27. Crossed Strings

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"Sit down." Manwol says to Minho the moment he enters the room. He doesn't oppose and sits next to Chan behind the dining table down in the kitchen. "We have to do something about this. She just went too far with almost blowing up Seungmin and Hyunjin." She is looking directly at Chan. The man is staring back at her knowing what message she is trying to send him. "I need you back on your feet Chan." Her eyes are almost begging him. He keeps looking at her for a few more seconds before tearing his gaze away.

The way Seungmin was barely keeping his eyes open when him and Changbin came to the scene. How his voice shook more and more with every word that came out of his mouth. The fear inside his eyes. He can't let that happen again. Like the guilt he feels because Seungmin is involved in all of this isn't already enough.

"You have a plan on your mind right??" He asks looking back at Manwol who just gives him a thin smile.

"Yes." She says softly before leaning on the table in front of herself. "I want you to meet up with her. We can only assume she doesn't know anything about us working together or Jisung. But she's going to find out soon anyway." Most of the heads turn toward her but before they ask any questions Jeongin places a laptop on the edge of the table.

"The accident Hyunjin hyung and Seungmin hyung were in was filmed by several people. It's was even on tonight's news, so it's pointless to try and take down the videos." Minho sinks down on the chair while ruffling his own hair.

His only thought is how this can possibly effect Jisung?? The dots don't connect to that point so he should be fine.

"Just go and act like you don't have a clue who she is."

"But why?? What do you get out of this meeting." Manwol looks at him.

"I want to know her next step. I don't know why but I feel like we are getting played. Nothing makes sense anymore. What does she want from us or why is she after Hyunjin who has nothing to do with this?? I need to know how she thinks in order to end this fast and I'm going to accomplish that with this." She holds up a small device in a size of an mp3.

"What is that??" Chan asks.

"No idea. Minho will use it to connect to her phone and after her laptop, house security system and so on. You need to be in 2 meters rage for this buddy to work tho. That's why you are meeting her."

"So I just talk to her long enough." Chan mumbles to himself.

"She's kinda out of her mind so killing us might also be her only goal." Minho remarks returning back to Manwol's previous words.

"But why the ones that have nothing to do with our families. Why Hyunjin or Seungmin. Ever since that party she hasn't touched neither me or Chan it makes no sense."

"I can agree on that." Changbin says from the other side of the table. "Even me and Minho hyung should be a bigger target than Hyunjin and Seungmin. It is a bit weird. Hyunjin is an original heir though." He crosses his hands in front of his chest now falling deep in thoughts. "If you meet her somewhere public we can cover for you in case things go wrong."

"That was on my mind. Meet her at the café you guys usually visited together. I can take the sniper and Jeongin will go undercover." Everyone's heads raise up as Jeongin's name comes out of her mouth. "Don't look at me like that. Minho and Changbin are the top wanted criminals so it's a no and she already knows Felix. Jeongin has experience on the field and he knows how to handle himself." Even though she praises the younger the worry is already crawling underneath her skin.

Having two people in her team hurt is more then enough and if Jeongin gets hurt it's going to tear her heart apart. She has watched the younger go through so many ups and downs. Watching him grow up and start to express himself. Seeing him get hurt so many times in the past made her take him off the field. He has an amazing tell for danger and can easily find his way through any situation without creating a mess. An amazing mind with the gun but too young for her to let his name top the NIS list. She wants him to live a normal life after graduating but then again, he refuses to leave the people who raised him.

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