6. The Reunited Traitors

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"Is this the right door??" Changbin asks, as he keeps trying to get inside, while the other three are guarding the hallways for any students that might come in the meantime.

"Open it and we'll know. It's hard to miss your boyfriends collection of plushies." Minho says as he walks toward Changbin who is kneeling in front of the door, with his eyes lined up with the lock on the door.

"My boyfriends plushies are the cutest thing in this world." Changbin says as he finally turns the tool in his hand, and the lock unlocks.

"Finally, it's been 5 minutes." Manwol says and walks toward them, pulling Jeongin with her as well. They get inside the room, and that's when they immediately see the almost perfectly tidy environment. If you ignore the dirty socks and underwear that are thrown next to one of the beds, the room is almost as neat as a cat's households. Two beds on each side, and as expected one is covered with plushies. In between them there are two desks and on them, numerous books and pencils. Notes hanging from the edges of the drawers in front of them, and even more notes stuck on the big window between the two desks.

Manwol walks inside, and sits on one of the chairs in front of what she assumes is her brothers desk. Her eyes wander through the notes from different kinds of classes, to his drawings and paintings, and eventually they land to the set of pictures Hyunjin has stuck on the right side of his desk. She looks at pictures on which are mostly him and Felix. One shows the two jumping into a pool, smiles wide. Another one that seems to be a selfie, shows asleep Felix with his cheeks red but on his face he has drawn multiple characters and lines, while Hyunjin is next to him with a bottle of alcohol in his hand and the V pose created with his fingers, once again smile wide on both sides of his lips.

She lets out a small chuckle not even realizing she is smiling at herself. She keeps going through the memories the two boys have made together over the past few years, before her eyes land on a picture she never thought she will see here. The picture she has on her desk back at home. The picture she and her brother took on their last trip with their mother. The last winter she spend with him when he was 15, and she 17. They are both wrapped in warm clothier with the scarfs covering their noses, but you can see they were smiling just from looking them into the eyes. Both of them have one arm over the body of the snowman they made back then, since they didn't know what else to do.

She keeps staring at the photo for a few seconds not even noticing when Changbin takes off his shoes and jumps on Felix's bed, sniffing in his boyfriends scent. He hugs Felix's pillow and cracks on a small smile on his face, while Minho just rolls his eyes and sits on Hyunjin's bed, leaning the walking crutch on the edge. He looks down at his wound suddenly remembering Jisung shaky hands that helped him last night. He hated it when people get involved with him more than they should, but on the other hand he keeps using the guy for his own needs.

"Wow they have a lot of pictures." Jeongin says as he leans down at Felix's desk, looking at the ones he has as well. "They also study really ha-" He gets cut off by the door suddenly opening, making all of them snap out of their thoughts, and look up at the confused black haired boy.

The moment his eyes finally land on the four people, that are spread all over his room he immediately takes a few steps backwards, hitting the door behind himself. Changbin sits up on the bed realization finally hitting him that he forgot to mention one small detail to his teammates. Hyunjin's eyes keep switching from Minho on his bed, to Manwol behind his desk, then to Jeongin's small panicked face, and finally to Changbin's terrified one.

A moment of silence takes over the room as Hyunjin realizes he can recognise three of the people in this room, while one stays a mystery to him.

"What- what are you-" He points toward all of them. "-doing here??" Manwol just gives him a warm smile before getting up, and jumping on the bed next to Minho.

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