that are with her for the past one month. She has even grown considerate of Jisung even tho they are not as close as him and the boys.

She let's minutes pass by with the air becoming heavier and heavier and her body slowly growing numb to the pain. At some point the door open behind her again but she doesn't bother to look up.

"Changbin and Minho created quiet a fuss you know." She can recognize the voice very well, but that's not what catches her attention. Soojin's words make her finally move her gaze to the woman that is now standing once again in front of her. "They blew up a few cars, beat up a few of my man, killed a few as well but of what cost." Soojin's smug smile crawls under Manwol's skin as she watches her with a hard glare. "One got hit on the head and is somewhere passed out in the forest, probably froze to death. The other two fall into the Han river and drowned. There goes half of your team in one night." Manwol finally snaps jumping up on the chair, dragging it on the floor by a few inches as she lunches forward out of anger. The rope holds her back bruising her wrists and ankles more, with now fresh blood tracing down her skin in small drops.

"You bitch!! What did you do to them!?"

"Me?? Nothing. It's all Jisung's fault. He did all of this." The fact that she is blaming it all on her little brother so easily fascinates Manwol even more. But she can't stop but wonder if the words that came out of this woman's mouth are the truth or just dirty lies. She finds it hard to believe that Minho and Changbin would be taken out so easily. After all, they as a team went through so many similar situations and the worse that ever happened were major injuries. It's true that this has been their toughest challenge so far but she still wants to push the bad thoughts away. She wants to believe in them. They would never give up. Even if they are dehydrated, losing blood and vomiting they would never give up on surviving.

"You are shameless."

"Of course I am. How is it my fault?? If Jisung didn't get involved with that crazy maniac you call a teammate, they would have never left the hotel last night."

"Is Jisung also guilty for the hotel burning down huh??" Manwol's patience is slowly runs out. Her entire body is still tensed up as she is glaring at the person in font of her.

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