15. In My Old Memory

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Changbin ruffles his hair looking himself in the mirror. His wet hair falling down on his forehead and small drops of water traveling down his skin. He shakes his head hard, shaking off the water that is still hiding in his hair before exiting the bathroom.

"Hey Lix can you-" He cuts himself off as the younger quickly covers his torso with his shirt. "What was that." Changbin immediately comes closer ready to pull his shirt up.

"Nothing. It's nothing." Felix moves away from him, but not even a second later he gets caught it Changbin's arms.

"No, you're telling me now. Is this why you didn't want me to touch you the first day you came back??" He says concern filling his features. He gently grips on Felix's wrists looking at the younger while he just tries to avoid his gaze. "Come on look at me." He says softly.

Felix's eyes soon after raise up to his "Sorry.." He mumbles out. "It's just a scratch, I didn't want anyone to worry too much. And you were hurt as well so I wanted you to take it easy." He says lifting his shirt up revealing an unfinished patched up bandage.

"Lix... baby." Changbin eyes scan the bandage as he lowers his head down. "Sit down I'll patch you up till the end." He is already getting up to grab the first air kit from the bathroom when Felix catches his wrist.

"Can you dress up first??" The younger asks his eyes fixed on Changbin's toned body. From overwhelmness he completely forgot he just got out of the shower, with only a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing more.

"Why?? Is the view too much for you??" With a small smirk on his face he stands up straight in front of the boy showing off his muscles with a proud look on his face.

"No. You want to take off the towel too??" Felix teases back out of stubbornness. A slight blush forms on Changbin's cheeks, him trying to hide it with a shy smile.

"Ok, ok. I'll get dressed."

After a minute Felix is sitting down on the chair with Changbin kneeling in front of him (not what you think dummy) his hands gently brushing the gauze over his knife wound. Disinfecting it before he puts a bandage over it and sticks it on Felix's skin with a few tapes.

"It's done." He says looking up at Felix with a sweet smile. "You should have told me." He says switching to a more serious tone.

"If I did, you would ignore your wound and not let me do anything."

"That's not true!!" Changbin quickly defends himself suddenly feeling attacked.

"Yes it is!! You're way to overprotective sometimes!!"

"Yes but sometimes!! That doesn't mean all the time!!" He let's out a sight closing his eyes and holding his finger up. Felix seeing all of this mimics his action, making fun of the older. "How did it even happen??" He asks.

"It was the morning before you guys came. Hyunjin wanted to go out for breakfast. I tried to talk him into ordering delivery but he just gave me a nasty look, so I knew he won't go with it. I gave up fast and we went out but not long after I noticed the same guy from the day before and I became anxious in matter of seconds. Since Hyunjin noticed it I wanted to shake off the man fast so I told Hyunjin to go ahead and order, while I went back and waited for the man. The moment I got the chance I jumped him up but he brought a knife out and sliced me up. I just knocked him down after that and used his shirt to hide the bleeding from Hyunjin. The wound wasn't serious so I held in until we went back to the dorm where I quickly escaped to the bathroom. After I wrapped it up I left the dorm because we had practice-"

"You practiced with that wound?!?!" Changbin asks looking at him with wide eyes.

"No. No. I said I wasn't feeling well. So they let me sit that one out." Felix explain placing his arms on Changbin's shoulders trying to calm him down.

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