40. Family of St(r)ay

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The cold material sends shivers up his spine when he finally pulls the shirt over his head. Right after bringing Manwol to the orphanage him, Jeongin and Jisung immediately took the short trip to one of the hospitals where one of the organization member works. That's how they got their hands on a few plastic bags of O blood type.

They returned just in time before Minho passed out. While taking care for both of them they also had to make sure to get Chan out of the room to eat and change his clothes. Non of them ate before 2pm today and even a few minutes ago they decided to help out the staff with the thigs for the kids.

Thankfully the house is so big that non of the kids saw any blood or never witnessed any of them passing out. Now when Felix finally has time to let his mind rest he sits down on the bed next to Changbin taking in a deep breath and collapsing on the bed. It's almost 8pm and he still hasn't eaten dinner. Non of them have. Having all of the members at once place again is a relief but they can't help but feel a bit gloomy knowing Changbin and Manwol are still passed out. Changbin got a pretty bad hit on the head so it's no surprise he is taking his time, while Manwol almost died.

During the last few hours Felix got to awake some old memories though. As he told Chan, after the team rescued him, him and Changbin stayed in this very house for a few months until both of them recovered. Of course Felix needed a lot more time to heal from the trauma he has gone through, and Changbin's wound got better after a few months. Changbin cheered him up despite not being able to speak for almost 2 months. He comforted him and was there through every panic attack.

On the outside the house looks pretty small for an orphanage, but once you enter you can see the big space. It makes you feel like you entered a magical castle. The first few rooms looking like a normal living room and a kitchen on the right side of the stairs, but once you walk through the small hallway you can see the huge dinning room with at least 100 seats. Felix always thought it looks like the dinning room from Hogwarts. The Harry Potter books. After that the rooms spread into class rooms and play rooms. What he really loved about this place while he was staying here is the small party's the staff would organise every Friday. Kids get to sing, dance and choose to play the music they like. Manwol really made sure she gave them the best childhood experience she could even if they didn't have any families back then. Despite all of the kids she and the team saved back them now being adults all over the world she kept the orphanage going with kids that they would find or just kids that would lose their parents in accidents and had nowhere to go. She took in many teenagers that she saw living on the streets.

Not only this orphanage but she kept 5 orphanages opened all over Korea for kids. Since the number of kids they saved back then was huge she didn't have any other choice then to open at least five of them around Korea. After seeing the progress the kids make she decided to open a few over seas as well as started donating to children organizations. The idea was originally Minho's then they both brought it to life together.

The second floor of the house is just a long corridor with 10 doors on each side with at least 5 beds inside. Two bunk beds and one normal one. Boys were always on the left side while girls took the right. On the end of the corridor 4 bathrooms each having multiple showers and sinks.

And on the third floor are the staff rooms. Their rooms are on the end of the corridor where the hallway splits to a small pass through where another pair of stairs is leading to the attic where they keep everything that should not be seen by the staff or kids. Mostly the girls make sure the room is under a key but for them, since not all the staff here know who their owner really is. However they still have 4 rooms to themselves always reserved, which is where he is right now.

He forces himself to get up again but before he get's to stand up he hears the covers next to him ruffle.

"Lix.." He hears a mumble. His eyes widen in surprise and he doesn't waste any time to turn to Changbin. The older is still trying to open his eyes while having on hand grip on his forehead in hopes the spin in his head will be slower once he grips on the wound.

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