45. Silent Cry (PART 2)

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"Is it here??" Felix asks as he looks out of the window at the warehouse. "She chose the same location as last time." He continues confusing Changbin and Manwol.

"What do you mean??" The girl finally asks.

"This is the place where we found you." Chan says looking at the warehouse. The night is slowly setting with small traces of light coming from the windows just below the roof of the warehouse. "Let's go." He mumbles opening the car door and getting out. "Changbin and Felix wait here, if you by any chance notice something strange make sure you are safe first ok??"

"We will wait right here hyung." Changbin says knowing that even if they see something strange, they will never drive off alone. Chan just nods at the younger already feeling Manwol next to himself waiting. They look at each other one last time before Chan leads the way to the door.

"Stay close." He mumbles to her with his hand on the door knob. With a slow push on the rusty metal he opens the door and steps inside, one hand on the gun, not sure of what is waiting for them inside.

"Just come in already!!" Soojin's annoyed voice surprises both of them. "I can see you on the fucking cameras, and no need to be careful, I will not kill you... yet." They can tell she just wants Mr. Ri as soon as possible making them exchange yet one more look.

Chan relaxes his body for a split second as he pushes the door fully open, and walks inside of the warehouse. His eyes trace over the place. No heavy security just Soojin and two man next to her. Both him and Manwol walk forward quietly a hard glare inside the girls eyes.

"Did you bring Ri?? I don't see him." Soojin rolls her eyes. "Don't waste my time, just say it if you are here to beg, I might reconsider killing a few members of your team." They don't let Soojin's threatening scare them, knowing she just loves to talk.

"Mr. Ri is not a person." Manwol starts off the conversation calmly. "All this time we have been looking for a person while the answer was a memory card." She pulls out the memory card out of her pocket holding it in between her two fingers.

"Of course." Soojin mumbles. "Well let's get this over with." She pulls out a bag and Minho's laptop out of it. "Here is your junk. Never turned even on. I'm sure my brothers boyfriend can confirm that." Manwol freezes on her feet. How does she know?? Even a few days ago. How does she know about Minho and Jisung?? There is no doubt she found out from the mole that Jisung is helping them but there is no way she would find out about Minho's and Jisung's relationship so easily.

"I have a question before we do the exchange." Manwol's sudden change of plan makes Chan raise his head up and look at her. "How did you find out about Mr. Ri??" She asks realizing she has never heard Soojin talk about it.

"Why the curiosity??" Soojin's raised brow couldn't be more annoying.

"It's over anyway. Can't hurt if you tell me."

"If you insist." Soojin shrugs her shoulders. "Around 6 years ago I got a letter. Inside, it explained everything our fathers worked on and how their project developed to the point where one of them decided to step out. It also said how my stupid father will leave all his inheritance to my younger brother, who at the time I didn't know existed. I didn't know I even had father. I lived with my drunk mother who couldn't even put food at the table how was I supposed to know my father and brother are well off rich." The anger and annoyance is obvious in her tone as she bites her inner cheek. "So after I got this letter with a bunch of documents proving that I am indeed blood related to my father and that he indeed knew about me and my.. condition, we could say. He willingly sent me to live with that woman at the other side of the country, just so his son could have a normal childhood. However, I didn't let that happen. I decided to steel everything away from him and destroy his life as much as possible. This letter explained everything I had to do and the person who sent it to me gave me an email where they instructed me and let me know every secret you guys have. Your every move."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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