3. Tom And Jerry In The Building

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"We are inside." Seungmin says as him and Soojin enter the big room. He can see tall round tables sorted through the room, and people standing behind them. On the right side a small stage is set and on the left side tables. Around the round room there are at least 6 exit doors.

"Ok, now blend it with the guests so when they arrive you stay unnoticed." Chan speaks through the mic. As planned, he has been left behind in the van, where the windows are tinted so nobody can see inside.

Without a bigger problem Seungmin and Soojin step further into the room, and a minute later someone already approaches them.

"Hello. I haven't seen you before, do I know you??" A woman asks as she exchanges a look between Seungmin and Soojin.

"Hello mam my name is Tan Seohe and this is my twin brother Tan Jaemin. We just recently returned from out studies in France, that's why you may not know us." Soojin says with a small smile playing to her lips as she grips on Seungmin's hand and pulls him closer to herself.

"Ohh I see.. Do you work here then??" The woman asks yet another question, making Seungmin almost roll his eyes.

"Our parents wanted us to return so we can help them manage the business. Also, Mr. Han invited us to the event himself, since we are old friends." Seungmin makes it up. Even though he just went off the script of all the things he's supposed to say, he still manages to control the situation.

"That's very good, very good. I hope to see you around Mr. Tan, Miss Tan." The woman says before walking off. Seungmin and Soojin just give her a small bow before exchanging a glance with each other.

"We will blend in. Inform us if you notice them hyung." Seungmin says to Chan earning only a silent hum from the older.

On the other side, Minho and Changbin are crawling through the air duct, trying to get to the elevator as unnoticed as possible.

"YAAA!! Get you foot out of my mouth!!" Minho whisper shouts at Changbin, who stopped at the split of the air duct.

"Sorry, but I don't know where to go??" He says as he peekes on both sides of the air duct.

"Left. And after a minute or two, you'll exit right above the elevator." Jeongin guides them through, and right after Changbin slowly and quietly starts to move again.

"This is so stupid." Minho mumbles, but everyone manage to hear him thanks to the small echo.

"What's up with you?? You are so grumpy today, did you even sleep??" Manwol asks as she leans toward Jeongin to look at the laptop screen, where a red dot is blinking reputedly, showing them the boys location.

"No, I was taking that video off the internet." Minho answers while crawling after Changbin.

"Why do you never follow a single order. Last night you didn't sleep in the hotel, you didn't sleep on the plane, and now you didn't sleep at home neither. If your tired ass collapses somewhere, I am leaving you to the cops." Manwol says dropping her usual sarcastic tone.

"Good to know." Minho answers not bothered even one bit by her words.

"Don't fight again... Why do you guys always have to fight on missions??" Jeongin asks as his head turns toward Manwol.

"Leave it I.N-ie, it's in their nature." Changbin says only to earn a smack on the butt from Minho.

"You are no better you pig." Minho says.

"Aaa hyung!! That hurts." Changbin mumbles. It doesn't take long for Changbin to forget the olders words before he turns around and continuous. He finally comes to the end of the air duct. He forcefully opens it and as he is about to push himself out, Minho hits him on the but causing him to fly out of the vent.

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