32. Kill me, heal me

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"We have to go." Jisung mumbles as he takes off his jacked following by his hoodie and then his undershirt exposing his wet body to the cold.

"What are you doing??" Minho asks but soon realizes when Jisung wraps his undershirt around his leg in hopes he slows down the bleeding a bit more. He puts back on his wet clothes and bents down pulling Minho's arm around his own neck.

"We have to find a place to hide otherwise they are gonna find us." He says feeling the way Minho's body is already shivering. "Or we'll just freeze to death." He starts moving forward with Minho slowly moving his feet.

"What about Changbin?? We can't just leave him here."

"I know. I know, but if we go up there we will just be a burden to him. He will find a way to escape hyung." Minho weakly shakes his head stopping his movements.

"I can't leave him."

"Hyung!!" Jisung almost shouts. "You're shaking, your leg is bleeding like crazy. We are both soaking wet in the middle of winter and out of the three of us Changbin hyung is the most capable person right now. We need to get dry and change clothes. Just please.. shut up and let me take care of you this once." Minho can't argue much knowing Jisung is right. Maybe if his leg wouldn't have an entire cut over it he would still try to go up and help his bother but he is just not capable of doing anything right now.

"Fine." He mumbles opening his eyes just enough to see Jisung's exhausted face. Blood on his jacket. Wet hair falling down on his forehead. Lips blue and eyes fully open. He is obviously cold and exhausted yet determined. "Where are we going??"

"I need to find a phone. I'll call Brian hyung to pick us up. There is a patrol station a kilometre from here just hang on." Minho gives him a weak nod before they start walking next to the edge of the wood to find a way back to the road from where they can go on.


Changbin quickly runs back to the woods where he knocked down the group of man. He grabs two random guns and checks if they are loaded before turning around and randomly shooting them toward the two cars that just stopped in front of him.

He bends down the moment he realizes he is overpowered. With every gunshot he steps deeper into the woods. Feet stumbling on the dirty grass and eyes focused on every possible movement. His back hits a tree behind him causing him to completely stop. For a few seconds he just stands there taking in the picture of the moving men.

The moment the first body comes closer he decides to stop hiding and make his move. He places on gun behind his belt before punching the man in the jaw and kicking him back, the man's back slamming against a tree. Just like that more of them come. Changbin can feel himself getting slammed against the wet tree trunk. His face drags over it small scratches and cuts all over it. At some point he feels the magazine of a gun make contact with his already wounded skull but he doesn't let that get in his way as he grabs on the gun and uses the one in his own hand to shoot the man in the stomach feeling his weight starting to drop down on him. He manages to escape before he would get pulled to the ground now panting hard.

He quickly forces himself up and doesn't let himself rest as he takes the other gun from behind his back and starts shooting toward the few remaining men. Barely catching his breath as the bullets leave the tube of the gun with a loud noise each time, he manages to wound most of them finishing off the job slowly and carefully not to get hurt. Once his blurry vision can't see a single movement he let's the gun drop out of his grip.

The smell of blood invades his nose. His body heavy and mind blurry as he looks around at the lifeless bodies. The cold weather makes him shiver. Small waves of wind moving his hair in front of his eyes as he stands in the middle of the woods. He tries to take a step forward but stumbles and falls down on his knees. With half of his face and clothes being covered with blood it's hard even to move normally. His mind wanders off to Minho and Han, wondering if the two made it out alive. He wants to stand up and look for them but his itching body can't seem to agree with his mind. Feeling the pain from his head he finally let's himself slam on the ground like a cut off tree. His eyes close the moment his head hits the dirt covered with leaves, leaving him into complete dark.

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