16. Overheat

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"Is Sam your english name??" Seungmin asks, as him and Hyunjin just sit down on the floor in Jeongin's room looking for things to do.

"Yeh. It was the name my sister gave to me after sending me to Avstralia. We had to hide my identity in order to get me away from all the dirty deals and contracts my dad got us involved into." He answers back as his fingers keep playing with the zipper on his hoodie sweatshirt. "There weren't many options if she decided to go with the name Sam I guess."

"Or she's just really bad in English and didn't budge much." Seungmin says with a chuckle escaping his lips. He makes Hyunjin laugh for a second before continuing. "You're not so bad of a person actually." Hyunjin's head turns toward the younger in slight curiosity and surprise.

"How come you changed your mind. I thought me and my family are devils for you."

"Ohh well." Seungmin looks up at the ceiling thinking of his next words. "When I heard about what happened to Chan hyung's family I truly despised everyone here. I even didn't like you. But after clearing my head and thinking about it more objectively I figured that it can't be your fault. You're just as screwed as me." Seungmin laughs at his own words. "I still don't know what to expect from a person like your sister but-"

"Can you stop saying that." Hyunjin's tone suddenly gets more rough. "You keep saying "from a person like her" like she is a serial killer." He says getting slightly sensitive over the topic. He has been holding this down for so long and every time him and Seungmin would take off to a good start, Seungmin would say something that ruins the mood instantly.

"Isn't she though. She's a killer and a criminal how do you expect me to define her??" Suddenly Hyunjin gets up and makes those two steps toward Seungmin before falling down on one of his knees both of his legs on one side of the younger's waist. His hands take Seungmin collar in them pulling him slightly toward himself.

"Yes, she maybe killed a lot of people and yes, she did steal and she has done so many illegal things that brought harm to some people but do you even know what she has gone through?!" Hyunjin's tone start getting more and more aggressive with every word that leaves his tongue." You know, Chan is not the only one who had it hard in the past and even now. You have no idea how many things she has done against her own will. If you were in her shoes you would have never had the courage to walk down those stairs.." He stops for a moment, feeling his eyes getting teary. "You would have never had the courage to walk into a room filled with your mother's blood. To put a bullet in between your father's eyes.. and overtake every dirty organization he has ever run in his life. To not even care about yourself as you sent your brother to another continent in order not to get him involved with any illegal shit, while you top the wanted list of the NIS.... To keep that stupid sarcasm in your voice no matter how you feel. To be alone for so long keeping all those things to yourself. Do you even know she burned out mother on her own??" The tears drop down his cheeks as he whispers his last words out. He let's go of Seungmin's shirt standing back up and turning away wiping his tears off. "Why do you have to ruin my mood every time."

"I'm- I'm sorry. I never knew-"

"Then don't talk like you do." Hyunjin storms out of the room loudly shutting the door behind himself.

"Fuck." Seungmin let's out a sight while rifling his hair in frustration. "What's wrong with me this days."


"Ji-Jisung??" Minho's eyes land on the man's squeezed body. Drops of sweat falling down the side of his face as his hands hug his own body, his feet trying to push each other under one another from the cold. He is shaking like a puppy that has been forced to spend the night out on a cold winter.

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